
  • 网络Concurrency Model;concurrent model;models of concurrency
  1. 适合GIS事务特征的并发模型探讨

    Feasible concurrency model for GIS transaction manager

  2. DB2中的另一个新特性是对事务并发模型的改进。

    The next new feature within DB2 is an improvement to its transaction concurrency model .

  3. 一个基于混合并发模型的Java虚拟机

    A Java Virtual Machine Based on Hybrid Concurrent Compilation and Execution Model

  4. Java并发模型框架的构建及应用

    Construction and Application of Java Concurrent Model Framework

  5. Actor模型是一种面向对象的并发模型,但它缺乏对继承机制的支持。

    The Actor model is an object - oriented concurrent model , but it cannot support inheritance .

  6. 构造了一个实用并发模型框架,利用该框架解决了Client/Server模型的XML文档数据的一致性和有效性问题。

    We constructed a practical concurrent model framework and solved the consistency and validity of XML documents data of client / server model using the framework .

  7. 最简单的Clojure并发模型是vars。

    The simplest type of Clojure concurrency model is vars .

  8. 一些语言(比如Erlang和Scala)的并发模型就是基于角色的,而不是基于线程。

    Some languages , like Erlang and Scala , base their concurrency model on actors as opposed to threads .

  9. 第二个问题是:多核化成为软件执行环境的发展趋势,如何利用更多的CPU核提高comet应用的性能以及伸缩性问题成为语言并发模型所面临最为重要的问题。

    How to use more CPU core to improve the performance and scalability of comet application becomes the significant problem that language concurrent model has to face .

  10. GPars采用目前一些最流行的并发模型,通过Groovy使其在Java平台上可访问。

    GPars takes some of the most popular concurrency models today and makes them accessible on the Java platform , via Groovy .

  11. 本文中未涉及的两个重要并发模型是通信顺序进程(CSP)和软件事务内存(STM)。

    Two important concurrency models that are not covered in this article are communicating sequential processes ( CSP ) and software transactional memory ( STM ) .

  12. Rubinius有一个很棒的并发模型和以Task和Channel的形式的I/O支持,而且Rubinius现有的Actor实现让这两者都非常的有效率。

    Rubinius has an excellent concurrency model and I / O support in the form of Tasks and Channels , and Rubinius 's existing Actor implementation leverages these both quite effectively .

  13. 例如,Erlang包含一个非常简单的并发模型,允许在同一主机上相对轻松地多次执行代码块。

    For example , Erlang includes a very simple concurrency model , allowing individual blocks of code to be executed multiple times on the same host with relative ease .

  14. 核心线程是微内核操作系统Mach调度的基本单位,它较好地支持了细粒度的并行计算,但核心线程在支持用户并发模型、双并发模型上还有许多缺点。

    Kernel thread is the basic scheduling unit in the microkernel operating system Mach . It supports fine grained parallel computing , but microkernel thread has many shortcomings in supporting user concurrence models and double concurrence models .

  15. π网是一类新型的基于π演算语义的模块化高级Petri网,是对两类并发模型Petri网和π演算的有效结合,它的并发语义既是真正并发的又是交互的。

    π net is a new modular high level Petri net based on the semantics of the π calculus which combines the advantages of Petri net and the π calculus . The concurrency semantics of π nets is not only true concurrency but also interleaving .

  16. 该框架运用了多种技术,包括半同步/半异步的多线程并发模型,池式内存管理技术,还有对可靠UDP的实现,以及定时器队列机制和服务器统一配置管理机制的实现。

    The framework used a variety of technologies , including half-synchronous / half-asynchronous multi-threaded concurrency model , pool-style memory management technology , the implementation of reliable UDP mechanism as well as timer queue mechanisms and server configuration unified management mechanisms .

  17. 并发模型构件的状态迁移派生图及等价判定

    On Equation Determination of Concurrent Model Components Based on Derivative Graph

  18. 并发模型对于分布对象中间件具有十分重要的意义。

    Concurrency model is very important for distributed object-oriented middleware .

  19. 反应式系统的并发模型(Ⅲ)&Petri网模型

    Concurrent Models for Reactive System (ⅲ) & Petri Net Models

  20. 消息中间件中多线程池并发模型的研究

    Research on multithread pool concurrency model in message oriented middleware

  21. 反应式系统的并发模型(Ⅱ)&程序语言模型

    Concurrent Models for Reactive Systems (ⅱ): Programming Language Models

  22. 另外,我们提出的并发模型允许对象内部的并发。

    The internal concurrency of objects is also supported .

  23. 分布对象中间件并发模型研究

    Research on Concurrency Model in Distributed Object-Oriented Middleware

  24. 智能网系统的两级并发模型

    A Two-level Concurrent Model of the IN System

  25. 抢断式并发模型调度机制

    Preemptive Concurrent Model Scheduling Mechanism

  26. 并发模型以并发单元为主体,描述了进程并发以及解决并发时的表示方法。

    Based on concurrence unit , Concurrence Model describes process concurrence and the way to express concurrence .

  27. 一个面向对象的二级并发模型

    A two-level object-oriented concurrent model

  28. 在您按进度努力交付可靠的应用程序时,并发模型之间存在确实的不同。

    There are real differences between the concurrency models when you 're working to deliver reliable applications on schedule .

  29. 下面的参考资料指向了一些用各种并发模型进行的实现和实验,还有其它参考资料。

    The references below point , among other resources , to implementations and experiments with a wide variety of concurrency models .

  30. 先分析了服务器并发模型的几种常用技术,然后对网络服务器的网络I/O模型进行了分析和比较,最后介绍了服务器的磁盘I/O技术。

    First it introduces common concurrent models , and then analyses the network I / O technology and disk I / O technology .