
  1. 自动重发请求(ARQ)是高速无线网络最常用的有效差错控制方法。

    The ARQ is the most effective error control scheme for the high-speed wireless network .

  2. 高速无线网络通信中的ARQ方案综述

    ARQ scheme in high-speed wireless network

  3. 其中的主流标准WCDMA系统融合了话音、多媒体等多种业务,为移动增值业务的开展提供了很理想的承载平台,提供了高速无线网络的支持。

    The main standard in 3G & WCDMA has inosculated many services such as voice , multimedia etc , has provided an ideal platform for the mobile increment services , and has provided a high wireless network support .

  4. 阐述了移动数据库应用的一种设想,即将移动数据库驻留在手机、具有通信功能的PDA及其它微型设备上,通过移动通信系统中的高速无线网络与中央数据库服务器互操作。

    This paper proposes a prediction about the application of mobile database : keeping the mobile database in mobile telephone , PDA with communication function and other micro-device to work with each other through wireless network with high speed and center database server .

  5. WIND-FLEX&一种新型的高速无线网络接口技术

    WIND-FLEX , a New Type of High-speed Radio Interface Architecture

  6. 高速无线网络服务覆盖酒店所有客房及公共区域。

    High speed wireless internet services are covered in all guest rooms and public areas .

  7. 奥巴马说,高速无线网络服务将促成革新和投资,并最终将创造就业机会。

    Obama said high-speed wireless service will spark new innovation , investments and ultimately help create jobs .

  8. 经过多年的大力宣传以后,由于具有吸引力的手机和高效率的高速无线网络出现,移动互联网最终正成为现实。

    After years of hype , the mobile Internet is finally becoming a reality thanks to attractive handsets and effective high speed wireless networks .

  9. 现在,有这样一种新技术就可以解决上述这些高速无线网络连接的需求问题。

    There 's a new technology on the block which could , quite literally as well as metaphorically , ' throw light on ' how to meet the ever-increasing demand for high-speed wireless connectivity .

  10. 随着高速无线网络的快速发展、多媒体技术的广泛应用以及嵌入式芯片处理能力的提高,多媒体终端逐渐的向小型化、嵌入式方向发展。

    With the rapid development of high-speed wireless network , the wide application of multimedia technology and the improvement of embedded chip Processing capacity , multimedia terminal has become more and more miniaturized and embedded .

  11. 旅客还会体验到飞越家乡上空是种什么感觉。旅客还可以通过高速无线网络与家中没能来游玩的亲友视频聊天,返回地球后,还会受到特别安排的英雄归来欢迎仪式。

    Guests can have live video chats with their less-fortunate loved ones back home via high-speed wireless Internet access and , upon return to Earth , will be greeted with a specially arranged hero 's welcome .

  12. 研究发现,TFRC在高速网络和无线网络下的性能都存在一定的问题。

    Based on this study , there are some performance problems of TFRC in high speed and wireless networks .

  13. 针对目前互联网传输层的主流协议TCP在网络拥塞控制方面存在的周期性丢包、对高速网络和无线网络的带宽资源利用效率不高等问题,学术界提出了许多改进的方案。

    Aim at solving the disadvantage of TCP exist in the area of network congestion control , such as periodical dropping packets , low utilization of bandwidth resource in high speed network and wireless network , researchers proposed lots of improvement schemes .

  14. 首先阐述了高速铁路及无线网络优化的必要性以及覆盖方案的总体思路与覆盖规模。

    First elaborated the high speed railway and the wireless network optimization the necessity as well as the coverage scheme of overall train of thought and cover scale .

  15. 随着3G时代的来临和多媒体技术的高速发展,基于无线网络的多媒体应用技术在不断的增多,手机视频监控便是其中之一。

    As the 3G era coming closer and the rapid development of multimedia technologies , multimedia applications based on wireless network technology is growing rapidly , and mobile video surveillance is one of them .

  16. 对无线多跳接入网移动性管理的研究内容进行了详细的分析,提出一种应用在高速无线多跳接入网络中的分层微移动管理方案。

    This paper gives a detailed analysis on the mobility management of wireless multihop access networks , and proposes a hierarchical micro-mobility management scheme in High-speed wireless Multihop Access Networks ( HMAN ) .

  17. 论文通过介绍视频监控和无线网络技术,根据施工监控的实际需求,按照无线网络设计方法进行无线网络规划,构建覆盖津汕高速河北段的无线网络。

    The paper introduces the technologies of video flow supervisory and of wireless network , and carries on the wireless network planning according to the wireless network design method . The wireless network covers He-Bei section of Jin-Shan highway according to the construction supervisory actual demand .

  18. 高速铁路电波场景有其特殊性,因此不能简单地套用已有模型,建立适合高速铁路特殊场景的电波传播大尺度模型可为高速铁路无线网络规划、频率规划和干扰等研究提供理论依据。

    High-speed railway propagation scenario has its particularity , so only applying the existing model simply is not feasible . Suitable large-scale propagation model for the High-speed railway propagation scenario can supply theory basis to the wireless network planning and the research on the interference and frequency allocation .