
wěi shuǐ
  • tail water
尾水 [wěi shuǐ]
  • (1) [tail water]

  • (2) 在尾水渠道中的水

  • (3) 在水坝或水力开发厂的出水

  1. 以BAF为主体处理焦化尾水,通过配水提高原水的可生化性。

    The biodegradability of the wastewater is improved by water distribution .

  2. 城市尾水外排长江口的氧化还原环境监测及其对重金属Hg,Cr形态的影响分析

    Monitoring of the redox environment caused by city tail water discharged into Changjiang Estuary and effect on it forms of Hg , Cr

  3. 我国城镇污水处理厂尾水具有C/N低,N、P含量高的特点,对其进行深度脱氮除磷具有一定的难度。

    The tailwater from urban sewage treatment plant has low level of C / N , and has high content of nitrogen and phosphorus . It has some difficulties in removing nitrogen and phosphorus .

  4. 根据鞍山千山地区地热水资源及利用情况,针对3万m2的供热面积,采用地热热泵以充分利用地热尾水的方案,进行了技术经济分析。

    According to geothermal resources in Anshan district and utilizing status , aiming at heating area of 30,000 m 2 , using geo-heat pump , making the utilization of tail water , and analyzes it in technological and economical aspects .

  5. Al2(SO4)3、碱式氯化铝和复合脱色剂均对该尾水色度有良好的去除效果,去除率可达70%以上,但COD去除率小于65%,后处理出水难以达标。

    The removal efficiency of wastewater will reach more than 70 % with aluminum sulfate , aluminum chloride and compound decolorant . But the removal efficiency of chemical oxygen demand is generally lower than 65 % and the effluent fails to meet the national discharge criteria .

  6. 本文主要进行了在不同催化剂存在条件下微波辐射处理甲基橙和活性艳蓝X-BR染料溶液及城市污水厂尾水研究。

    This article has mainly carried on the research about the processing which the microwave cooperated with different catalysts radiates on the methyl orange , the active colorful blue X-BR solution and the tail water of the municipal sewage plant .

  7. 三峡电源电站尾水隧洞衬砌混凝土施工技术

    Concrete lining technology for tailrace tunnel of TGP power source station

  8. 复杂环境地质条件下的尾水围堰爆破拆除

    Blasting Demolition of Trail Water Cofferdam under Complex Environment Geological Condition

  9. 兼氧-PACT工艺处理化纤废水尾水

    Application of facultative anaerobic-pact to treatment of chemical fiber tail wastewater

  10. 绍兴污水处理厂尾水排放系统设计

    Design for the Tailwater Discharge System of Shaoxing Wastewater Treatment Plant

  11. 水力模型尾水测控系统数学模型

    Mathematic Model of Tail-Water Measuring and Controlling System for Hydraulic Model

  12. 尾水洞内热质交换数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Heat and Mass Transfer in Tail Water Tunnel

  13. 调压室最低涌浪水位高于设计所要求的最低涌浪水位,说明该尾水系统的设计是合理的。

    There-fore , the design of the tailrace system is reasonable .

  14. 造纸尾水对芦苇生长和生态环境的影响

    The influence of Papermaking Wastewater on Reed Growth and Zoology Environment

  15. 底环与座环用螺栓连接,底环从尾水廊道处装拆。

    The bottom loop can be excreted from tail water corridor .

  16. 复杂尾水系统的尾水调压室稳定断面推求

    Stable sectional area of tailrace surge tank on complicated tailrace system

  17. 龙滩水电站尾水调压室形式选择

    Type selection of tailrace surge chamber of Longtan Hydropower Station

  18. 水电站引水-尾水管道系统水力过渡过程模型试验与计算

    Model study and calculation of hydraulic transient in hydro power station pipeline

  19. 地下厂房工程尾水系统开挖施工技术

    Excavation and construction technique for tailrace structures of underground powerhouse

  20. 尾水隧洞衬砌混凝土裂缝预防及治理

    Prevention and control of liner concrete crack at tailwater tunnel

  21. 尾水岔洞三维有限元分析

    THE HOLE 3D finite element analysis of tailrace bifurcation tunnel

  22. 电镀厂尾水重金属对附近水稻田的环境影响

    Influence of Heavy Metal from Electroplating Factory Tail Water on Rice Field

  23. 有连接管的尾水调压室稳定断面问题的理论研究

    Critical Stable Sectional Area of the Downstream Surge Tank with Linking Pipe

  24. 简单式尾水调压室位置对尾水管最小压力值的影响

    Influence of Simple Tailrace Surge Tank Location on Draft Tube Minimum Pressure

  25. 关于设置尾水调压室条件的商讨

    A Discussion of The Condition For Setting Tailwater Surge Tank

  26. 水电站尾水平台振动现场测试研究

    Vibration Measurement and Analysis for the Attached Building of a Hydropower Station

  27. 大跨径尾水岔洞开挖与衬砌稳定分析方法研究

    Analysis Method on Excavation and Lining Structure for Large-span Tailrace Bifurcation Tunnel

  28. 稳定塘用于石化废水尾水处理的中试研究

    Application of Stabilization Pond to Treatment of Tail Water of Petrochemical Wastewater

  29. 设置气垫式调压室的尾水系统水力过渡过程计算

    Calculation of hydraulic transients of tailrace system with air chamber

  30. 瀑布沟尾水隧洞出口高边坡稳定性问题突出。

    The problem of high slope stability is outstanding .