- 名latent variable

Firstly , on the basic of analysis , suppose there are some cause-effect path relationships among each latent variable . Then compute the coefficients , test the existence of each path , modify the model and arrive at a final consumer satisfaction model .
This paper presents a logistic simultaneous equations model with latent variables .
This diversity of potential variables has caused jQuery to create a generalized function to access them .
The latent variables are called the independent components of the observed data , which are assumed non-Gaussian and mutually independent .
Structural Equation Modeling ( SEM ) is a statistical method that states the relation between observation variables and latent variables or among the latent variables by linear equation system .
The data of students ' scores are analyzed by the factor analysis based on EM algorithm . Using the procure compiled of MATLAB software , we find that the latent variables are the same as those of traditional classifying of subjects .
Factor analysis is used to extract the latent variables which affect the satisfaction and loyalty . Logistic regression can be done with the latent variables and the two dependent variables & the customer satisfaction and loyalty , then a recursive simultaneous equations model are established .
Compared to the ACSI , this model add a potential exogenous variable & school image , for the school image has a direct influence on the students satisfaction .
Different groups in various potential variable user satisfaction of differences .
Using Structural Equ-ation Modeling we can not only analyze the relationship between latent variables , but also the relationship between latent variables and observed variables .
Correlations among all the latent variables have been calculated . There are inter-relationship among the perceived susceptibility , perceived severity , perceived benefits and perceived barriers .
It is a kind of multivariate statistic technique that is often used in data reduction to identify a small number of potential factors in a much larger number of manifest variables .
The model principle and the results of the influence of feature dimension and interlingua semantics on the performance of the new Cross Language Text Categorization model are described in this thesis .
Secondly , pay more attention to the influence of consumer characteristic to all latent variables and by demonstration , test the influence degree of social economics characteristic of population and personality metal characteristic .
This dissertation decomposed correlations in the model into direct , indirect , spurious and unanalyzed effects . Results show that the interrelationships among the three components of intellectual capital have a significantly positive effect on firm performance .
This model contains seven Latent Variables : school image , the expected quality of students , students ' perceived quality , perceived value of students , student satisfaction , students ' complaints and the students ' loyalty .
Then the structural model is built by making use of the potential consequences chain . Finally , the latent variables in the structural model , the relationship of them and how to select the observable indicators of them are studied .
The biomass density , plant density , and plant size of availability plant and bite size were a potential set of variables influencing the functional response of herbivores foraging , and the differences of the variables lead to complicate pattern of functional response .
Factor Analysis : factor analysis is to find such a correlation between dominance of the finite number of observations to be the potential variables from a number of variables between the original start , and use it to explain the original multi-variable analysis .
However , latent variables was contained in the models , what leads to high-dimensional integration , so we can not obtain closed form expressions of the likelihood function of Wishart regression model , thus many general parameter estimation methods result in failure .
A slice provides the answer to the question What program statements potentially affect the value of variable v at statement s ? Mark Weiser introduced program slicing because he made the observation that programmers have some abstractions about the program in mind during debugging .
Latent personalities are also included in the model , which make the results much more robust .
After all , it was a small-sample study , conducted over a mere five days , with plenty of potentially confounding variables in the design .
The potential retrieving operation variable affects the two tests , which at the same time facilitates the research of directed forgetting .
The structure variables determine the potential team performance , and the progress variables and state variables affect the increment or decrement of the team performance during the team operation process .
Their statistical models attempted to correct for potential confounding variables , such as the fact that an economic downturn and financial uncertainty may increase mortality rates regardless of whether there is a banking crisis .
Text classification with Bayesian latent semantic model ( BLSM ) . The first stage , labels the documents that include latent class variables by using Bayes latent semantic model .
This article first gives the definition and categorization of customer value , discusses customer potential value , and constructs a multivariate profit model for predicting customer potential value .