
  • 网络power control
  1. 在传统政银关系中,政府对商业银行的过度干预是行政权力控制和支配金融资源。

    The administrative power control the financial resource .

  2. 权力控制与国家审计参与&基于公共受托责任的视角

    Power Control and Governmental Audit 's Participation & From the Perspective of Public Accountability

  3. 其中蕴涵着什么样的权力控制?

    What kinds of control of authority are involved ?

  4. 我没有权力控制你的心。

    I have no rights to control your heart .

  5. 你是我的,我有权力控制你的交际!

    You are my , I have the power to control your communication !

  6. 杰森·斯特罗瑟报道,朝鲜年轻的领导人正在加强权力控制。

    Jason Strother reports the North young ruler is tightening his grip on power .

  7. 权力控制与职务犯罪预防

    Control of Power and Precaution against Duty Crime

  8. 对医生权力控制的分析

    The Analysis on Control of Doctor 's Power

  9. 难道人没有权力控制自己的创造力该如何运用吗?

    Don 't people have a right to control how their creativity is used ?

  10. 一个人或一群人有权力控制另一群人的状态。

    The state that exists when one person or group has power over another .

  11. 论记者的职业素质及权力控制

    On Journalists ' Quality and Power Control

  12. 但是,这两种方式都还没有完全解决权力控制的问题。

    However , both of them failed to completely solve the problem of power control .

  13. 传统行政权力控制模式的目的是建立一个有限政府,而在现代社会有效政府已成为人们的普遍共识,法律对行政的控制应当是一种全方位、多角度的控制。

    The purpose of traditional control mode of administrative power is to establish a limited government .

  14. 要限权则要依法行政、进行权力控制、政府赔偿。

    To limit power is to administrate by law , make power controlled and government compensate .

  15. 网络管理员通过直接访问和管理配置数据库文件而获得了权力控制能力。

    Network administrators also gain power and control through the ability to directly access and manipulate configuration database files .

  16. 古代国家的政治疆域是统一王朝中央权力控制下的、具有大致范围的政治统治区域。

    The political territories in ancient China was an rough governing area controlled by the central government of the empire .

  17. 好吧。我没有权力控制你的心。不幸运的是你已经控制了我的心跳。

    All right . I have no rights to control your heart . Unfortunately , you have controlled my heartbeats .

  18. 而记者失职的背后则是深层的权力控制,媒介工具主义思想将记者与公众之间的关系作了不恰当的定位。

    The journalists ' delinquency is due to the power control and the media instrumentalism which confuses the journalist and the public .

  19. 以什么模式和策略突破权力控制获得大学学科准入资格?

    What models and strategies help break through the control of the authority so as to get an admittance of the discipline ?

  20. 翻译不是纯粹的语言交际活动,而是权力控制下源语和译语的对话。

    Translation is more about a dialogue between SL and TL under the control of power than about a pure linguistic communication .

  21. 五是权力控制作用,即地方立法要为现代国家机关的正常运作提供法制保障和约束。

    The function of power-control , i.e. Regional Legislation should provide legal guarantee and restriction for the regular running of the national departments .

  22. 尤其是法官会用这一标记语来打断律师的辩论,因为法官有权力控制审判进程。

    Specifically it is used by the judges to interrupt the counsels ' arguments because the judges have the authority to control the trial process .

  23. 通过检验发现,我国国家审计对公共经济权力控制的分项效果较好。

    Through empirical research , it is discovered that effects of state audit control over itemized public economic power are much better and more obvious .

  24. 经济自由理论和权力控制理论构成了我国反行政性垄断的理论依据,而中国的特殊国情也需要依靠法律对行政性垄断进行控制。

    Free-Economy Theory and Power-Controlled Theory , both stressing the role of law in controlling administrative monopoly , constitute the theories of anti-administrative monopoly in China .

  25. 受托责任·审计·权力控制&审计对权力进行控制的动因分析陪审团认为指控她有罪的证据很充分。

    Accountability , Audit and Power Control & Motivation Analyses on Power Control by Audit ; The jury were convinced by the weight of the evidence against her .

  26. 权力控制的必要性在于权力的自我异化倾向与权力主体的私人属性相结合,导致权力难以控制;

    The necessity for power control lies in the likelihood that its character of self-dissimilation and its private property tend to combine , making it hard to control .

  27. 领导人说,如果帕朗族、佤族能赢得地方,区域和国家的席位,他们也将获得对其领土的实际权力控制。

    Leaders say that if the Palaung and Wa can win local , regional and well as national seats they will attain a measure of real power over their territory .

  28. 而且我国当前对于行政调查权力控制的法律规范往往比较缺乏且具有模糊性倾向,容易导致对瑕疵行政调查行为的法律规制的真空。

    And the current investigative powers for the control of the rules are often vague and lack , easily lead to the investigation of the flaws of the legal regulation of the vacuum system .

  29. 通过阐述传统社会文化因素和权力控制本质纵向分析家庭暴力的成因,进而引申出社会的发展进步必然要求法律对其进行规制。

    Explained by traditional socio-cultural factors and power to control the longitudinal nature of the causes of domestic violence , and then derive a necessary requirement of social progress and development laws to regulate it .

  30. 费斯克的大众文化理论主要是关于大众能动性抵制权力控制和文化集权的研究,为当代大众文化研究开创了新的研究方式,代表了新的研究取向。

    Fiske 's theory on mass culture mainly discussed about people 's initiative against authority control and cultural centralization , which initiated a new way for researching mass culture , representing a new orientation of study .