
  • 网络functional language;lisp
  1. 现在我们再次看到了面向对象语言(此次是Java)和函数式语言之间的冲突。

    Today we are seeing echoes of that conflict with object ( Java this time ) and functional languages .

  2. 例如,在大多数函数式语言中,默认方式是创建不可变变量,而不是可变变量,这与Java截然相反。

    For example , the default in most functional languages creates immutable variables rather than mutable ones , which is exactly opposite of the Java approach .

  3. 基于交互式语法制导Web方式的函数式语言的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of a Functional Language System Based Interactive Syntax-directed in Web

  4. 该环境综合了函数式语言和过程式语言的特性和优势,为CAD应用开发提供了理想的开发平台。

    It provides a standout platform for CAD application development .

  5. Blue也结合了函数式语言的一些方面。

    Blue also incorporates some functional language aspects .

  6. F是由微软研究院开发的一种函数式语言。

    F # is a functional language being developed by Microsoft Research .

  7. 并发函数式语言CM的设计及实现

    CM : A Concurrent Functional Language Based on Miranda

  8. XSLT是一种函数式语言而不是过程性语言。

    XSLT is a functional language rather than a procedural one .

  9. 由于Ruby更接近函数式语言,它的学习曲线是三者之中最高的。

    Given its closer functional ties , the learning curve for Ruby is highest of the three .

  10. 它的表达式能适应Accelerator计算,使得它非常适合F那样的函数式语言。

    The expression orientated nature of Accelerator computations make them a nice fit for a functional language like F # .

  11. Java世界现在对一些函数式语言,例如Scala和Clojure表现出很大的兴趣。

    The Java world is showing a lot of interest now in functional languages such as Scala and Clojure .

  12. 函数式语言包括XSLT,但不能包含传统的循环,因为循环在时间上是有序的。

    Functional languages , including XSLT , can 't include traditional loops because loops are ordered in time .

  13. Domain理论的提出来源于两个不同的背景:一个是理论计算机中的函数式语言的研究,一个是纯数学的研究。

    The introduction of Domain theory is originated from two different kinds of background : one is the study of functional language in the theoretical computer science , the other is the study of pure mathematics .

  14. 基于TRANSPUTER网络的函数式语言的并行抽象机模型

    Parallel abstract machine model of function language for Transputer network

  15. Clojure:Clojure是一个现代Lisp语言,重写为纯函数式语言,在JVM中运行。

    Clojure : Clojure is a modern dialect of Lisp recast as a purely functional language that runs on the JVM .

  16. Action演算簇(actioncalculi)是一种抽象的数学结构,已经表明它可以表示λ演算、进程代数、γ演算以及函数式语言等。

    Action calculi have been introduced as an abstract mathematical structure , and it has been shown that λ calculus , process algebra ,γ calculus and functional language can be represented in the framework of action calculi .

  17. 然而,从本质上讲,JavaScript更像是一种函数式语言,而非面向对象的语言,它使用一些智能的语法和语义来仿真高度复杂的行为。

    Ultimately , and surprisingly , JavaScript is more of a functional language than an object-oriented one , and it uses some clever syntax and semantics to simulate highly sophisticated behaviors .

  18. 基于Monad的纯函数式语言文件系统设计

    The Design of the Pure Functional I / O File System Based on Monads

  19. 诸如C中的lambda表达式和.NET2.0中的范型等语言特性都源于函数式语言,而LINQ更是直接基于函数式编程技术。

    Language features such as lambda expressions in C # and generics in . NET2.0 have roots in functional languages , and LINQ is directly based on functional programming techniques .

  20. F&微软支持的第一个主要的函数式语言,其基于OCaml。

    F # , the first primarily functional language supported by Microsoft , is based on OCaml .

  21. Monad作为构造纯函数式语言的工具,能构造出诸如错误处理、状态、I/O等非纯函数式语言的特征。

    Monads serve as the basis for adding other features to a pure functional language , such as exception , state and I / O.

  22. 定义了函数式语言SFL,给出了由SFL到PROLOG的一般性转换方法,设计并实现了自动转换系统。

    The article gives general transforming method from functional language to logic language . Based on the method , we designed and realized an automatic transforming system trom functional language SFL to PROLOG .

  23. 文章研究部分求值技术中的约束时间分析(简称BTA),介绍了一种高阶的函数式语言FSL语言的部分求值器的BTA。

    This paper is the research on binding time analysis in partial evaluation techniques . It provides the BTA in a partial evaluator for a kind of higher order functional language , which is called FSL .

  24. 该文通过组合状态转换Monad和异常处理Monad来定义纯函数式语言通道系统操作,给出了通道系统操作的操作语义。

    This paper defines the purely functional channel system operations based on a monad which is combined a state transformer monad with a exception monad . The operational semantics of channel system operations have been given for using .

  25. 纯函数式语言的状态转换器与调用

    The State Transformer & Calling of Pure Function I / O

  26. 函数式语言中的数组更新(I)

    The Update About Array in Pure Function Languages ( I )

  27. 实现函数式语言部分求值器的约束时间分析

    Binding Time Analysis of Implementing Partial Evaluation for Functional Languages

  28. 过程式语言到函数式语言的抽象方法

    A program abstraction method from procedural language to functional language

  29. 函数式语言编译中多态类型的实现技术

    Implementation techniques of polymorphic types in functional programming language compilers

  30. 函数式语言对数字电路的描述,综合及模拟

    Description , synthesis and Simulation of digital circuit by functional programming language