
Kǎi sā dà dì
  • Gaius Julius Caesar
凯撒大帝 [kǎi sā dà dì]
  • [Gaius Julius Caesar] (公元前100-前44) 古罗马统帅、政治家。公元前46年在罗马建立独裁统治。凯撒,又译作恺撒

  1. 在凯撒大帝统治罗马帝国以及以色列国王哈罗德当权时期,在Nazareth庄里住着约瑟夫和玛利。

    Rules Roman Empire as well as Israeli King Harold in the Caesar big emperor is in power the time , is being occupied by Joseph and the Masurium advantage in the Nazareth village .

  2. 我演凯撒大帝,她是我的3号夫人。

    I 'm Caesar , and she 's concubine \# 3 .

  3. 凯撒大帝,你得相信我!

    Mighty Caesar , you must believe me !

  4. 我来过,看过,征服过。(凯撒大帝)

    I came , I saw , I conquered . ( by Julius Caesar )

  5. 则是凯撒大帝唯一和合法的儿子!

    Legitimate and only son of great Caesar !

  6. 一个男人叫凯撒大帝出身后,几年后,我们就有了一个罗马帝国。

    A man Caesar is born , and for ages after we have a Rohan Empire .

  7. 如果玩家行动无误,甚至可以完全避免凯撒大帝被刺杀的事件。

    If players make the right moves they can even avoid the whole Julius Caesar assassination thing .

  8. 如果你是凯撒大帝,那么确实会有这样得的想法,但是显然它并不适合你我。

    It makes sense if you 're Julius Caesar but probably doesn 't apply to you or me .

  9. 儒略历在公元前45年开始被使用,它是被凯撒大帝改良的罗马历。

    The Julian calendar began in 45 BC as a reform of the Roman calendar by Julius Caesar .

  10. 著名的尤利乌斯?凯撒大帝将莱茵河西岸的疆域纳入了罗马的统治之下。

    It was the famous Julius Caesar who brought the region on the western bank under Roman control .

  11. 导游:那个么,先生,是凯撒大帝小时候的头盖骨。

    Guide : That , sir , is the skull of Julius Caesar when he was a small boy .

  12. 许多庆典是为了纪念他而举办,人们也建造雕像和寺庙来赞颂伟大的凯撒大帝。

    There were many festivals in his honor , and people built statues and temples to celebrate the great Julius Caesar .

  13. 根据中世纪的传说所讲,黄之死亡是赫赫有名的罗马帝王凯撒大帝的兵器。

    According to a medieval legend , Crocea Mors was wielded by Julius Caesar , the most famous of Roman emperors .

  14. 瑞典学院把他比作“具有西塞罗文才的凯撒大帝”(《颁奖辞》)。

    Sweden Institute compares with him " to have Cicero literary talent Caesar big emperor " (" Promulgation Refined language ") .

  15. 这像极了使得凯撒大帝殒命的那场刺杀,饶是他再英勇,也是明枪易躲暗箭难防。殊不知他能避开本应刺中颈部的一招,却再躲不开信任之人的背后一剑。

    Much like Caesar 's assassination , he dodged a stab to the neck and was stabbed in the back by someone he trusted .

  16. 这座城市供奉了三座神灵。起先由腓尼基人建造。但它的鼎盛时期却在凯撒大帝殖民。

    The city , where a triad of deities was worshipped , was originally founded by the Phoenicians . But its golden age began after Julius Caesar made it a Roman colony .

  17. 阿兰德龙在本片中扮演专横跋扈的凯撒大帝,德帕蒂约则扮演“高卢英雄”的好友奥比利克斯。

    The Arand dragon acts Emperor Caesar who in this piece carries matters with a high hand , German Pattee then approximately acts " the gaul hero " good friend Austria compared to Lueck Si .

  18. July是日历中第一个以真实的人物命名的月份,七月的命名是为了纪念尤里乌斯?凯撒(JuliusCaesar)。公元前44年,凯撒大帝去世,七月是他出生的月份。

    The first month in the calendar named after a real person , July was named in honour of Julius Caesar after his death in 44 BC , July being the month of his birth .