
jiè shū chù
  • loan desk
借书处[jiè shū chù]
  1. 借书处的人在他离开时间他。

    The man at the desk asked him as he .

  2. 借书处每天开放吗?

    Is the circulation desk open every day ?

  3. 学生须出示学生证到借书处办理电脑借用手续。脑干三叉神经诱发电位的电生理学特征

    All students must use their Student ID Cards to borrow computers at the Circulation Counter . Electrophysiological characteristics of brain stem trigeminal evoked potentials

  4. 妈妈,丽迪雅嚷道,姨妈说,弗斯脱上校跟卡特尔上尉上琴小姐家里去的次数,不象初来的时候那么勤了;她近来常常看到他们站在克拉克借书处等人。

    Mama , cried Lydia , my aunt says that Colonel Forster and Captain Carter do not go so often to Miss Watson 's as they did when they first came ; she sees them now very often standing in Clarke 's library .