
wěi jié
  • telson
  1. 原本,螳螂虾有一片腹部护甲,称之为“尾节”,它强到足够经得起其它虾的一再抨击袭击。

    It turns out that Mantis shrimp has a piece of abdominal armourcalled a " telson ", which is strong enough to withstands repeatedassaults from other shrimp .

  2. 不同生长发育阶段的1500尾斑节对虾的体长、体重生长参数进行测量和分析。

    The body length and weight of 1 500 shrimp samples at different stages were measured .

  3. 采用补焊、化学灌浆等处理对策与措施,解决了尾水管凑合节与转轮室出现裂纹的问题。

    Using such repair , chemical grouting treatment strategies and measures to solve the tail pipe , joint and cracks of the runner room .

  4. 介绍了平班水电站尾水管凑合节与转轮室连接处存在裂纹的现象,并对裂纹产生的原因进行分析。

    The class introduces tail pipe joint and hydropower station , the existence of the crack joints runner room to crack , and the reason is analyzed .

  5. 结论:河南医科大学实验动物中心KM小鼠与河北医科大学KM小鼠存在尾长和尾椎节数差异

    Conclusion : KM mice from Henan Medical University are difference in tail length and the number of tail bone from the KM mice of Hebei Medical University

  6. 方法:测量小鼠身长,尾长,尾椎节数及长度。

    Methods Body length and tail length of the mice were measured at 3,20 and 30 weeks .