
liànɡ hónɡ dēnɡ
  • show one's disapproval;show the red light—forbid;run into trouble;on shaky ground
  1. 当时是亮红灯。

    The traffic lights were on red .

  2. 几周前,大卫未能参加《Vogue》杂志的封面拍摄,而当期的封面以贝克汉姆一家为主题,因此关于两人婚姻亮红灯的谣言四起。

    It comes weeks after David 's absence from a Vogue magazine cover shoot featuring his family sparked rumours of trouble in paradise .

  3. 一旦婚姻亮红灯,许多人就开始问自己我是不是找错了人?

    Many people wonder , ' Did I marry the right person ?

  4. 你本来不应该在亮红灯时穿过马路。

    You mustn 't have crossed the street when the traffic lights were red .

  5. 神给你的朋友开绿灯,却可能给你亮红灯。

    A green light for your friend may be a red light for you .

  6. 这个问题会让面试亮红灯——面试绝对不能问这种问题。

    This question will raise red flags - something you definitely don 't want to do in the interview .

  7. 一旦婚姻亮红灯,许多人就开始问自己“我是不是找错了人?”这个问题绝对错误。

    Many people wonder , ' Did I marry the right person ? ' But that 's the wrong question .

  8. 阿尔一直梦想成为一名职业棒球运动员,因此也没在学习上下功夫,17岁就科科亮红灯,被学校开除。

    Wanting to become a professional baseball player , Pacino did not concentrate on his studies and flunked out of high school at 17 .

  9. 当底座亮红灯时,你可能还不能判断植物究竟是缺水丶还是温度太低,所以就得一个个地去试,直到它变绿。

    When the base turns red , one doesn 't know if the plant is thirsty , or too cold and you have to try out the options until it turns green .

  10. 在发生紧急情况时亮红灯,当用户夜间关灯后会闪绿灯&表明传感器和电池的能量水平都处于良好状态。

    It lights red during an emergency and briefly goes green after a user turns the lights off in the evening , to indicate sensors and battery energy levels are in good shape .

  11. 据透露,有凡妮莎-威廉斯所扮演的新角色“芮妮”是林内特的同事,一个与棒球球员丈夫婚姻亮红灯的职业女性。

    According to the show 's storyline , Vanessa 's character Renee is a friend of Felicity Huffman 's character Lynette 's from college , as well as being a cougar whose marriage to a Major League baseball player is on the rocks .

  12. 期末考试他两门课亮了红灯。

    He failed two courses in the final exams .

  13. 有关部门对这种做法亮了红灯。

    Authorities concerned have forbidden such a practice .

  14. 正常工作的烟雾探测器应该亮着红灯。

    If your smoke detector is working properly , the red light should be on .

  15. 故事开始于一个十字路口,路口亮着红灯。

    It all began with a stop at a red light .

  16. 我们对跟他做生意亮了红灯。

    We had a red light on doing business with him .

  17. 有些甚至侵入林地,使环境亮起红灯。

    Some encroach on woodlands , raising environmental red flags .

  18. 但负责安全的工程师给我们亮了红灯,说那不是一个好主意。

    But the safety engineers said no , that 's not a good idea .

  19. 所有还亮着红灯的电器都处于待机状态的

    All the electrical appliances have their red lights on , they are in standby mode

  20. 公司总部设立党支部的事实也在调查人员心中亮起红灯。

    The presence of Communist party offices in the companies ' headquarters also raised red flags .

  21. 十字路口亮着红灯,但他照直向前走去。

    There was a red light at the intersection , but he charged straight through it .

  22. 他在同性恋倾向中的挣扎,让他的婚姻和宗教学院的教职双双亮起红灯。

    His struggle against his homosexuality was unraveling both his marriage and his academic post in a religious school .

  23. 亮起红灯的海滩包括弗拉门戈和博塔弗戈海滩,它们邻近即将举办奥运帆船赛事的海湾。

    Among the beaches flagged were Flamengo and Botafogo , which border the bay where Olympic sailors are scheduled to compete .

  24. 当医院人员或其他人员进入的时候,洗手台就会亮起红灯,表示需要洗手。

    As a staff member or other person enters , the sink lights up in red to indicate that hands should be washed .

  25. 可能亮起红灯的其它因素包括:表外交易的比例偏高,频繁更换审计师,以及推迟发布盈利报告。

    Other factors that might raise red flags include a high proportion of off-balance-sheet transactions , frequent changes in auditor and delays to earnings announcements .

  26. 黛米非常爱艾什顿,就像她恨被公开羞辱那样,一个知情人告诉记者,这段婚姻亮起红灯了。

    Demi loves Ashton as much as she hates public humiliation , a source close to the couple told us . The marriage isn 't good right now .

  27. 前者本应导致通胀下降,但许多央行或明或暗地采取通胀目标制,使它们得以在其它各项指标实际上都在亮“红灯”之时,实现“稳定”。

    The former should have led to a decline in inflation but inflation targeting allowed central banks to achieve " stability " while practically every other indicator was flashing " red " .

  28. 当你面试一个教练的时候,如果他对于不懂的问题表现得很慌张并不愿承认,那么你该亮起红灯把他排除在你选择之列了。

    If you interview an instructor and it appears he 's afraid to admit when he obviously doesn 't know the answer to something , that should activate red flashing lights and buzzers .

  29. 禽流感在全球的蔓延给人类的生命健康亮起红灯,同时也再次引起学术界对公共健康与药品专利强制许可问题的热烈讨论。

    The worldwide spread of bird flu gives a warning to mankind and causes the scholars involved to have a heated discussion again on the issues concerning public health and the compulsory license for medicine patent .

  30. 中国人的健康状况亮起红灯,并不能简单地归结为“健康透支”的结果,而是有着复杂的社会和经济原因。

    The alarm bells of the health status of Chinese people start ringing . It cannot be simply boiled down to the " health overdraft " ; however , it is a phenomenon with complex social and economical reasons .