
  • 网络BKSC;MCSR;reactor
  1. 并联电抗器套管CT点极性方法的分析与改进

    Analysis and improvement of polarity test in bushing current transformer of shunt reactor

  2. 并联电抗器中性点和中性点小电抗XN的绝缘水平主要决定于出现在XN上的最大的工频电压VN。

    The insulation level of neutral of shunt reactor and of its neutral reactor X_a is determined mainly by the power frequency voltage arised on this reactance .

  3. SF6断路器切并联电抗器组试验研究

    Test and Research on Disconnecting Shunt Reactors with SF_6 Breakers

  4. 利用MATLAB软件进行了大量仿真实验,验证了其在带并联电抗器的超高压长输电线路的瞬时性故障与永久性故障的识别中具有良好的可行性。

    The results of simulation by MATLAB show that this method is valid to distinguish the transient faults and permanent faults on transmission line with shunt reactors .

  5. 10kV20MVA并联电抗器过电压保护MOA选择计算

    Calculation for Selection of 10 kV 20 MVA Parallel Reactor Overvoltage Protection MOA

  6. 500kV变电站母线加装高压并联电抗器

    On the Installing of High-voltage Shunt Reactor on 500 kV Substation Busbar

  7. 进口500kV并联电抗器运行情况分析

    Analysis of Operation Situation of 500 kV Imported Shunt Reactors

  8. 河南电网500kV并联电抗器运行状况分析

    Analysis of the 500 kV Shunt Reactors Operation Condition in Henan Power Grid

  9. 35kV并联电抗器中性点采用硬管母线连接接头的发热改造

    Transformation on Overheating of Hard-tube Bus Joint of 35 kV Shunt Reactor Neutral

  10. 500kV高压线路并联电抗器补偿及仿真分析

    The Simulation and Analysis for 500 kV High Voltage Transmission with Parallel Reactance Compensation

  11. 500kV并联电抗器开断的过电压及限制措施

    Switching On off Over voltage of 500 kV Shunt Reactor and its Restraint Measure

  12. 500kV并联电抗器有功损耗测试方法分析

    Analysis of Loss Measurement of Shunt Reactors

  13. 500kV并联电抗器设备状况分析

    Condition Analysis on 500 kV Shunt Reactors

  14. 35kV并联电抗器故障情况分析

    Faulty Analysis of 35 kV Parallel Reactors

  15. 500kV线路并联电抗器过补偿运行时的计算与分析

    Calculation and Analysis on 500 kV Transmission Lines with Shunt Reactors under Over - compensated Operation

  16. 吉林省电网220kV系统加装并联电抗器调压方案500kV变电站的电压调整

    Research of Voltage Regulation by Distributing Shunt Reactor on 220 kV Power System in Jilin Province

  17. 35kV干式空芯并联电抗器运行情况及故障电抗器的解剖分析

    Operation Status of 35 kV Dry Type Air Core Shunt Reactor and Analysis of Fault Reactor

  18. 500kV并联电抗器保护配置及选型分析厂用电动机在变电所内的保护设置

    Analysis of 500 kV Collateral Reactor Protection Arrangement and Type Selection Protection arrangement of electric motor in transformer substation

  19. 在分析500kV并联电抗器的各种故障的基础上,介绍了相应的保护装置的原理及功能,并对保护装置的选型进行了分析。

    Based on the analysis of various kinds of reactor 's electrical accident . The principle and function of 500 kV collateral reactor protection arrangement are introduced .

  20. 750kV线路保护与并联电抗器动作的研究

    Study on the Performance of Protective Relaying and Shunt Reactors of 750 kV Transmission Line

  21. 750kV并联电抗器新原理的匝间短路及单相接地保护研制

    Research and design on 750 kV parallel connection reactor new theories of the turn-to-turn short circuit and single phase earthing protection

  22. 分析了并联电抗器在750kV输电线路单端电源供电与双端电源供电情况下抑制过电压的作用;

    This paper analyzes the effects of shunt reactors for restraining over-voltage in the case of 750 kV transmission line with one-terminal or two-terminal power supply .

  23. 某工程500kV系统中,采用BKD-50000/500型高压并联电抗器,其保护采用LFP-917和LFP-974D型保护装置,由单片机实现数字式保护。

    BKD-50000 / 500 model HV parallel reactors are used for a 500 kV system in a certain project and its protections are LFP-917 and LFP-974D models , which use the single-chip machine for its digital protection .

  24. 500kV深圳站变低35kV并联电抗器在运行过程中,时常发生在投运时过流保护动作及运行时周边围栏发热的异常情况。

    Two abnormal phenomenon often occur during the operation of 35 kV parallel connective reactor at 500 kV Shenzhen Substation , one is the malfunction of over current relay when the reactor puts into operation and the other is the overheat of its metal enclosure .

  25. 针对750kV及特高压带并联电抗器的输电线路,采用简化模型推导了故障及合闸过程中的暂态电流公式。

    For 750 kV and UHV transmission line using simplified line model , the transient current formulas of faults and switch-in operation are derivated , and then various factors that affect the frequency and amplitude of free component in transient current are analyzed .

  26. 高压并联电抗器雷电过电压保护计算分析

    Calculation and Analysis of Lightning overvoltage Protection for HV Shunt Reactors

  27. 一种新型可控并联电抗器的工作原理与基本特性

    Operation Principle and Basic Characteristics of a Novel Controllable Shunt Reactor

  28. 同塔双回线的并联电抗器补偿方式研究

    Shunt reactor compensation scheme for dual parallel lines on same tower

  29. 新型可控并补装置&直流激磁可控并联电抗器

    A New Compensation technique : Controllable Shunt Reactors with DC Magnetizing

  30. 户外干式空心并联电抗器沿面放电的探讨

    Discussion of Creeping Discharge in Outdoor Air - Core Shunt Reactor