
jiè jì kǎ
  • debit card
  1. 为了加强借记卡处理安全电子交易(SET)协议的身份认证,在SET支付协议的基础上,提出了两种对借记卡身份进行认证的协议,使借记卡可以进行SET支付。

    This study is concerned with the authentication of debit card SET payment . Two protocols of card holder identity are presented .

  2. 那时,中国人很少使用信用卡或者借记卡进行在线支付,客户通常在收货时用现金支付。

    Online credit card or debit card payment was very rare in China and customers usually paid cash on delivery .

  3. 有借记卡就完全不需要用现金了。

    Debit cards dispense with the need for cash altogether .

  4. "由于债务问题,我会用信用卡而不是借记卡。"

    " I would use credit cards over debit cards because of liability issues . "

  5. 借记卡有不同的责任限额,这取决于银行和一切有关欺诈的事件。

    Debit cards have different liability limits depending on the bank and the events surrounding any fraud .

  6. 也要记住,信用卡的责任保护通常优于借记卡。

    Keep in mind , too , that credit cards typically have better liability protection than debit cards .

  7. 不过,在可预见的未来,信用卡和借记卡将与我们同在,而如果我们坚持使用磁条技术的话,黑客也将一直存在。

    Credit and debit cards , though , are going to be with us for the foreseeable future , and so are hackers , if we stick with magstripe technology .

  8. 在最近发生的几起事件中,黑客通过在零售商销售点系统的收银台上秘密插入恶意软件获得了大量的信用卡、借记卡或预付卡号码信息。

    In several recent incidents , hackers have been able to obtain massive information of credit-debit - or prepaid-card numbers using malware , i. e.malicious software , inserted secretly into the retailers ' point-of-sale system — the checkout registers .

  9. 借记卡不具备透支功能。

    Borrow write down card to be not had overdraw function .

  10. 如果完全按照SET协议,还无法实现中国借记卡的SET电子支付。

    But Chinese debit card SET payment cannot be fulfilled if it exactly follows SET protocol .

  11. 为使中国借记卡支持安全电子交易协议(SET),分析了中国借记卡的支付特点,提出了中国借记卡进行SET支付的模型和协议。

    Secure electronic transaction ( SET ) protocol is studied for the Chinese debit card . The characteristics of Chinese debit card are analyzed .

  12. 4.通知信用卡,借记卡和ATM卡发行机构

    Step 4 Notify credit , debit , and ATM card issuers

  13. 通知信用卡,借记卡和ATM卡发行机构,并补办。

    Notify issuers of any credit , debit , and ATM cards . Request replacement cards .

  14. 从收益来看,大中华区是苹果的第二大市场,ApplePay也涵盖了国内80%的信用卡和借记卡。

    Greater China is Apple 's second-largest market by revenue and Apple has enlisted 80 percent of Chinese credit and debit cards for Apple Pay .

  15. 花旗和其他大型银行也已经明智地决定,不效法美国银行(BankofAmerica)收取借记卡服务费的做法。

    Citi and other big banks wisely chose not to follow the lead of Bank of America ( BAC ) in imposing fees for using debit cards .

  16. 该模型详细指出了中国借记卡的SET支付流程和消息优化,符合SET基本要求,并且较好地解决了中国借记卡在进行电子支付时的技术问题。

    This model adopts the basic structure and message processing , and supports the main requirements of SET , specifies the payment flow and message optimization of Chinese debit card SET payment .

  17. 我们有免费的支票户头。我们会给您一张借记卡和一张ATM卡。

    We have free checking , and you will be given a debit card and on ATM card .

  18. 最后,我试着添加我的Simple借记卡,结果马上收到短信,提示说银行不支持ApplePay。

    Finally , I attempted to add my Simple debit card , but was promptly greeted by a message informing me that the bank didn 't support Apple Pay .

  19. 第一种协议是在SET协议中增加个人密码的加密传输,第二种协议是采用服务器钱包模型,由服务器钱包对借记卡进行身份认证和余额检查。

    The first protocol deals with the PIN process in SET protocol , the influence of which is the least . The second protocol is based on the server wallet mode , for balance check .

  20. 支付宝和中国的大银行达成合作,并且和中国邮政(ChinaPost)签署了长期协议,如此一来,客户即使没有借记卡或者银行卡,也可以通过中国邮政遍布各地的66000家邮局向支付宝账户汇款。

    Alipay formed partnerships with leading Chinese banks and signed a long-term agreement with China Post , which meant customers without a debit or bank card could fund their Alipay accounts at any of its 66000 offices .

  21. GoogleWallet是一款供智能手机使用的应用,用户可以通过手机来完成信用卡、借记卡和其他银行卡的支付。

    Google Wallet is an app on smartphones that enables people to pay via credit , debit and other cards strictly through the phone .

  22. 举例来说,城里没有高盛的零售银行机构和ATM机,也看不到任何摩根士丹利的借记卡。

    For example , there aren 't any Goldman Sachs retail bank branches or ATMs around town and there are no Morgan Stanley debit cards in sight .

  23. 这套系统代号为“奥维尔”,亚马逊Prime会员顾客可以在门店通过该系统扫描自己的手,并将信息与信用卡或借记卡绑定。

    The system , code-named " Orville , " will allow customers with Amazon Prime accounts to scan their hands at the store and link them to their credit or debit card .

  24. 人们在安卓(Android)、iPhone或iPad内植入这种小型设备之后,就可以使用信用卡或借记卡,不再需要现金。

    By plugging the small device into any Android , iPhone , or iPad , the user can run credit and debit cards instead of requiring cash .

  25. 检察官称,AlbertGonzalez在一些主要零售商那里窃取了1.3亿多张借记卡和贷记卡的信息。

    Prosecutors say Albert Gonzalez stole data from more than 130 million credit and debit cards from some major retailers .

  26. 三星公司表示,目前“三星智付”支持中国9家银行的信用卡、借记卡,可在Galaxy高端智能机型上使用。该服务以后将支持中端机型。

    Samsung said its service currently supports selected credit and debit cards from nine Chinese banks and is available on its top-end Galaxy smartphones , with midrange models to follow .

  27. 首先,它们从店内支付系统的内存中获取信用卡和借记卡的踪迹数据,这些数据可能包括账户号、有效期,以及个人识别码(简称PIN)。

    First , they scrape the memory of in-store payment systems for credit and debit card track data , which can include an account number , expiration dates and personal identification numbers , or PINs .

  28. 纸币vs信用卡未来谁主天下根据一份新的行业报告显示:今年,信用卡和借记卡有望取代现金成为英国最流行的付款方式。

    Cards to Replace Notes in Our Affections Credit and debit cards are expected to overtake cash this year as Britain 's most popular method of payment , according to a new industry report .

  29. 据报道,黑客窃取了数百万在SaksFifthAvenue(萨克斯第五大道精品百货店)、SaksOff5th(萨克斯第五大道精品百货折扣店)和Lord&Taylor(罗德泰勒百货)等门店使用过借记卡或信用卡的顾客的信息。

    It is reported that hackers stole information from millions of customers who used debit or credit cards at Saks Fifth Avenue , Saks Off 5th and Lord & Taylor stores .

  30. 首先,它们从店内支付系统的内存中获取信用卡和借记卡的“踪迹”数据,这些数据可能包括账户号、有效期,以及个人识别码(简称PIN)。

    First , they scrape the memory of in-store payment systems for credit and debit card " track " data , which can include an account number , expiration dates and personal identification numbers , or PINs .