
  • 网络Tail recursion;tail recursive;tail-recursive
  1. 这个例子使用Scheme中所谓的尾递归(tailrecursion)。

    This example uses what in Scheme is called tail recursion .

  2. 尾递归是XSLT样式表中的常用技术。

    Tail recursion is a common technique in XSLT style sheets .

  3. 请注意broker是尾递归的。

    Notice that broker is tail recursive .

  4. 您可以使用尾递归(tailrecursion)和XSLTtranslate()函数来完成这一步。

    You 'll use tail recursion and the XSLT translate () function to do this .

  5. 要实现这一转换,需要使用常用的被称为尾递归(tailrecursion)的XSLT技术。

    To effect that transformation , you need to use a common XSLT technique known as tail recursion .

  6. 而在Erlang中不需要使用循环,因为尾递归函数会被自动优化在固定的空间中运行。

    In Erlang there is no need for loops because tail recursive functions are transparently optimized to run in constant space .

  7. 在Clojure中,loop/recur表示尾递归,不像其他递归调用那样占用堆栈帧。

    In Clojure , loop / recur indicates tail recursion and does not consume stack frames like other recursive calls .

  8. 另外一项差异在于,在zippers版本内部使用的是数据结构的线性尾递归遍历,而非递归遍历。

    Another difference is that , internally , the zipper version uses a linear tail-recursive traversal of the data structure instead of a recursive traversal .

  9. 实际上,尾递归消除了对递归使用调用栈的需要;因此,可以实现任意深度的递归并且可以避免栈溢出。

    Essentially , tail recursion eliminates the use of the call stack for recursion ; thus , arbitrarily deep recursion is possible and avoids stack overflow .

  10. 为了提高系统的运行效率和实用性.在实现上采用了内码表示、结构共享、智能回溯、预匹配以及尾递归等多项措施。在设计上.本系统特别注重与环境的连接和通讯。

    The efficiency of the system is improved by using inner-code representation , sharing of structure , intelligent backtracking , match in advance and tail recurssion optimization .