
  • 网络Than life
  1. 更多艺术家居生活,源自于生活,高于生活!

    More art home life , from life , than life !

  2. 艺术源于生活,高于生活,艺术里体现的生活真实感,是艺术创作中从实际生活中得来的。

    Art comes from life , while higher than life , the sense of reality reflected by art , comes from the real life .

  3. 水相Mo浓度高于生活饮用水卫生标准1.86-16.66倍。

    Mo concentrations in aqueous phase were much higher than the health standard for domestic drinking water by 1.86-16.66 times .

  4. 艺术源于生活,而又高于生活。

    Art comes from life , but is higher than life .

  5. 源于生活但不高于生活。

    These painting came from the life but not above the life .

  6. 教学不同于生活并高于生活、超越生活。教学与生活的这种既相联系又相区别的关系,使教学背离生活成为可能,而种种认识上的与现实方面的原因则使这种可能成为现实。

    This contradictory relation makes teaching become a deviation from life possible .

  7. 他的钢琴音乐源自于生活,却又高于生活。

    His piano music comes from life , but higher than the living .

  8. 艺术使武术套路源于生活,高于生活,以其独特的个性魅力推动世界体育文化的大发展。

    Wushu made the development of world 's culture by its artistic characteristics .

  9. 为什么一定要高于生活?

    Why must be higher than life ?

  10. 因此古典写实主义是来源于生活而高于生活的。最后,是写实主义的弊端。

    Therefore , classical realism is from life than life . Finally , is a realism .

  11. 这种源于生活又高于生活的艺术表现,充满了自然气息。

    This artistic expression which comes from life but higher than life is full of natural flavor .

  12. 紫砂艺术是一种“源于生活,高于生活”的艺术创作形式。

    Boccaro art can be described as a type that is " from but beyond life . "

  13. 换言之,艺术源于生活又高于生活,它是我们期望中的生活。

    In other words , art imitates and dramatizes life , and then finally expresses our hope for it .

  14. 我们要让课堂教学源于生活,更要高于生活。

    As teachers , we need to originate our class in our life and bring more out of it .

  15. 也只有这样,才能达到艺术来源于生活,又高于生活的要求。

    Only in this way in order to achieve " Art comes from life , but also higher than life " requirements .

  16. 人们常说艺术来源于生活但又高于生活,理想也是如此。

    We often heard this saying : " art comes from life , but dramatizes life ", a dream is like this .

  17. 工业废水处理碳排放量高于生活污水处理的碳排放,碳排放百分比分别为:工业废水占77.6%,生活污水占22.4%。

    The carbon emission from industrial wastewater treatment and domestic wastewater treatment was 77.6 % and 22.4 % of total carbon emissions .

  18. 剧中人物的语言尽管个性鲜明,活泼生动,实质上均为源于生活又高于生活的虚拟语言。

    The dialogues or stage lines designed for drama characters , although vivid and characterized from life , are actually virtual language above life .

  19. 这些创造都是通过仫佬人的生活方式表达出来的,它们既源于生活,又高于生活,表现了仫佬人与众不同的审美追求。

    The creations expressed through the life styles represents the unique esthetic pursuit of Mulam people , which are from but higher than daily life .

  20. 包括电影在内的各种文艺创作样式,力求反映生活,同时高于生活。

    Different kinds of artistic creations which include movie-making always try to reflect the true life and go beyond the true life at the same time .

  21. 好的作品应该是源于生活并且高于生活的,因此我希望可以将周围生活中的真人真事情融入到我的绘本插画作品中。

    Good works should come from life and go beyond life , so I hope to place real people and real events into my drawing illustration works .

  22. 就其本质而论,犯罪构成是一个源于生活原型,又高于生活原型,由刑法规范拟制的模型。

    As regards its essence , constitutive elements of crime are that one comes from life prototype , higher than the life prototype again , standard plan " model " that is made by criminal law .

  23. 因此,舞台表演所展示的既不是生活本身,也不是生活艺术的照搬,而是一种源于生活,高于生活的表演艺术。

    In other word , the performance on the stage is the performing art which is derived from life and higher than life , but not just the life itself and the copy of art of living .

  24. 在此盐度中其光合速率、细胞增长速率、光合色素增长速率,游离氨基酸总量及多聚不饱和脂肪酸总量均高于生活在其它盐度的藻。

    Salina lives better in middle salinity conc ( 6.0 to 7.0-fold conc ) under which higher rate of photosynthesis , larger increment of cells and photosynthetic pigment , and more free amino acid and polyunsaturated fatty acid .

  25. 最后对全文概括总结,进一步阐述本文的观点:陶井是以汉代生活中的水井为原型,但是也存在一定的夸张或艺术加工,源于生活同时又高于生活。

    Finally , there is the summary and conclusion , which is the pottery wells are not only the prototype of real wells in life , but also mixing with the exaggeration or artistic processing in Han dynasty .

  26. 实际上,刑法所建构的犯罪识别模型(犯罪构成)虽然来源于生活原型,但由于人为概念系统固有的拟制功能,法律规定往往高于生活事实本身。

    Indeed , the offense identity model ( constitution of offences ) described in the Criminal Act derives from daily life ( prototype ), but tends to overstep real life because of the imitative function of the manual concept system .

  27. 使得作文源于生活,但又高于生活,让作文在真实的基础上,根据行文的需要,根据中心的需要,进行合理的加工和虚构,把作文变成了学生的另一种艺术生活。

    The compositions should come from life and be higher than the life . According to the needs of the compositions , the compositions should be processed rightly , which let the compositions become another kind of artistic life for the students .

  28. 贾樟柯的电影由众多的日常生活流构成,但艺术毕竟不能等同于生活,由日常生活流构成的电影因而更成为一种选择的艺术,如何截取日常片段因而成为艺术高于生活的关键。

    However , is not synonymous to life , such that the composition of films from streams of life is all the more an art of choice , and the key to elevating the art above life lies in slicing off the right moments from the daily life streams .

  29. 按照MPI指数,17亿人口处于贫困状况——远远高于每天生活费低于1.25美元的13亿人口。

    And 1.7-billion people living in the countries covered by the Index live in poverty according to the MPI - that is higher than the 1.3-billion people who live on $ 1.25 a day or less .

  30. 高生活事件组糖尿病发病率明显高于低生活事件组,且在SCL90大多数症状因子上存在有显著性差异。结论:生活事件可能通过对个体心理健康的影响,进而影响糖尿病的发生。

    The higher extreme group of life events had higher incidence of type 2 diabetes than the lower extreme group , but had significant differences among the symptoms score of SCL-90 . Conclusion The stressful life event might influence the occurrence of type 2 diabetes through influence of mental health .