
  • 网络flood warning
  1. 我们在广播节目里听到许多洪水警报。

    We heard a lot of flood warnings on the radio .

  2. 数十条河流发出了洪水警报。

    Flood alerts were issued for dozens of rivers .

  3. 当时,下了一整天的暴雨,接近傍晚时刻,发布了洪水警报,要求所有人撤离。

    There was a day when it did not stop raining and in the late afternoon there was a warning of flooding . Everyone had to leave the district .

  4. 自法兰克风暴于上周三袭击苏格兰后,苏格兰环境保护署已经发布了超过35次覆盖多个地区的洪水警报。

    The Scottish Environment Protection Agency has issued more than 35 flood warnings covering several regions , as Scotland continues to clean up after Storm Frank hit the country last Wednesday .

  5. 根据贝叶斯公式综合得到后验分布函数,以其均值作为最终校正结果以发布洪水警报和防洪调度决策。

    Both the prior distribution and the likelihood function were assumed to be linear-normal distribution and they were integrated together to form a Bayesian posterior distribution , the mean values were treated as the finial results to issue flood warring and flood control decision-making .

  6. 周日上午,水利部将其洪水响应警报提高到第二高级别。

    Earlier on Sunday , the ministry raised its flood response alert to the second highest level .

  7. 由于长江沿海地区持续遭受暴雨侵袭,中国已将洪水应急警报提升至二级。

    China has raised its flood response alert to the second highest grade as downpours continue to batter regions along the Yangtze River .

  8. 提前发出的洪水水位上涨警报防止了又一次的重大灾害。

    Early warnings of rising water levels prevented another major catastrophe .

  9. 讨论洪水预报、警报系统与防洪工程措施结合时,不同洪水预见期、预报精度、人们对警报的反应等情况下洪泛区内的洪灾损失计算。

    This paper discusses the flood hazard loss estimation in flood area combining flood forecast - warning system with flood control structural measure , under the condition of different flood forecast period and forecast precision and people 's response to warning .

  10. 实际估测的区域降水量不仅对进行洪水监测、发布洪水警报起指导作用,而且是各种水文和大气数值模式用到的重要的实测原始资料之一。

    Precipitation is not only a kind of essential data to a hydrological or atmospheric numerical model , but also a sort of key information for flood monitoring and warning .