
  • 网络highway patrol;highway patrol officers
  1. 他们拼凑出一个导航系统,并说服加州高速公路巡警(CaliforniaHighwayPatrol)让这辆车驶过海湾大桥――从旧金山行驶到金银岛。

    They patched together a guidance system and persuaded the California Highway Patrol to let the car cross the Bay Bridge-from San Francisco to Treasure Island .

  2. 美国联邦调查局,密苏里州高速公路巡警,路易斯安那州的警察部门及圣路易斯县警察局,

    The FBI , Missouri Highway Patrol , the Louisiana Police Department , the St. Louis County Police Department ,

  3. 加州高速公路巡警ChrisParent表示,汽车司机是将车停到路边使用手机时被飞机撞上的。

    The vehicle 's driver had pulled over to use his phone , California Highway Patrol Officer Chris Parent said .

  4. 高尔夫球手老虎伍兹连续第3天拒绝与佛罗里达州高速公路巡警队的调查人员见面。

    For a third straight day , golfer Tiger Woods declined to meet with investigators from the Florida Highway Patrol today .

  5. 几辆货车相撞之后,高速公路巡警决定封锁这条公路一英里的距离。

    And after a couple of truck drivers actually ran into each other , and the highway patrol decided to block that road for about a mile .