
  1. 本论文运用PEST分析法、波特竞争模型和外部环境评价矩阵(EFE),对西安西电变压器有限责任公司所处的宏观环境、行业环境和竞争状况进行分析和评价。

    The microenvironment , the industry environment , the competition are analyzed and evaluated with PEST method , Porter model and EFE matrix in this paper .

  2. 最后,论文探讨了西安西电变压器有限责任公司产品战略实施的策略与措施,对老产品整顿、新产品开发、产品组合策略、产品品牌策略进行了研究。

    In the end , the tactics and measures for implementation of the company 's product strategy is researched in this paper , i.e. rectification of old products , development of new products , product combination tactics and product brand tactics .

  3. 本文是针对西安西电变压器有限责任公司产品战略进行的实证分析研究,本文的研究对该公司的产品战略管理有一定实用价值,对变压器行业的其他企业也具有一定的参考价值。

    Through the demonstration analysis to the products strategy of Xi'an Xi dian Transformer Limited Company , this paper have a practical value to products strategy management of Xi'an Xi dian Transformer Limited Company and have a reference role to the other transformer enterprises .