
  • 网络concurrent process;current process
  1. 图表中的13个椭圆形调出(call-out)提供并发流程数量的一个计数。

    The13 oval call-outs on the diagram provide a count of the number of concurrent process .

  2. 并发流程中活动间的资源冲突。

    Resource conflicts between activities that are concurrently performed in different processes .

  3. 工作流中并发流程间资源冲突的研究

    A Research on the Conflicts of Resources Among Concurrent Processes in Workflow

  4. 在这种企业中,往往存在多个并发流程竞争有限的共享资源的问题,因此解决并发流程间的资源冲突在分布式企业中有重要意义。

    There is always a problem competing for limited and shared resources among concurrent processes in these enterprises . So it is of great importance to solve the conflicts of resources among multi-processes .

  5. 并发处理实际上是流程的衍生,这是一个相当著名并深入人心的概念。

    Concurrent processing is , in effect , the spawning of processes , which is a fairly well known and understood concept .

  6. 工作站模式/并发执行,也叫并发GC-工作流程与非并发GC基本相似,但不会在整个清理周期挂起其他托管线程。

    Workstation / Concurrency ON , also called Concurrent GC . – Like in the previous scenario , but the GC does not suspend the managed threads for the entire period when it reclaims unused memory .