
  • 网络Debit and credit;DR=debt
  1. 但关键是,它们无法通过降低债务水平,来更快地缓解借贷方的负担。

    Crucially , though , they cannot slash debt levels to bring much quicker relief to borrowers .

  2. 他们还同意免除世界上最贫穷国家对国际借贷方的债务。

    They also agreed to cancel debts owed to international lenders by some of the world 's poorest nations .

  3. 从形式上看,美国没必要用违约的方式来惩罚借贷方,只要很简单的将美元贬值就可以了。

    America does not formally need to default to penalise its creditors ; it can simply let its currency decline .

  4. 它通常被用于确认下一会计年度的期初借贷方是否平衡。

    It is used to verify that the debits credits are equal at the start of the next accounting period .

  5. 所以,每个人的长远利益都将发生改变,当今世界的年轻一代将成为借贷方。

    All the same , a shift is in everybody 's long-term interest & and the younger parts of the world should be the borrowers .

  6. 希腊已经采取了大范围的紧缩措施,削减工资和养老金并裁减了数千个政府工作岗位,以满足国际借贷方的要求,从而获得下一笔1720亿美元的救助贷款。

    Greece has adopted widespread austerity measures , cutting wages and pensions and eliminating thousands of government jobs , to meet the demands of international lenders so it could secure a new $ 172-billion bailout .

  7. 借贷方首次说服银行放松合同条款,正是这些合同条款确保若有一丝经营不善的迹象,贷方都会在第一时间重返谈判桌。

    For the first time , borrowers have also convinced banks to relax terms on covenants & the checks in place to make sure the issuer comes back to the table at the first sign of distress .