
  • The Protector;guardian
  1. 我视他为我的朋友和保护者。

    I regarded him as my friend and protector .

  2. 他们的保护者,他们当中最强壮的和最神智健全的(b派特康罗伊)

    Their protector , the strongest and sanest of them all ( bPat Conroy )

  3. 他从来没有真正赞同过动物权利保护者的目标。

    He has never really sympathized with the aims of Animal Rights activists .

  4. 对森林的商业开发所带来的影响让智利的自然资源保护者们感到忧心忡忡。

    Conservationists in Chile are concerned over the effect of commercial exploitation of forests

  5. 这座房子年久失修,但一群古建筑保护者已翻盖了房顶。

    The house fell into disrepair but a group of preservationists have reconstructed the roofs .

  6. 动物权利保护者指出动物园实际上是动物的牢笼,经常很残酷地对待动物。

    Animal rights advocates argue that zoos are really animal prisons and very often cruel .

  7. 动物权利保护者和该国多家动物园展开了越来越激烈的论战。

    Animal rights activists have been engaged in an increasingly bitter war of words with many of the nation 's zoos .

  8. 该协议强调了意大利作为艺术和文化的良好保护者的全球声誉。

    The accord underlined Italy 's global reputation as a good steward of art and culture .

  9. 这时,一只狮子出现在他们的视野中,由于驴夫的出现,狮子没有骚扰家驴,直接扑向了没有保护者的野驴,立即吃掉了野驴。

    A wild ass the pack-ass owing to the presence of the driver , but he fell upon the wild ass , who had no one to protect him , and without more ado made a meal of him .

  10. 独立董事(IndependentDirector)作为公司利益的保护者,在现代市场经济中发挥着越来越来重要的作用。

    As the protector of the interest of the company , the independent director plays a more and more important role in the modern market economy .

  11. 环境保护者正在起诉Poseidon海水淡化方式的每一步骤。

    Environmentalists are suing Poseidon every step of the way .

  12. 演员HarrisonFord则把这只两栖动物放在自己的肩膀上,说自己是一个生态环境保护者,也是青蛙的朋友。

    Actor Harrison Ford has the amphibian on his shoulder and says he is both a conservationist " and friend of frogs " .

  13. Jones是犀牛拥有者和自然资源保护者组织的代表,该组织认为保护犀牛最好的办法就是取消对犀牛角贸易的限制。

    Jones represents a group of rhino owners and conservationists who now say the best way to save the rhino is to lift the ban on the rhino horn trade .

  14. 阿拉斯托·穆迪:ALASTOR是从亚历山大脱化而来,即人类的保护者。

    Alastor Moody : or Alastair , is from the name Alexander ," protector of mankind " .

  15. 一旦网络安全问题落在像Kaminsky这样的保护者肩头,他必须得说服其他专家共同认识到问题的严重性。

    Internet security rests on the shoulders of people like Kaminsky , who had to persuade other experts that the problem was real .

  16. 动物权益保护者现在希望可以将Arturo转移到另一个环境更凉快的动物园里。现在Arturo唯一的降暑方式就是在一个只有50厘米深的池塘里游泳。

    Animal rights activists now want Arturo - whose only access to cooling water in his enclosure is said to be a pool just 20in ( 50cm ) deep - moved to another zoo that offers cooler conditions .

  17. 大多数固定保护绳事故都是由于保护者的失误造成的。

    Most belay accidents are caused through failure of the belayer .

  18. 他们是所有人的朋友,保护者。

    They are a friend to all , protector of all .

  19. 苏菲不幸地成了我的保护者。

    Sophie 's unfortunately taken on the role as my protector .

  20. 这是我们作为保护者的任务,不是吗?

    That 's our task as conservationists , isn 't it ?

  21. 生态破坏者赔偿与生态保护者获偿的对称机制;

    Symmetrical compensation mechanism by the destructor to the protector ;

  22. 但是动物保护者正在努力制止这项交易。

    But animal lovers are working to stop the trade .

  23. “保护者”能够代替被攻击者。

    Characters with protector can step in front of attacks .

  24. 本世纪一个很有前途的新兴职业是野生动物保护者。

    One promising profession that 's emerging this century is wildlife preservationist .

  25. 我们是和平保护者,不是军人。

    We 're keepers of the peace , not soldiers .

  26. 间质干细胞:胰岛移植的一个潜在保护者?

    Mesenchymal Stem Cells : A Potential Border Patrol for Transplanted Islets ?

  27. 军方和司法部门都自认为是国家的保护者。

    The military and the judiciary consider themselves protectors of the country .

  28. 她们需要从保护者得到许可

    so they need to take permission from this guardian ,

  29. 但其他很多意大利保护者从没有被人称颂过。

    But many other Italian protectors have never been celebrated .

  30. 熊形态的时候,你的英雄有保护者属性。

    While in bear form , your hero has protector .