
  • 网络true history of the kelly gang
  1. 解读《凯利帮真史》中的权力话语和叙事话语

    The Study of Power Discourse and Narrative Discourse in True History of the Kelly Gang

  2. 《凯利帮真史》为全球化背景下世界各国如何传承和构建本国文化身份提供了有益的启迪。

    True History of the Kelly Gang provides a reference model for different countries on how to inherit and construct their own cultural identity in the context of globalization .

  3. 彼得·凯里的《凯利帮真史》通过一个备受诋毁和磨难的声音,来讲述一个澳大利亚早期开拓者的动人故事。

    The True History of the Kelly Gang , is a powerful story , expressed through the unforgettable voice of a vilified man , about the early settler days in Australia .

  4. 结合福柯权力话语理论可以看到,彼得·凯里通过《凯利帮真史》展现了长期遭澳大利亚权威政府诋毁的内德·凯利的真实形象。

    Foucault , this paper argues that Peter Carey 's True History of the Kelly Gang presents the true image of Ned Kelly , who has long been slandered by the Australian authorities .

  5. 文章共分七个章节,第一章引语,介绍了澳大利亚著名作家彼得·凯利的获奖小说《‘凯利帮’真史》。

    The first chapter introduces Ned Kelly by briefing on Peter Carey 's Booker Prize novel True History of the Kelly Gang .