
qián zài yì shí
  • subconscious;subconsciousness
  1. 而右脑则是负责直觉、艺术性、创造性、瞬间记忆、潜在意识等感性的方面。

    While the right half covers more qualitative ones , like intuition , artistic aspects , creativity , short-term memory and the subconscious .

  2. 这些(要清理的)素材就从我的潜在意识里倾泻而出,当我在处理内在小孩的创伤时,经常会做怪异的梦,会焦虑。

    The stuff just poured out of my subconscious , and I had weird dreams and anxiety attacks as I battled to process the trauma of my inner child .

  3. 中国建筑框架的潜在意识

    The potential consciousness of Chinese architectural skeleton

  4. 倘若其胸怀潜在意识的话,十月的内在美丽,在于她以一种厚实的美学审美触角潜移默化地改变着天地的喜怒无常。

    The physical beauty of October affects the most insensitive natures , if only subconsciously , with a heightened appreciation of esthetic satisfactions .

  5. 简锦益自幼酷爱诗词书画,对中华文化的熏陶与传承,有着一份非常奇特的潜在意识,造就了他毕生乐此不疲的热爱。

    Jian Jinyi is keen on poetry and art from a child , he also has a special latent consciousness of Chinese culture polishing and inheriting .

  6. 虽然她们选择的叛逆方式不同,力度不同,但追求爱情,追求自由,追求个性解放的潜在意识却是相同的。

    Though they chose different rebel ways in different degrees , the potential consciousness shows the same as in pursuit of love , freedom and personality emancipation .

  7. 不象视觉和声音微小的信息都已被仔细研究过了,潜在意识气味的潜在能力遭到了忽视。

    Unlike the media of sight and sound , in which subliminal messages have been studied carefully , the potential power of subliminal smells has been neglected .

  8. 但对我来说,音乐创作中的潜在意识中的“幻想”与当地的自然和民间传说还是有相当的联系的。

    But there is , at least for me , an underlying sense of " fantasy " that I feel is quite connected to the nature and folklore here .

  9. 当你完成这个过程时,你将把那些深植于潜在意识的自我伤害模式彻底清除,并将能够让自己在完全明晰和纯粹的意图下运作。

    When you are finished you will have cleared your psyche of subconscious patterns of self-sabotage , and will be able to function from a space of complete clarity and purity of intention .

  10. 在寻找深处进灵魂之内方面,超现实主义者经过图像在理性者中表达反讽佛洛伊德的潜在意识,以及推翻被马克思建议的日用品物神的类型。

    In searching deep into the psyche , the Surrealists expressed the irony in the rational through images of Freudian subconscious , and also to subvert the kind of commodity fetish suggested by Marx .

  11. 丁玲集中于其被压抑的潜在启蒙意识与意识形态权威认同之间的矛盾,揭示其文本构成的复杂状态。

    Ding Ling concentrate on their potential to teach beginners consciousness and ideology authority admit contradiction during constrain , announce the complicated state that its text forms .

  12. 摘要广告可以看成是针对消费者的需要和欲望,刺激消费热情、调动潜在消费意识,最终促成购买行动的营销传播活动。

    Aimed at the consumer 's needs and desire , advertisement may be regarded as the stimulation of consumer enthusiasm , the motivation of latent consumer consciousness , finally to promote the marketing dissemination of the purchase motion .

  13. 可是董贝先生似乎并不这样想;这时他挺直了身子,仍旧背对着壁炉站着,同时威严而镇静地望着他下属中这位第一把手,在神态中似乎对他自己的权力隐藏着比平时更为强烈的潜在的意识。

    But Mr Dombey hardly seemed to think so , as he still stood with his back to the fire , drawn up to his full height , and looking at his head-clerk with a dignified composure , in which there seemed to lurk a stronger latent sense of power than usual .

  14. 他异的空间反映了作者潜在的疆域意识和非家园感。

    His sense of otherness in space reflected his unconscious sense of territory , non-home and unfamiliarity .

  15. 虽然这对于许多人来说并不是致命的弱点,但这是潜在用户需要意识到的。

    It 's not a deal-breaker for many people , but it is something potential users need to be aware of .

  16. 本文仅从谢晋影片的史诗风格入手,以一种皈依文本的视角剖析其潜在的史诗意识和整体建构。

    The paper focuses on the epic style on the basis of his contexts to explore the epic consciousness and integrated construction in Xiejin 's movies .

  17. 但是老舍所受传统思想的影响又是根深蒂固的,这些悍妇的形象分明体现出作者潜在的男权意识,表现出其潜在的价值两难取向。

    But , as influenced by his deep-rooted traditional ideology of masculinism , the images of fiery women also reflect Lao-She 's dilemma of value tropism .

  18. 我认为南茜带给了我们许多有价值的信息,还有我们中许多人以前从未思索过的潜在的灾难意识。

    I consider Nancy as having brought us much valuable information and an awareness of a potential calamity many of us had never thought about before ;

  19. 结论《医学思维与创新》课程的开设对于医学生尽快熟悉和掌握医学思维方法,培养其实践能力,发展其潜在的创新意识和激发其创造潜能,是具有一定效果的。

    Conclusion The course has high efficiency in acquainting and mastering medical thinking method , cultivating practice ability and developing latent innovation consciousness for medical students .

  20. 从文化自觉的角度要求高校要整合多种文化,进而倡导、发展社会主流文化,而这些正符合和而不同的校园文化理念,有利于强化其和的境界、包容理念以及潜在的创新意识。

    Universities are urged to integrate the multi-lateral campus cultures to enhance the social mainstream , which is in line with the new campus concept of empathy .

  21. 这样做的话,你的潜在客户就会意识到他们有的购买时间是有限的,也不会产生“我以后再买”的想法了。

    That way , your potential customers know they only have a limited time to respond and they won 't fall victim to the " I 'll do it later " syndrome .

  22. 生于2008年的菩萨孩子将是高度觉察的,不仅觉察到潜在的无意识舞蹈,也生来具有裸眼看到能量的能力。

    Bodhisattva children born in2008 will be highly perceptive , perceiving not only the underlying unconscious dance , but will be born with the gift of seeing energy with the naked eye .

  23. 本文探讨了《西游记》所体现的潜在的崇武意识,认为这种意识弱化“尚侠”而强化“崇武”,有深刻的社会文化根源。

    In the article , the martial spirit hidden in Pilgrimage to the West is considered to be inclined to martialism more than chivalry , and there is a root cause in society and culture .

  24. 顾磷贬谪全州的经历使其思想逐渐转向理学,远离家乡亦激起了他浓浓的乡愁,激发了其潜在的本土意识。

    Gu Lin was banished to Quanzhou , this experience makes his thought gradually turned to " Lin " science , far away from the hometown also aroused his nostalgia , inspire the potential of native consciousness .

  25. 从100名高师学生的问卷调查和分析中得知,高师学生拥有潜在的科研意识和自发的科研行为,但其教育科研素质拓展受师资、课程、社会环境等因素的制约。

    On the questionnaire and analysis of 100 teachers college students , the paper has drown the conclusion that the students have the latent awareness and initiative actions of scientific research but their development of educational scientific research quality has been restricted by the teachers , courses and society environment .

  26. 正是通过对海丝特这一女性人物的塑造表达出霍桑潜在的女性主义意识。

    Through the analysis of the representation of the female character , Hester , Hawthorne 's feminist consciousness can be detected in The Scarlet Letter .

  27. 奥茨的《他们》一书中的宏大历史场面、客观的叙述描写和暴力的主题阻碍了批评家们对作品中潜在的女性主义意识的挖掘。

    The macro historical scenes , objective third-person description and the theme of violence in the novel did blind the critics to see its potential feminist consciousness .