
  1. 基于DSP的地铁直流供电系统保护装置的设计

    Design of Protection Equipment for Metro DC Power Supply System Based on DSP

  2. 直流牵引系统保护试验原理和方法

    Protection Test Principles and Methods for DC Traction Power Supply System

  3. 并且目前直流系统线路保护均普遍存在正确动作率不高、线路高阻接地时灵敏度不足的问题。

    It also shows that the present HVDC transmission line protection has low accuracy and insufficient sensitivity under high transient resistance fault .

  4. 采用具有选择性的过电流方向继电器,对这种相互分隔直流系统的保护相对就简单。

    Protection for these isolated systems has been a relatively simple task , which is carried out using over current directional relays with selectivity .

  5. 地铁直流供电保护系统保护算法的研究

    Research of Protection Arithmetic in Subway DC Power Supply Protection System

  6. 船舶直流电力系统选择性保护方法研究

    Study on selectivity protection methods of shipboard DC power system

  7. 转台直流伺服控制系统保护电路的实现

    The Reality of Protection Circuit in DC Serve Control System for Turn Tables

  8. 宿营车直流供电系统综合保护的设计

    The Design of Integrative Protection Circuits in DC Power Supply System for Camping Car

  9. 介绍了地铁直流牵引供电系统保护的原理,和所采用的几种直流馈线保护方法。

    The DC protection problems of the underground traction supply system were discussed and the solution was presented .

  10. 500kV变电站直流系统负荷分配对保护装置的影响

    The influence of load distribution in 500 kV substation DC system on protector

  11. 直流牵引供电系统继电保护配置及整定的探讨

    Discussion on Configuration and Calculation of DC Traction Power Supply System Relay Protection

  12. 直流牵引系统馈线微机保护装置

    Research and Development of Microcomputer-based Feeder Protection for DC Traction Power Supply System

  13. 晶闸管在直流传动系统中的保护问题研究

    Protection on transistor in direct current gearing system

  14. 浅谈直流牵引供电系统馈线保护方法

    DC traction power supply system of feeder protection

  15. 阐明地铁直流牵引供电系统电气保护设置与定值的重要性,着重论述地铁电气保护设置的主要原则。

    The significance of electrical protection and definite value of DC traction power supply system for metro is illustrated .

  16. 直流电源是电力系统保护及开关动作的重要电源,保护动作后,开关实际位置的指示通过闪光装置发出告警信号,闪光装置是在任何时候都不能中断电源的。

    DC source is an important one driving electric power system protection apparatus and switches to take action because the flashing sets , which emit alarm signals and indicate the actual position of switches as the protection apparatus is being put into use , need it to run .

  17. 变电站的直流电源系统是继电保护、自动装置和断路器正常运行的基本保证,其持续可靠运行对防止系统破坏、事故扩大和设备严重损坏起着至为重要的作用。

    DC power system of substation relay protection , automatic devices and the basic guarantee for the normal operation of circuit breakers , and its continued reliable operation of the system to prevent damage , accidents , serious damage to the expansion and equipment for the important role to play .

  18. 直流供电保护装置安装于开关柜内,为直流牵引系统提供继电保护,对确保地铁的安全可靠运行起着关键作用。

    The protection devices of DC supply system , which provide relay protection for DC traction supply system and play a key role in keeping safety and reliability as the subway is wheeling , are fixed in switch cabinets .