
  • Average consumption;mean consumption
  1. 您可以配置CLM来估算工作项目(实例,缺陷,改进需求,用例场景,等等)的每一个阶段中的平均消耗量和工作量。

    CLM can be configured to calculate the average waste and work at each stage of any work item ( stories , defects , enhancement requests , use case scenarios , and such ) .

  2. 仿真实验表明,CBEA算法有效减少了冗余转发节点从而节约了网络能量,平衡了网络通信量从而平均消耗了网络节点能量,因此大大延长了网络生存时间。

    Simulations show that CBEA reduces the number of redundant retransmissions nodes and balances the network traffic , so energy is conserved and energy dissipation is distributed evenly throughout the nodes .

  3. 美国人每天平均消耗30茶匙糖——热量为450卡。

    The average American consumes 30 teaspoons - 450 calories - of added sugar per day ;

  4. 郑先生说,老年人的医疗资源消耗量比其他年龄群体的平均消耗量要高出3倍。

    Zheng said the medical resources consumed by the aged were three times or higher than people of other age groups on average .

  5. 排在第二位的是《大白鲨》,观看者平均消耗161卡路里热量;排在第三的是《驱魔人》,平均消耗量为158卡路里。

    Jaws took the runner-up spot , with viewers burning on average 161 calories , and The Exorcist came third , with 158 calories .

  6. 每只雌螨每天平均消耗2个蝇卵,每4只雌螨每天平均消耗1条1龄蝇类幼虫。

    Predation test shows that a mite eats on average two eggs of housefly per day and four mites consume on average one first instar fly larva per day .

  7. 排在卡路里消耗排名首位的电影是1980年的心理惊悚片《闪灵》,平均消耗其观众的卡路里数高达184。

    The movie top of the list of calorie-burners was found to be the 1980 psychological thriller The Shining , with the average viewer using up a whopping 184 calories .

  8. 目前的情况是,人类每天平均消耗15兆瓦特的能量,而其中的85%来自燃烧化石燃料,例如石油,煤矿,天然气。

    Today , humans consume an average of15 trillion watts of power , 85 % of which comes from burning fossil fuels such as oil , coal , and natural gas .

  9. 这个测验是以全国平均消耗量为基础,目的在提供您自己的生态足迹与国内其他人的比较。

    The quiz is based on national consumption averages and is meant to give you an idea of your Ecological Footprint relative to other people in the country you live in .

  10. 例如,北京居民家庭平均消耗的能源是气候类似的德国北部家庭的三倍。

    For example , the average energy consumption in a residential home in Beijing is three times that of a home in the north of Germany , which has a similar climate .

  11. 而我国的许多高等院校,据统计,它们的能源及水资源消耗量又比国内城镇居民平均消耗水平高出一倍以上,这其中暗含着大量的浪费现象。

    And many of our institutions of University , according to statistics , their energy and water consumption surpasses the level of domestic consumption of urban residents more than double the average , which implies a lot of waste .

  12. 按一定间隔时间收集,并结合运行的查询数,就可以算出每个查询的平均CPU消耗。

    Collecting these at regular intervals and correlating to number of queries running will give average CPU usage per query .

  13. 介绍了本田Insight混合动力电动轿车在实际道路和汽车转鼓试验台上按照国家标准和欧洲的一系列工况循环下测得的动力性、平均燃油消耗和排放的试验结果。

    The results of both field test and road simulation dynamometer test on power , fuel consumption and exhaust emission of Honda Insight hybrid electric vehicle ( HEV ) in accordance with both national standards and a series of European test cycles are presented .

  14. 丹本汉(Debenhams,英国著名百货公司)近期的一份调查显示,女性要买到一件满意的衣服平均要消耗385卡热量,走7305步路。

    According to a recent survey by Debenhams , the average woman burns 385 calories looking for the perfect outfit , taking an average of 7305 steps .

  15. 本文针对线型无线传感网,基于网络节点平均能量消耗最小化原则,提出了一种能量有效的节点配置方案(EENDS)。

    In the linear wireless sensor networks , an energy-efficient node deployment scheme ( EENDS ) is proposed to minimize the average energy consumption per node .

  16. 这部车的平均燃油消耗量为每公升可跑10公里。

    The average fuel consumption for this car is 10 kilometers per liter .

  17. 降低拖拉机变负荷平均燃油消耗率的措施及效果

    Measures for Reducing Mean Fuel Consumption of Tractor in Variable Load and Their Effects

  18. 普通的美国人平均每天消耗的糖分在四分之一磅到半磅(约合110克至220克)之间。

    The average American consumes anywhere from a quarter to a half pound of sugar a day .

  19. 试验期间,统计每头公猪的平均饲料消耗量和日增重。

    During the experiment , average daily - weight gain ( ADG ) and food consumption were recorded .

  20. 在这里,我们看到一名士兵将与他以及他将在一个平均每天消耗。

    Here , we see what a soldier would have with him and what he would consume on an average day .

  21. 仿真结果表明,该算法提高了系统吞吐量,并有效降低了认知用户的平均功率消耗。

    The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm improves the system throughout and reduces the average power consumption of cognitive users .

  22. 女士们先生们,我们生活的这个星球上接收着相当于我们年平均能源消耗5000多倍的能量。

    Ladies and gentlemen , we are on a planet that is bathed with 5000 times more energy than we use in a year .

  23. 结果表明,实验条件下脉冲电流阴极保护与直流阴极保护相比,二者的保护度相当,而脉冲电流阴极保护有更小的平均电流消耗和更高的保护效率。

    The results show that compared with DC , SWPC can achieve the same protective property with less average current consumption , and has much higher protective efficiency .

  24. 仿真表明,在无线传感器网络中适当增加少量的超级链路可以减少节点的平均能量消耗,明显减小平均路径长度并改善网络的能量高效性。

    Simulation results show that adding a few appropriate super links to a wireless sensor network can significantly reduce the average path length and then improve the energy efficiency .

  25. 这项研究分析了参与此前46项研究的1184人的数据,结果发现,坐着和站立的平均能量消耗差异是每分钟0.15卡路里。

    The study , which examined data from 1184 people taking part in 46 previous studies , found the average difference in energy expenditure between sitting and standing was 0.15 calories a minute .

  26. 联合国粮农组织做的一项报告指出,每个美国人平均每天消耗3770卡路里的食物,中国为2940,印度为2440。

    According to a report by the Food and Agriculture Organization , the average American eats 3770 calories of food a day , compared to 2940 calories in China or 2440 calories in India .

  27. 仿真表明新方法与经典方法的误差小于5%,但平均时间消耗仅为经典方法的10%。

    Simulation shows that the error between novel method and classical methods is less than 5 % , but the average time consumption of novel method is just 10 % of the classical methods ' . 5 .

  28. 世界卫生组织(WHO)公布,白俄罗斯人平均每年消耗纯酒精17.5升(3.9加仑),近乎全球平均消耗6.2升(1.4加仑)酒精的三倍。

    According to the World Health Organization ( WHO ) , the average Belarusian consumes 17.5 liters ( 3.9 gal ) of pure alcohol every year , almost three times the global average of 6.2 liters ( 1.4 gal ) .

  29. 班列的平均集结消耗与该方向班列的编成箱数和一定时期内总的到达箱数成正比,并且与到达箱数的期望值线性相关。

    The average accumulation cost is positively proportional to the number of container in a BCT and the sum of arrival containers in the period of time concerned , and linearly correlated to the expectation value of the number of arrival containers .

  30. 去年85家汽车制造商衡量了他们公司平均燃料消耗,约30%的制造商没能达到2013年的年度目标,这之中大部分是国内品牌。

    Last year , 85 car manufactures in China measured their corporate-average fuel consumption , and about 30 percent of them , mostly domestic brands , failed to meet their annual target for 2013 , according to results published by M I I T earlier this year .