
  • 网络Excelle;Forenza;HRV
  1. 上海通用汽车将对召回的凯越轿车采取检修abs模块的措施,以彻底解决可能存在的隐患。

    Shanghai GM will repair all the affected ABS modules to completely eradicate this problem and the potential risks it may pose .

  2. 凯越(Hyatt)技术服务部所提供的设计推荐和最低标准文件中同样也给出了具体设计和完成标准。

    Details of design and standards of finishing is also detailed in Hyatt Technical Services'Design Recommendations and Minimum Standards documents .

  3. 在一辆牵引车挂车撞向她们的铃木牌凯越汽车后,这两个未成年人当场丧命。

    Both teens died after a tractor-trailer plowed into the back of their Suzuki Forenza .

  4. 简述上海别克凯越轿车刮水系统工作原理,分析其控制电路,详细介绍该系统常见故障的诊断与排除方法。

    The working principle and the control circuitry of the wiper system on SHANHAI BUICK EXCELLE are stated here .