
  • 网络scope of protection;Protection scope
  1. 《劳动合同法》下劳动者保护范围的思考

    Consideration on the Protection Scope of Labourer under the Labor Contract Law

  2. 浅谈避雷针保护范围作图法及其校验

    The Plotting Method for Protection Scope of Lightning Conductor and Its Checking

  3. 在江河、湖泊、水库的管理和保护范围以及蓄洪滞洪区内,土地利用应当符合江河、湖泊综合治理和开发利用规划,符合河道、湖泊行洪、蓄洪和输水的要求。

    Land uses within the areas of management and protection of rivers , lakes and reservoirs and flood storage and detention areas should be in line with plans for the comprehensive control , development and utilization of rivers and lakes and to the requirements of river channels , flood flows of rivers and lakes , flood storage and water transmission .

  4. 利用CAD技术实现避雷针保护范围设计

    Design of Lightning Rods ' Protection Range with CAD Technology

  5. K1煤层开采后保护范围的考察

    An Investigation on the Protective Range after K 1 Coal Seam Mined

  6. 将来的HPV疫苗的保护范围可以覆盖到其他的致病血清型吗?

    Will future HPV vaccines extend protection to cover additional pathogenic serotypes ?

  7. 本文介绍了通过建立数学模型、并采用CAD技术直接计算并生成避雷针保护范围,可以避免计算差错并明显的提高设计效率。

    This paper will introduce how to build the mathematical models , and calculate the protection range of the lightning rods via CAD technology .

  8. 一个成员包括IBM的技术公司联盟正在扩大为开发商、销售商和开源软件(比如Linux)用户提供的专利保护范围。

    An alliance of technology corporations , including IBM , is expanding the scope of patent protection it provides to developers , vendors , and users of open source software such as Linux .

  9. 从TRIPS协定将地理标志列入知识产权的保护范围开始,地理标志的法律保护就成为一个热门话题,受到国际社会的普遍关心和重视。

    Since TRIPS included geographical indications in the protection of intellectual property rights . The protection of the geographical indications became a hot topic , be attached importance by international community .

  10. 关于线路电阻对SPD保护范围的影响,计算给出了考虑线路电阻时的负荷电压解析解,分析了各种负荷情况下,线路电阻对保护范围的影响,并给出了量化分析公式。

    For the influence of line resistance on effective protection distance of SPD under different load conditions , the analytical solutions of load voltages are given .

  11. 首先从TRIPS协议概述入手,介绍了TRIPS协议的产生背景、宗旨和基本原则、其主要法律特征、保护范围和执法措施,对TRIPS协议有个全面认识。

    First , from the start with an overview of TRIPS Agreements , covering the background , purpose and basic principles , the main legal features of the scope of protection and enforcement measures .

  12. Trips协议下我国假冒注册商标罪的立法应从以下方面加以完善:将服务商标、类似商品、近似商标侵权行为和反向假冒注册商标行为纳入本罪的保护范围;

    On the basis of Trips , legislative perfection of the crime of shamming registered trademark as follows : bring service trademark , resembling commodity , approximate trademark and opposite shamming into the protection area of the crime ;

  13. 按K(Zzd-Xc)整定保护范围时,故障分量距离元件可用于快速切除近端故障,对于远区故障,拒动、误动均有可能。

    The fault component distance relay can be used to trip close fault rapidly when its protection range is set with K ( Zzd-Xc ) . however . In the case of remote fault .

  14. 兰科(Orchidaceae)是显花植物中的一个大类群,全世界所有野生兰科植物均被列入《野生动植物濒危物种国际贸易公约》的保护范围,是植物保护中的旗舰类群(flagshipgroup)。

    Orchidaceae is one of the largest families of flowering plants . All wild orchid species are included in the Appendix ⅱ of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora ( CITES ), and regarded as a flagship group in plant conservation .

  15. 根据长间隙放电理论、现场运行经验和模拟试验结果提出实际线路加装长度20cm或稍长的侧针,保护范围约6m。

    Combining the discharge theory of long gap , the operation experience and the result of simulation test , when the length of the short horizontal side needle is 20 cm or above in operation , the protection zone is about 6 m.

  16. 研究了安装线路型避雷器后,500kV线路在雷电反击和绕击情况下的雷击保护范围问题,结果认为线路型避雷器的雷电保护范围仅为其安装塔本身。

    This paper further deals with the lightning protection range of 500 kV line MOA under back-strike and shield-failure strike conditions . The results show that the lightning protection range of line MOA is only the tower itself on which the line MOA is installed .

  17. 漏电与短路保护范围交叉

    The Cross of Protection Ranges for Leakage Current and Short Circuit

  18. 北江大堤保护范围洪水风险信息系统的开发

    Development of Flood Risk Information System for Beijiang Flood Protection Area

  19. 谈我国商标专用权的保护范围

    The Protective Range of the Exclusive Use of Trademark in China

  20. 就医活动中患者隐私权的保护范围

    The Protection Range of Patient 's Privacy in Diagnosis and Cure

  21. 确定避雷针安全保护范围的一种新方法

    A New Method to Determine the Safety Protection Range of Lightning Arresters

  22. 商标权是商标权人依照法律的规定对其商标所享有的一系列权利的总称。商标权保护范围也就是法律保护商标权的范围。

    Trademarks are enjoyed legally by trademark owners according to the law .

  23. 避雷针避雷线联合保护范围的简化计算

    Simplified Calculation of Combined Protection Area with Lightning Rod and Ground Wire

  24. 论专利权的保护范围

    Discuss the Witness ' Self-protection On the Protective Extent of Patent Rights

  25. 外观设计专利保护范围和侵权判定

    Exterior Design Patent Protection Limits and Violating Property Right Determinant

  26. 知识产权的保护范围及侵权界定

    The range of protection of intellectual property and its violations

  27. 有限责任合伙中的有限责任保护范围

    The Scope of Limited Liability in the Limited Liability Partnership

  28. 保护范围大的新型避雷针机理分析

    The Mechanism Analysis of New Type Lightning Rod with Larger Protective Range

  29. 别把避雷针(线)保护范围绝对化成果在线

    ONLINE Avoiding absolutization of protection range of lightning rods and overhead ground wires

  30. 拓宽商誉权的法律保护范围。

    Widen the legal protection scope of goodwill right .