
jiào xué piàn
  • educational film
  1. Authorware5.0在电视教学片字幕制作中的应用

    Application of Authorware 5.0 in Making TV Educational Film Captions

  2. 系统被编译为SolidWorks的标准插件,使用简单,管理方便,已经得到企业的应用。该系统能对标准教学片进行数字化存贮和管理。

    The system is compiled as a standard add-in of SolidWorks and can be used and managed conveniently . The standard radiograph which is used for teaching can be stored and managed in the form of digital image by the system .

  3. 分镜头脚本的编写及在编制教学片中的应用电影留在晚生代

    The compilation of shooting script and its application in educational films

  4. 三维体育电化教学片研制探析

    Elementary Approach The Development of Three-dimension Electrical Teaching Film

  5. 电视教学片对学生实践能力发展影响的实验研究

    Experimental Research on Effects of TV Teaching Films on Development of Students ' Practical Ability

  6. 主要介绍计算机动画在教学片中的设计和应用。

    This paper mainly introduces the design and application of computer animation in teaching film .

  7. 多媒体电视教学片的制作研究与探讨

    Research on multimedia television teaching videos

  8. 制作数字视频教学片的探讨

    Production of Digital Video Teaching Programs

  9. 本文论述了电视教学片声画蒙太奇制作的作用和技巧。

    The article mainly discussed the skills of making sound and picture montage in teaching television program .

  10. 线性编辑系统和非线性编辑系统的比较及在电视教学片制作中的综合运用

    The Comparison between Linear and Nonlinear Edit System and Its Comprehensive Application in Television Teaching Program Making

  11. 电视教学片在运动心理学课程教学中有较广泛的应用前景。

    TV teaching films have prospects of more extensive application in the teaching of sports psychology course .

  12. 该系统能对标准教学片进行数字化存贮和管理。

    The standard radiograph which is used for teaching can be stored and managed in the form of digital image by the system .

  13. 在电视教学片的摄制实践中,常常要把一些运用多种媒体教学的过程拍摄下来,制作成录像带或光盘,广为传播。

    In the educational telefilm making , the process of teaching through the multiple media will often be taken and made into video tape and disc .

  14. 第五部分以制作大连情景英语教学片为实例,详细阐述了对虚拟摄影棚制作高质量教育资源的应用。

    Part Five states the application of Virtual Studio for making Best Educational Resources in details by the example of making Situational Dialogue by Dalian University .

  15. 介绍线性编辑系统和非线性编辑系统的组成和工作原理,两者性能等比较及在电视教学片制作中的综合运用。

    The paper presents the composition ? work principle ? performance comparison and its comprehensive application in television program making of linear and nonlinear edit system .

  16. 录像教学片的演示简捷、便利,可以增加学生课堂练习的时间,加快动作技能的掌握。

    As the teaching video tape is easy to play , students may have more time in class for exercise and master the skill in shorter time .

  17. 印度的Rajshri娱乐公司制作了这部低成本的瑜伽教学片。该公司是印度宝莱坞最老牌的公司之一。

    Rajshri Entertainment , the creator of this low-budget yoga instructional video , is one of the oldest players inIndia 's film industry , known as Bollywood .

  18. 同时说明声像教学片的表演技巧和情节处理仅是编导的艺术手段,而不是所传授知识的本身。

    Meanwhile , it explained that the performance skills and circumstances treatment in video teaching film were only the art means of the film directors and not the knowledge itself .

  19. 情境英语教学片的应用具有理论背景,其制作包括编稿、写脚本、拍摄、后期剪辑、评审修改等。

    The application of situational English teaching film has its theoretical background , and its production includes compiling draft , writing scripts , filming , post-editing , assessment and revision , etc.

  20. 本文介绍了多媒体电视教学片的制作过程、制作方法,阐述了对制作过程的文字、音频、图像和动画等每一步骤制作技术的应用。

    This paper introduced the manufacture process and method of multimedia television teaching videos , and expatiated the application of every technologies Such as text , audio frequency , diagram and animation .

  21. 结果表明,实验组学生通过观看电视教学片,既加强了基础理论知识的掌握,同时又提高了实践操作能力。

    The results have shown that through watching the teaching film , the students of experimental group have not only known better the foundational theoretical knowledge , but also increased the practical ability of operation .

  22. 《运动解剖学音像教学演示片》在教学中应用的探讨

    The Application of an Exercise Anatomy Teaching Film to the Teaching Practice

  23. 教学录像片镜头剪辑技巧的探讨

    Discussion on teaching kinescope techniques of camera lens edition

  24. 教学电视片制作所需视频素材采集方法

    Method of Gathering Video Material in Instructional Video Film

  25. 网络短片的市场化生存多种媒体教学电视片的摄制

    Market Existence of Internet Short Videos Educational Telefilm making by the Multiple Media

  26. 教学电视片的简易合成编辑法

    The Simple Editing Method of Teaching Telefilm

  27. 多种媒体教学电视片的摄制

    Educational Telefilm making by the Multiple Media

  28. 速写教学谈片

    On Sketch Teaching TALKS ON SKETCH

  29. 教学录像片相当有用。

    Teaching tapes are quite useful .

  30. 详述了多种媒体教学电视片的制作技术。

    This thesis presents a detailed description about the technology in the educational telefilm making through the multiple media .