
  • 网络direct lightning;Direct lightning strike;Direct Lightning Flash
  1. 采用在风杆上架设避雷针的方法,通过规范施工,防止自动气象站的设备遭受直击雷的破坏。

    Erecting the lightning rod on the wind shaft by the standard construction , the AWS equipments can be protected against the damages posed by direct lightning flash .

  2. 自动气象站遭受的雷击多以感应雷为主,较少出现直击雷。

    The automatic weather stations suffer more inductive lightning strike rarely direct lightning flash .

  3. 基于AutoCAD二次开发技术的直击雷保护设计软件的实现

    The realization of designing software for direct lightning strike protection based on the secondary exploitation technology of AutoCAD

  4. 再论半导体少长针消雷器(SLE)&兼谈直击雷防护与接地

    Further Discussion about Semiconductor Lightning Eliminator ( SLE ) & Concurrently Discussion about Direct Lightning Protection and Earthing

  5. 带有外部雷击防护系统(LPS)的外部电力线及通信线在进入建筑物时,是否应进一步考虑防护,以避免直击雷对LPS的影响?

    Should external electric and telecommunication lines entering structures with external lightning protection system ( LPS ) be protected against the effect of a direct lightning stroke striking that LPS ?

  6. 从雷电对控制设备损害情况分析,由感应雷引起的事故约占雷害事故的80%~90%。雷电对DCS的危害主要是通过直击雷和雷电电磁脉冲的冲击干扰,造成对电子设备的直接损坏。

    Lightning damages on DCS are mainly caused by the electromagnetic impulse of direct and induced lightning , among which 80 % ~ 90 % lightning accidents on control equipment results from the induced lightning .

  7. 根据DCS遭雷击的典型案例分析,认为雷电主要是通过以下几种耦合途径给DCS带来危害的:直击雷造成的地电位浮动而导致的雷电反击;

    Base on research and analysis of typical lightning stroke events for DCS , the main coupling approach damaging DCS are recognized as following : Back stroke by ground voltage floating brought on direct lightning flash ;

  8. 比较GIL和架空输电线路(OHL)分别作为GIS出线的防雷效果,结果表明:OHL防绕击较优,GIL防直击雷较优。

    The effects of lightning protection are compared when the ingoing line of GIS is GIL and overhead line ( OHL ) respectively , and the results are analyzed also .

  9. 为了防止雷电通过直击雷过电压和感应过电压这2种途径入侵电力通信系统,提出采用通信弱电信号电涌保护器(SPD)的防范措施。

    For preventing the thunder including the direct thunder overvoltage and inductive thunder overvoltage to rush at electric communication system , brings forward the defense measure that adopted surge protection device ( SPD ) using in communication weak electric signal .

  10. 一种防直击雷装置的应用

    Study and application of protection device for direct lightning strike

  11. 新一代天气雷达直击雷防护技术研究

    Technical research protection at china new generation for lightning weather radar station

  12. 直击雷保护设计专家系统

    Expert System for Protection Design of Direct Lightning Stroke

  13. 谈对《规范》中防直击雷措施要求的理解

    The Comprehension of Measures and Requirements for Direct - lightning Proof in Code

  14. 常用通讯天线直击雷防护分析

    Protecting Normal Communication Antenna From Direct Lightning Strike

  15. 弹药仓库防直击雷问题研究

    Research on Lightning Proof of Ammunition Depot

  16. 黄石供电局调度所微波站消雷器3次成功消灭直击雷事故

    3-Times Extinction of Direct Lightning Stroke Accident on the Microwave Tower of Huangshi Electric Utility by Semiconductor Lightning Eliminator

  17. 网状等电位连接能使现场得到一条相对较低的地阻路径,分流直击雷入地。

    Meshed bonding enables a site to achieve a considerably lower ground resistance pathway for diverting direct lightning strikes to earth ground .

  18. 电力系统通信站防雷技术改造的必要性&半导体消雷器是通信站防护直击雷的好办法

    On the necessity of improving lightning protection for power system communication station ── using semiconductor lightning eliminator to protect microwave communication station against direct lightning stroke

  19. 研究和识别输电线路直击雷的暂态特征对研制基于暂态量的保护及提高其可靠性都具有十分重要的意义。

    Study on transient characteristics of overhead transmission lines due to direct lightning stroke is significant to the development of transient based protection and its reliability improvement .

  20. 介绍了民用建筑防雷设计的基本原则、防雷等级的确定及防直击雷等的措施。

    The paper introduces the basic principle about lightning protection design of civil construction , the determination of lightning protection level and the precautions about direct lightning protection .

  21. 简介了防直击雷和防感应雷措施,以及选择电缆和设计支架时应考虑的因素;

    Sixth , the protection measures from straight thunder and inductive thunder , the factors about the choice of cables , and the measures taken to protect support are briefly introduced ;

  22. 摘要指出体育场馆建筑在满足规范的前提下,应利用其金属屋面和钢结构作为直击雷接闪器。

    It is pointed out that on the premise of meeting the codes , the stadium construction should use its metal roof and steel structure as direct lightning flash air-termination system .

  23. 本文介绍了雷击电磁脉冲防护的风险评估分级,其中也包含建筑物直击雷防护的等级划分,及工程设计实例分析。

    This paper gives an introduction of the assessment and classification of risks in the field of protection against thunderstruck electromagnetic pulse , including classification of directly thunderstruck protection against buildings and analysis of engineering design cases .

  24. 根据变电站受雷害的特点,提出了变电站在防直击雷保护和防沿线路过电压保护应该注意的一些问题。

    On the grounds of characteristic of substation being damage by lightning , it has been posed in this paper that some problems for protecting a substation from damage by lightning and overvoltage from telecommunication cable line .

  25. 针对自来水厂易受雷电袭击的问题,阐述了直击雷和感应雷的防范措施,提出了水厂防雷系统的设计思想,从而将雷电流的能量泄入大地,保护建筑物的安全。

    According to waterworks raided by lightning easily , it illustrates prevention measures for straight-lightning and inductive lightning , and puts forward design idea of anti-lightning system for waterworks to release energy of lightning and protect safety of buildings .

  26. 概述计算机信息系统综合防雷技术,直击雷防护、感应雷防护、雷电电磁脉冲防护、等电位连接、屏蔽、共用接地装置。

    Describes in general the comprehensive lightning protection technology for computer information system , i.e. the lightning protection technology against direct striking lightning , induced lightning , thunder electromagnetic impulse , equal-potential connection , screening , and common earthing devices .

  27. 同时,研究了自动气象站的雷电防护方法,对自动气象站进行接地系统、防直击雷、防感应雷设计,防止雷电过电流对自动气象站设备的损坏。

    Meanwhile , the lightning protection method of AWS is studied , including such designs as grounding system , direct lightning protection , induction lightning protection , to prevent the damage posed by lightning over-current on the automatic weather station equipment .