
jiè dài
  • borrow or lend money;debit and credit sides;borrow
借贷 [jiè dài]
  • [borrow or lend money;debit and credit sides] 借进贷出

借贷[jiè dài]
  1. 借贷活动中信任的建构与法律的作用

    Maintaining Trust Between Debit and Credit Sides and The Force of Law

  2. 信托义务和惩罚性赔偿义务均对借贷双方产生了有害的影响。

    Trust duty and punitive indemnification duty exerts harm influences to debit and credit sides .

  3. 高利率有助于控制借贷。

    High interest rates help to keep borrowing down .

  4. 借款人应当慎重考虑之后再行借贷。

    Borrowers should think carefully before committing themselves to taking out a loan .

  5. 这一协议假定借贷双方都是在神志清楚的状态下签订的。

    The arrangement presumes that both lenders and borrowers are rational .

  6. 他们不得不抵押房屋借贷来支付这些款项。

    They had to mortgage their home to pay the bills .

  7. 在此经济萧条时期,我们容许增加消费和借贷。

    We have allowed spending and borrowing to rise in this recession .

  8. 政府开支依靠征税款和借贷来维持。

    Government expenditure is financed by taxation and by borrowing .

  9. 放贷人指望现有借贷人的盲目忠诚来谋求利益。

    Lenders rely on the misplaced loyalty of existing borrowers to make their profit

  10. 德国银行的借贷条件更为宽松。

    German banks are more generous in their lending

  11. 过去是不建议借贷的。

    Borrowing used not to be recommended

  12. 他也许觉得,在他认为大有可为的时候让公司借贷经营是一个错误。

    He might feel that leveraging the company at a time when he sees tremendous growth opportunities would be a mistake .

  13. 法国与其他欧盟成员国要求削减国家借贷的意见相左,因而受到它们的孤立,与它们闹得不可开交。

    France was left isolated and at loggerheads with other EU member countries over its refusal to fall into line with demands to cut state borrowing .

  14. 向银行借贷买房子。

    Apply for a house loan from a bank .

  15. 税收,政府借贷还有货币膨胀只能带来消极的经济后果。

    Taxation , government borrowing , and monetary inflation all produce negative economic consequences .

  16. 目前美国有2,150万学生,很多人将依靠借贷支付大学学费。

    There 're currently 21.5 million students in America , and many will be funding their college on borrowed money .

  17. Austerity紧缩欧洲范围内实行的经济政策,主要是通过缩减政府开支减少赤字或借贷。希腊获得援助贷款的前提就是实施紧缩政策,但是今年1月新组建的政府反对紧缩,拒绝执行。

    Europe-wide economic policy of reducing government spending to reduce deficit in Greece as a condition of bailout loans , but rejected by its new anti-austerity government in January .

  18. 因悲哀的旧世界须借贷欢笑,

    For the sad old earth must borrow it 's mirth ,

  19. 由于银行总的借贷额在下降,这就意味着资金必然国内回流

    Since banks are reducing overall lending , that means repatriating cash .

  20. 他们通常会用借贷的资金交易,从而放大收益或损失。

    Often they use borrowed funds , amplifying their gains and losses .

  21. 但是,银行家们称技术专家官员不过在虚张声势,并且还会乐观的继续借贷业务

    However , bankers called the technocrats ' bluff and proceeded to lend with gusto .

  22. 分享经济的商业模式来自于我们人类最古老的本能——合作、共享、慷慨、个人选择以及灵活多变。具体模式包括租赁、易物、借贷、赠送、交换以及合作组织等所有权共享形式。

    Sharing economy business models emerge from our oldest instincts as humans - – cooperation , sharing , generosity and forms of shared ownership such as cooperative structures .

  23. 银行要确保大学生借贷人有第二还款来源,并未获取具备还款能力的第二还款来源(父母、监护人或其他管理人等)表示同意其贷款行为并愿意代为还款的书面担保材料。

    Banks should make sure college students have a second source of debt repayment or other superiors ) that they approve the loan and are willing to pay it for the borrowers .

  24. 唯一的例外也许是借贷俱乐部(LendingClub),麦晋桁今年四月份加入了这家点对点在线借贷平台的董事会。

    The only exception may be lending club , an online peer-to-peer loan platform that added Mack to its board of directors back in April .

  25. 基于不同借贷利率Black-Scholes模型的外汇期权定价

    Pricing of Currency Options Based on Black-Scholes Models with Different Borrowing and Lending Rate

  26. Libor丑闻再次表明借贷业务在当代国际金融界只是个配角。

    The LIBOR scandal shows once again that lending is a sideshow in the world of modern global finance .

  27. 昨日发布的欧洲央行《金融稳定评论》(ecbfinancialstabilityreview)发现,半数以上的借贷成本源自于这样的风险:放贷银行自身面临“重大流动性危机”,即突然需要融资。

    The ECB financial stability review , published yesterday , found that more than half the borrowing costs were due to risks that lending banks would themselves face a " significant liquidity shock " or sudden need for funding .

  28. 结果表明:对项目的ROI正影响最大的是杠杆率,其次是折旧期和折旧率;对项目的ROI负影响最大的是项目寿命,其次是借贷利率;

    The results show : the biggest positive factor effect on the ROI is the leverage rate , then the depreciation period and the discount rate ;

  29. 在欧洲金融稳定机构(EFSF)借贷范围扩大并运转之前,欧洲中央银行(ECB)将其最近购买西班牙和意大利国债的决定视为权宜之计。

    The European Central Bank ( ECB ) regards its recent decision to buy Spanish and Italian bonds as a stopgap until the expanded EFSF is up and running .

  30. 国开行国家助学贷款与高校最优激励合同设计不同借贷利率下的投资组合选择&基于均值和VaR的效用最大化模型

    The national learning-aiding loan of the State Development Bank and the design of the optimum incentive contract of the high education institutions Portfolio selection with different borrowing-lending rates : Utility maximization model based on mean and VaR