
pínɡ dàn wú wèi
  • 熟语dull
  1. 我把我的注意力投入到了平淡无味的日常事务之中

    I applied my attention prosaically to my routine .

  2. 一些文艺复光时期的弥撒的选节被不适当地加入到了格鲁克平淡无味的唐璜音乐中

    Some excerpts from a Renaissance mass are spatchcocked into Gluck 's pallid Don Juan music .

  3. 牛奶和水的混合物是平淡无味的饮料。

    A mixture of milk and water is a insipid drink .

  4. 令人兴奋的事过后,她感到平淡无味。

    After the excitement was over , she felt flat .

  5. 平淡无味的一顿饭;令人不快的事实;令人不快的行为。

    An unpalatable meal ; unpalatable truths ; unpalatable behavior .

  6. 只是略显平淡无味。-

    It -- it just tastes a little flat . -

  7. 一个在爱情中缺乏勇气的人,生活也会平淡无味。

    If you lack courage in love , your life will be colorless .

  8. 你不要净给我平淡无味的爱情,你要是那样,就请走好了。

    Don 't you offer me tame love , or away you go !

  9. 北美的一种草本植物,其根有毒,果实可食用但平淡无味。

    North American herb with poisonous root stock and edible though insipid fruit .

  10. 而他的见解则平淡无味。

    His borrowed ideas trudged past in colourless procession .

  11. 整部电影之所以令人感觉平淡无味,更多是在于电影的叙事、连续性和其中的对话。

    It was more the storytelling , continuity , and dialogue that fell flat .

  12. 说来也十分平淡无味,是我们的旅馆老板。

    The very prosaic one of our landlord .

  13. 一部人物平淡无味的造作的小说。

    A novel with flat celluloid characters .

  14. 那样看起来会显得平淡无味了。

    They may appear to be insipid .

  15. 对于读过科幻杂志中星际旅行故事的读者来说,小行星已是平淡无味了。

    Asteroid has become commonplace to the readers of interstellar travel stories in science fiction magazines .

  16. 文字大部分写得平淡无味。

    The writing is mostly flat .

  17. 学校的生活平淡无味。

    School life is routine .

  18. 生活只有在平淡无味的人看来,才会是空虚而平淡无味的。

    Living only in the insipid and tasteless people seem to be are empty and insipid and tasteless .

  19. 当地导游以一种平淡无味的语气描述各个地方的历史;平淡的缺乏想象力的散文。

    Local guides describe the history of various places in matter-of-fact tones ; a prosaic and unimaginative essay .

  20. 说起来容易做起来难,而且我们也无意建议所有人都该过着平淡无味的生活。

    That is easier said than done , and we do not necessarily recommend that all people should lead a pure and joyless life .

  21. 与克隆人所带来的问题相比,我们国家关于堕胎和安乐死的最为激烈的论战都将变得平淡无味,容易解决。

    Our fierce national debate over issues like abortion and euthanasia will seem tame and transparent compared with the questions that human cloning raises .

  22. 当上帝能力得到完全彰显的时候,就没有人会以平淡无味的语气谈论。

    When the fullness of god 's power is revealed no one will go out to talk about it in tame , lifeless tones .

  23. 色彩是艺术表现的要素之一,其视觉效果非常引人注目,它凭借无可抗拒的魅力让本身平淡无味的东西,瞬间变得生动起来。

    Color , with attractive visual effect , is an element of art expression . Its irresistible charm can change something unpalatable into beautiful .

  24. 的。我简直坐不住了,那么优美的诗句,常常使我激动得发狂,可是让他那么平淡无味、不动声色地一朗读,谁还听得下去!”

    To hear those beautiful lines which have frequently almost driven me wild , pronounced with such calmness , such dreadful indifference ! " --

  25. 《纸牌屋》第三季也许很难再达到该剧首播时的高度,但是较之平淡无味的第二季,还是要出色很多。

    This third season doesn 't reach the dramatic heights that the series " opening does , but it far exceeds the blandness of season two .

  26. 读书是咸的,比如读了那些不健康的书反而害了自己,就像盐一样,平淡无味,吃的多了反而对身体有害。

    Reading is salty , such as reading books instead of those unhealthy harm himself , like salt , like insipid , eat more but harmful .

  27. 虽然乔布斯的言语充满诗意而扎克伯格则言谈平淡无味,但扎克伯格已经开始学着调动人们的激情,而不仅仅是利用他们图方便的想法。

    He 's still prosaic where Jobs is poetic , but he 's starting to learn to appeal to people 's aspirations , not just their pedestrian desires for convenience .

  28. 有一种观点认为生命就像一杯蜂蜜,越旺盛越多甜蜜;但是没有观点认为生命像一杯水,平淡无味。

    There is an ideal that lives like a cup of honey , the more the more sweet goods ; there is no ideal that life as a glass of water , light .

  29. 恋爱就像口香糖,时间长了会平淡无味,觉得平淡了就想放弃,而无论丢在什麽地方,都会留下难以抹去的痕迹。

    Love is like chewing gum , a long time will be bland , feel the dull wanted to give up , regardless of what the lost , will be left indelible marks .

  30. 我记不起来有多少次,我因为不想伤害做饭的人的感情而吃掉糊了的、夹生的、平淡无味的或味道很差的食物。

    I can not recall how many times I have eaten burnt , undercooked , bland and poorly tasting dishes simply because I did not want to hurt the feelings of the person who had cooked them .