
  • 网络difficulties;Teaching Difficulties;difficult points;teaching difficult point
  1. 《外贸英语》一书教学难点分析及其对策

    A talk on difficult points and countermeasures in the book Foreign Trade English

  2. 教学难点:让学生概括和理解减法的意义。

    Teaching Difficult Points : Get the students to conclude and understand the essence of subtraction .

  3. 指针是特性复杂的复合数据对象,历来是C语言教学难点。

    Pointers are complex data objects with complicated properties .

  4. 应用CAD和泥模破解求相贯线的教学难点

    To Crack Intersecting Lines in Teaching Difficult Problems with Application of CAD and Mud

  5. 在酸碱滴定中,滴定常数(Kt)和条件滴定常数(K't)是一个教学难点。

    It is a knotty point that teaching of titration constant ( Kt ) and conditional titation constant ( K 't ) in acid - base titration .

  6. 对机械设计基础课教学难点的探讨

    Probing into the Teaching Difficult Point in Machinery Design Basic Courses

  7. 中职化学教学难点及其突破

    The Difficulty and Breakthrough in the Teaching of Middle School Chemistry

  8. 对高职教育增值税税法教学难点探讨

    To Quality Education Increment Duty Tax Law Teaching Difficulty Discussion

  9. 体育教学难点的分析与解决的方法

    The analyzation and solving method of the difficulties in P. E teaching

  10. 关于寻址方式教学难点的剖析

    Insights of the Problems in the Teaching of Mode of Address Searching

  11. 误差与测量不确定度的教学难点

    On the difficulty in teaching error and uncertainty in measuring

  12. 临床放射物理与防护的教学难点及改革探索

    Exploration and reform of radiation physics and protection course

  13. 第三章提出了词汇中量词教学难点与对策问题。

    The third chapter proposed the difficult problems and countermeasures when teaching Quantifiers .

  14. 敬语的教学难点及指导方法举例

    The Teaching Difficulties in KeiGo and Examples of Instruction

  15. 掷标枪教学难点的有效手段和方法的研究

    Study of Effective Means and Methods in Teaching Difficult Points of Javelin Throwing

  16. 解决这一教学难点问题的关键是运用辩证法。

    Solving this difficult point is to use dialectics .

  17. 《数字电路基础》中解决元器件知识教学难点的探讨

    On Solutions to Instruction Difficulty of Meta-component Knowledge in " Digital Circuit Basis "

  18. 分数应用题一直以来都是小学数学教师的教学难点。

    Fraction word problems has been the difficulty of teaching primary school mathematics teachers .

  19. 历史尺度与道德尺度&欧美文学史教学难点透析

    Historical Standard and Moral Standard & Teaching Difficulties in the History of European-American Literature

  20. 刚体无滑滚动的问题是刚体力学的一个教学难点。

    Non-slippage rolling of a rigid body is a difficulty of teaching of geostatics .

  21. 突出教学难点、重点,调控教学进程;

    Stress the difficult and the important points in the teaching ; control teaching processes ;

  22. 可编程接口芯片的教学难点

    Difficulties in Programmable Interface Chips ' Teaching

  23. 教学难点如果处理的不好,很可能使之成为学生学习上的分化点。

    If teacher cannot do it well , those can be watersheds of students learning .

  24. 复数教学难点评析

    Difficulty Evaluation and Analysis on Complex Number

  25. 高等数学教学难点的处理与学生学习能力的培养

    Disposal of Difficult Points in Higher Maths Teaching and Cultivation of the Study Ability of Students

  26. 关于科学的社会属性的界定&马克思主义哲学原理教学难点问题探讨

    Defining the Social Property of Science

  27. 下去一词的教学难点分析及其教学对策

    An Analysis of Difficulties in Teaching " Xia Qu "( Down ) with Countermeasures in Teaching

  28. 医学英语的教学难点及改进建议

    Medical English Teaching Difficulties and Improvement

  29. 汇编语言教学难点解析

    Teaching Difficulties of Compile Language Analyses

  30. 关于英语口语教学难点与要点的研究

    The Gist of Spoken English Teaching