
  1. 男婴阳时、阴时出生率分别为42.65%和57.35%,差异极显著;

    The birth rates of boys were 42.65 % in Yang hours and 57.35 % in Yin hours , with a highly significant difference .

  2. 中医认为,夜间属于阴时&即清心寡欲并让你的身心得到彻底放松的时间段。

    In Chinese Medicine , nighttime is yin time & or , simply , when the body takes care of itself instead of your desires .

  3. 结论肝组织检测HBVdna可以明显提高HBV感染诊断率,血内HBVdna阴转时不能说明肝组织内亦已阴转,血内HBVdna阴转不宜随即停止治疗。

    Conclusion The assay of liver tissue HBV DNA could raise the possibility of HBV infection diagnosis , seroconversion does not mean no HBV DNA in hepatocytes and treatment should not be stoped at once while seroconversion of HBV DNA .

  4. 在水稻抽穗后6~20d出现阴害时,喷施化学调控剂的增产效果最明显,隶属度达0.7869。

    Application of chemical regulation agent when the injury occured 6 ~ 20 days after heading had the best effect , with a degree of subordinacy of 0 7869 .

  5. 试论《伤寒论》三阴三阳时位辨证

    Discussion of time and space differentiation of three-yin and three-yang in Shanghan Lun

  6. 研究发现,明清医家应用补阴剂时以甘寒、甘温药物为主;药物归经定位在肝肾,肺胃;

    The channel-tropism of medicine was mostly kidney , liver , lung , stomach ;

  7. 但是阳气常存,到后直至满月晚,极阴之时,鬼门开。

    But the sun to endure , until the full moon night after , extremely Yin , ghosts door open .

  8. 这些数据表明,在选择拟用于较高温度凝结水处理的阴树脂时,尤应注意其耐热性。

    These data indicate that the heat-resistance of anion exchange resins which are intended to be used in a higher temperature condensate polishing system should be especially considered .

  9. 盆腔器官脱垂阴式手术时输尿管梗阻的发生率及术中膀胱镜的应用价值

    The incidence of ureteral obstruction and the value of intraoperative cystoscopy during vaginal surgery for pelvic organ prolapse