
  • 网络Energy-using Products;EuP
  1. 举例来说,八月推行的用能产品指令(EuP)建立基于整个产品生命周期环境影响的法规。

    For example , the Energy-using Products ( EuP ) directive , launched in August , creates regulations based on the environmental impact of the entire life cycle of a product .

  2. 淘汰的耗能过高的用能产品、设备的名录由国务院管理节能工作的部门会同国务院有关部门确定并公布。

    A catalogue of highly energy-consuming products and equipment to be eliminated shall be decided on by the administrative department for energy conservation under the State Council together with the relevant departments under the State Council and made known to the public .

  3. 最后通过成品检验证明,采用圆钢切分轧制技术生产的建筑用圆钢完全能满足产品质量要求。

    Finally through the test of finishing products , it is proven that the round bar produced by slitting technology can completely meet the requirement of the quality .