
  • 网络NNW;The North by Northwest
  1. 我的灵感参考来自于《西北偏北》里面加里•格兰特玉米地的那场戏。

    My reference was when Cary Grant runs in the crop field in North by Northwest .

  2. 西北偏北获得了三项奥斯卡提名,分别是最佳电影剪辑、最佳艺术指导、原创剧本。

    North by Northwest was nominated for three Academy Awards for Film Editing , Art Direction , and Original Screenplay .

  3. 黑潮无分支,它在台湾岛东南海域由东南向西北偏北向流,到达台湾岛附近转向东北,位于123°E以西,沿着台湾岛东岸由南向北流。

    There is no branch of the Kuroshio . The Kuroshio southeast of Taiwan Island flows from the southeast to the northwest until reaching near Taiwan Island , and then flows northward west of 123 ° E ;

  4. 德国中部一城市,位于萨尔河畔,莱比锡西北偏北处的一座城市。

    A city of central Germany on the Saale River west-northwest of Leipzig .

  5. 美国威斯康星州东部城市,位于方迪拉克西北偏北,温尼贝戈湖畔。

    A city of eastern Wisconsin on Lake Winnebago north-northwest of Fond du Lac .

  6. 它于翌日增强成为台风,然后缓慢地向西北偏北前进。

    It intensified into a typhoon the next day and then headed slowly towards the north-northwest .

  7. 美国马里兰州北部的总统隐居地,位于华盛顿特区西北偏北凯托克廷山中。

    A presidential retreat in the Catoctin Mountains of northern Maryland north-northwest of Washington , D.C.It was established by Franklin D.

  8. 他的著名作品有《鸟》,《擒凶记》,《西北偏北》和《精神病患者》等。

    Some of his best-known films are The Birds , The Man Who Knew Too Much , North by Northwest , and Psycho .

  9. 西北偏北是一部上映于1959年的美国悬疑影片,导演阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克,主演加里·格兰特、爱娃·玛丽·森特、詹姆斯·梅森。

    North by Northwest is a 1959 American thriller film directed by Alfred Hitchcock , starring Cary Grant , EvaMarie Saint and James Mason .

  10. 水平尺度较小的(较大的)热带气旋向西北偏北(西北偏西)移动。

    The tropical cyclone whose horizontal scale is smaller ( larger ) moves toward the northwest by north ( the northwest by west ) .

  11. 它曾经拒绝为阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克1959年的电影《西北偏北》提供拍摄场地,因为该片开场镜头是一名外交官在联合国的休息室被暗杀,这样的场景被认为不利于世界和平。

    It rejected Alfred Hitchcock's1959 movie ," North by Northwest ," which opened with the assassination of a diplomat in a U.N.lounge , scenes not considered conducive to world peace .

  12. 船对着西北偏北方向,向阿曼海驶去,这海位于阿拉伯和印度岛之间,是波斯湾的出口。

    Setting its course to the north-northwest , the ship headed toward the Gulf of Oman , carved out between Arabia and the Indian peninsula and providing access to the Persian Gulf .

  13. 你得说在西北方向偏北太极端了!

    For you to say NNW is extreme !

  14. 冷空气影响路径分为西北路径和偏北路径。

    The influence ways of the cold air were western way and north way .

  15. 日本九州岛西北部一城市,位于东中国海沿岸,长畸市的西北偏北方向。1886年在此建立了海军基地。人口250635。

    A city of northwest Kyushu , Japan , on the East China Sea north-northwest of Nagasaki . A naval base was established here in1886 . Population , 250,635 .