
  • 网络TV Chosun
  1. 朝鲜电视剧和电影都讲得是为领导作出牺牲。

    In the DPRK dramas and films are all about making sacrifices for the leader .

  2. 朝鲜电视台现场直播了金大中走下飞机、两位国家首脑短暂握手的实况。

    North Korean television showed live pictures Kim Dae-jung left the aircraft and the two presidents shook hands briefly .

  3. 如果你有幸拥有一台电视的话,那星期六朝鲜电视屏幕上咆哮着的狗狗战争就是军乐和群众集会唯一的选择。

    The dogs of war howled from North Koreans television screen Saturday as martial music and mass rallies were the only choice if you were lucky enough to own a TV .

  4. 朝鲜中央电视台报道,该国已于周三清晨成功试射一枚最新研发的洲际弹道导弹。

    The Democratic People 's Republic of Korea ( DPRK ) successfully test fired a newly developed Intercontinental Ballistic Missile early Wednesday morning , the country 's Korean Central Television reported .

  5. 朝鲜国家电视台广播员宣布,这样的宣传是不能容忍的。

    North Korea 's state television newscaster announced such propaganda will not be tolerated .

  6. 在朝鲜国家电视台发表的声明表示朝鲜将进行新的核试验作为回应。

    In a statement read on North Korea 's State television , said it would respond by conducting new nuclear tests .

  7. 据朝鲜中央电视台上周报道,这项服务名为“Manbang”,可以通过机顶盒把点播的视频传送到电视上。

    Called Manbang , the service deliverson-demand videos to televisions through a set-top box , Korean Central Televisionsaid in a report last week .

  8. 朝鲜国家电视台上周六晚播出的画面显示,这位朝鲜新一任领导人在平壤一家剧院出席一场晚会活动。

    North Korean state TV on Saturday night showed the new leader in attendance at a variety show in a theater in Pyongyang .

  9. 朝鲜国家电视台星期三播放了朝鲜人在金正日及其父亲金日成的雕像前鞠躬和献花的场面。

    State television on Wednesday showed North Koreans bowing and leaving flowers at the statue of the former leader and his father Kim Il Sung .

  10. 对于朝鲜的电视剧迷们来说,一盘载有八集电视剧的闪存盘价值超过30美金。

    For North Korean binge watchers of the show , a flash drive with a total of eight episodes is available for about $ 30 .

  11. 分析人士研究了朝鲜国家电视台播放的视频,以寻找清洗张成泽之后朝鲜政坛是否有其他变化的迹象。

    Analysts studied the footage , shown on North Korean state television , for indications of other changes in the regime hierarchy following the purge of Mr. Jang .

  12. 朝鲜国有电视台的播出时间有限,夜里不播节目,而大多数的伦敦奥运赛事都是在朝鲜的夜里进行。

    The broadcasts aren 't live , however , due to the limited transmission hours of state-run TV , which is off the air at night , when most of the events are happening in London .

  13. 去年4月,朝鲜官方电视台宣布发射卫星的尝试失败&这与其在1998年和2009年的表现形成鲜明对比,那时官方媒体宣称发射成功,而国外的共识是那些尝试都失败了。

    Last April , North Korean state television announced the failure of an attempted satellite launch – in contrast with its behaviour in 1998 and 2009 , when it claimed successful launches despite foreign consensus that the attempts had failed .

  14. 朝鲜也有电视,只有一个台,每天播两个小时。

    There are tvs , only a platform too in korea , sow for two hours every day .

  15. 起初,朝鲜的国有电视台每天仅在晚间播出15分钟伦敦奥运会比赛。

    Initially , North Korea 's state TV spent only 15 minutes each evening showing coverage from London .

  16. 这将是韩国第二次免费向朝鲜提供体育电视节目。

    It will be the second time for South Korea to provide broadcasting of a sports event to the DPRK for free .

  17. 雪花不停地飘落,如同泪珠,一名朝鲜军人对官方电视台表示。

    The snow is endlessly falling like tears , one North Korean soldier told state television .

  18. 且朝鲜政府能在电视上公开洪水入侵的恐怖画面,也是一种进步了。

    It is even progress of a sort that the regime has released television pictures of the dreadful floods .

  19. 对该片大为恼火的朝鲜政府指责潮流电视台记者计划进行类似的负面报道。

    Incensed by that film , North Korea accused the current TV reporters of planning to make a similarly negative report .

  20. 但是很少有朝鲜人能在电视上观看球队经历的7:0的惨败,某些报道将这次惨败归咎于金正日命令朝鲜队踢出更具攻击性的足球。

    But the few North Koreans with access to a TV had to watch the team suffer a7-0 thrashing , a defeat some reports attributed to orders by Kim Jong-il to play a more attacking style .

  21. 一个为朝鲜安排了相关技术事宜的韩国广播电视公司负责人说,朝鲜的电视台现在每天可以播出五个小时的伦敦奥运赛事。

    North Korea is allowing five hours of daily coverage of the London Olympics to be shown on its TV network , a South Korean broadcaster who arranged technical logistics for the North said .

  22. 朝鲜官方中央通讯社星期三上午报道这一消息后,朝鲜国营电视台的一名主持人高兴地宣布了这一消息。

    The official Korean Central News Agency reported the news early Wednesday and it was later announced triumphantly by an anchor on North Korean state television .