
  • 网络shunt capacitor;BSMJ;BCMJ;TSC
  1. 并联电容器装置现场施工质量的监理

    Inspections on Construction Quality of the Shunt Capacitor

  2. GB50227-1995《并联电容器装置设计规范》即将进行修订。

    National standard GB 50227-1995 " Design specification of shunt capacitor installation " will be revised soon .

  3. 高压并联电容器组单双星形接线方式选择波长重用的单跳星形WDM网络

    Selection between Single-star and Dual-star Connection Mode for HV Parallel Capacitor Bank Wavelength Reusable Multi channel Network

  4. 并联电容器对VSC-HVDC供电无源网络的影响

    The Impact of Shunt Reactors on Passive Electronical Networks with VSC-HVDC Power Supply

  5. 本文认为以2×2~(1/2)UN作为并联电容器极间绝缘的允许操作耐压水平是比较保守的,而(?)

    This paper considers it unreasonable that 2 · 2 ~ ( 1 / 2 ) U_N is to be the permissible strength level of the insulation between poles of capacitor .

  6. 以在线负荷预测为依据,进行当前时刻以后24h内的并联电容器组和变压器分接头状态确定。

    Based on the on-line forecasted load powers , the shunt capacitor states and tap changers in the next 24 hours are determined .

  7. 应用模拟电荷法,对瓷柱式SF6断路器(P.GCB)并联电容器后的电场进行了计算。

    In this paper , the charge simulation method was used to analyze the electric field of P. GCB with a parallel capacitor .

  8. 10kV集合式并联电容器的选择与应用

    Selection and Application of 10 kV Assembling Shunt Capacitor

  9. 500kV临汾变电站并联电容器组

    500 kV Substation Parallel Capacitor Sets

  10. 20kV并联电容器组的技术方案与接线探讨

    Discussion on the Technology Scheme and Connection of 20 kV Shunt Capacitor Bank

  11. 20kV并联电容器组保护装置的配置与计算

    Discussion on Configuration and Calculation of Protection Device for 20 kV Shunt Capacitor Bank

  12. 优化过程分静态优化和综合优化两个阶段进行,静态优化时由无功灵敏度值排序并确定电容器组投切状态,综合优化时对并联电容器组和变压器分接头进行24h状态协调。

    In the static stage , shunt capacitors are ordered by the reactive sensitivities and states are determined in static . In the compositive optimization stage , device states in 24 hours are coordinated .

  13. 文章就110kV变电站并联电容器配置的相关内容进行了分析计算,并对其进行了探讨。

    This paper analyzes and calculates the interrelated matters of shunt compensating capacitors scheme of 110 kV substation .

  14. 500kV变电所并联电容器组配置方案探讨适用于现场电容器组电容量测量方法&JCB-500型多用途全自动电容电桥的研究

    Inquisition into Configuration Scheme of Parallel Capacitor Banks at 500 kV Substation An On-site Measurement Method of Capacitance of Capacitor Banks

  15. 1000kV变电站主变110kV侧并联电容器装置的参数选择

    Parameters Selection of Shunt Capacitor Device at 110 kV Side of Main Transformer in 1 000 kV Substation

  16. 提出一种基于SCADA的综合控制变压器分接头和并联电容器组的模糊线性规划方法,进行配电站电压无功实时监控。

    A fuzzy linear programming method based on SCADA and used for the combined control of load tap changer and switching over shunt capacitors bank is proposed , to solve the real time vol / var control problem in a distribution substation .

  17. 论文对并联电容器的在线监测从局部放电入手进行分析和仿真,对高压电容型设备从提高tgσ的在线监测精度及局部放电现象入手进行分析和仿真。

    The analysis and simulation for parallel capacitor 's on-line monitoring are based on partial discharge ( PD ) phenomena . And the analysis and simulation for HV capacitive type equipments ' on-line monitoring are based on how to improve the accuracy of tg δ 's measurement .

  18. 针对风电机组并网会吸收无功功率这一特点,采取了并联电容器组和静止无功补偿器SVC相结合进行无功补偿的方法,提高了风电厂的功率因数,保证了电网电压的稳定性。

    According to the feature that wind generator absorbs reactive power , combination of parallel capacitor group and static reactive power compensator SVC is used to compensate reactive power . It improves the power factor of wind power plant and ensures the power grid voltage stability .

  19. 文章分析了500kV变电所35kV无功补偿并联电容器组分组容量的确定方法,电容器组的一次接线方式及保护配置方案。

    The paper analyzed the method to determine the group capacity of 35 kV reactive compensating parallel capacitor banks at 500 kV substation , primary connecting mode of the capacitor bank and scheme for protective configuration .

  20. 介绍了廊坊地区10kV并联电容器组运行情况,分析了不平衡电压保护频繁动作原因,提出了10kV并联电容器组不平衡电压保护的整定原则。

    The service of 10 kV shunt capacitor bank is introduced in Langfang area and the causes of frequent action of unbalance voltage protection is analyzed . The setting principle for unbalance voltage of 10 kV shunt capacitor bank is put forward .

  21. 本文首先对MCR的结构原理进行详细分析,推导其数学模型和等效电路,并分析其在无功电压控制系统中与并联电容器或固定高抗配合的补偿方案。

    First , a detailed analysis of structure and principle of the MCR , the derivation process of the mathematical model and equivalent circuit , and the compensation configuration with parallel capacitor or fixed reactor in reactive power and voltage control system are described in this thesis .

  22. 集合式并联电容器安装方便、维护简单和运行稳定,使用范围和安装容量逐步扩大,但绝大多数局限于10kV电压等级。

    The composite type shunt capacitor sets are installed easily , maintained simply and operated stably , then its scope of usage and capacity of installation have been enlarged gradually . However , most of them are limited in the voltage class of 10 kV .

  23. 并联电容器组投切问题新的计算法

    The New Computing Method about the Switching Problems of Bridging Condenser

  24. 密集型大容量并联电容器的开发与应用

    Development and Application of the Compact High - Capacity shunt Capacitor

  25. 并联电容器操作冲击系数探讨

    Approach on Switching Impulse Factor of the High Voltage Shunt Capacitors

  26. 并联电容器装置保护用氧化锌避雷器的选型问题

    Selection of Zinc Oxide Surge Arresters for Installation of Shunt Capacitors

  27. 并联电容器无功补偿的经济运行

    Analysis on Economic Operation of Shunt Capacitor for Reactive Power Compensation

  28. 环形电网并联电容器最优配置

    Optimum Placement of Shunt Capacitors for Looping up Electrical Power Net

  29. 关于金属化膜高压并联电容器几个问题的探讨

    Discussion on Several Problems of Metallized Film High Voltage Shunt Capacitor

  30. 投切并联电容器过电压研究

    Study on Over - voltage Occurred in Switching Shunt Capacitor Banks