
  • 网络Galadriel;Celeborn
  1. 我会退隐到西方,继续当凯兰崔尔女王。

    I will diminish and go into the West and remain Galadriel .

  2. 凯兰崔尔女王:佛罗多,你是魔戒持有者。

    Galadriel : You are a Ring-bearer , Frodo .

  3. 精灵皇凯勒鹏与光之女王凯兰崔尔统治之地。

    Realm of the Lord Celeborn and of Galadriel , Lady of Light .

  4. 他觉得这部电影没有任何鲜明的女性角色出现——除了凯兰崔尔的一个短小的场景以外——就创造了一个新的森林精灵来推动故事更顺利的发展下去。

    He decided that the film didn 't have any strong female characters - apart from a brief scene with Galadriel - and created a new wood elf to drive the story along more smoothly .