
  1. 浅议函数定义域的作用与地位

    A Simple Explanation of the Role and Place of Function Definition Field

  2. 同时,拟随机序列的低偏差性保证了函数定义域能够被均匀地搜索,为找到多个局部极值包括全局极值提供了保证。

    The low discrepancy of quasi_random sequence ensures that the function field be searched evenly and various local extrema including global extremum be found .

  3. 通过实验仿真及与其他算法进行的对比分析表明,改进后的人工萤火虫群算法在种群规模较小、迭代次数较少的情况下也可以精确捕获函数定义域内的所有峰值。

    The experiment resups show that the algorithm , with the smaller populations and the fewer number of iterations , can simultaneous capture multiple optima of several standard multimodal test function .

  4. 在高中数学中不等式的性质是基础,其性质和解法在其他知识的领域中应用较为广泛,如函数的定义域、单调性、最值、复数等等。

    Inequality in the high school mathematics is the foundation , and the properties of its property settlement method which has been widely applied in other areas of knowledge , such as function , monotonicity , the values , the plural of domain and so on .

  5. 一个函数在其定义域上若具有介值性,则其间断点的类型只能是第二类的;

    When function has the quality of intermediate value in the defined area , the type of breaking point must be the second kind .

  6. 基本初等函数在它们的定义域内都是连续的。

    Basic elementary functions are continuous on their domain .

  7. 求多元函数极限时应注意函数的定义域

    Can We Change the Domain of Definition of the Function of Several Veriables When Calculating Its Limit

  8. 为了降低开销,提出了一种新的用于控制流错误检测的信号函数,该信号函数定义于伽罗瓦域中。

    In order to reduce the overhead , a new signature function is presented for the detection of control flow errors in this paper . This signature function is defined in Galois field ( GF ) .

  9. 本文提出一种用CRT显示一元列表函数图象时,根据被显示函数的定义域和值域,计算机自动进行坐标刻度的划分和标值的算法,给出了程序框图和说明。

    A method for automatically dividing and marking scale interval for coordinated axes according to domain of definition and domain of function when graphing functions on CRT is suggested .

  10. 函数为初等函数的必要条件是函数在定义域内为连续函数。

    The necessary condition of a function being an elementary function is that the function is a continuous function in the field of definition .