
yòng hù xiàn
  • subscriber line;subscriber loop;exchange line;central office line
用户线[yòng hù xiàn]
  1. 通过IP网络延伸电话用户线

    Extending subscriber line using IP network

  2. 甚高速数字用户线(VDSL)是数字用户线(DSL)家族中速率最高的接入方式。

    Very-high-speed digital subscriber line ( VDSL ) is the fastest access technology of the xDSL family .

  3. 分析了非对称数字用户线的技术特点及其在Internet的接入和应用、发展前景。

    Analyses the technical features of asymmetric digital subscriber line , applications and developable foreground on the Internet .

  4. 用ISDNU接口实现用户线环路扩容

    Realize the expanding capacity of subscriber loopback with ISDN U interface

  5. 本文介绍了各种Internet接入技术或手段,其中包括专用线、模拟调制解调器、综合业务数字网、不对称数字用户线、线缆调制解调器,以及无线接入技术等等。

    The article describes almost all kinds of Internet Access technologies and methods , which include leased private line , analog modem , ISDN , ADSL , cable modem , and wireless access , etc.

  6. 对利用现有用户线实现窄带ISDN进行了讨论;

    Then how to realize N-ISDN by making use of the present user line is proposed .

  7. 不对称数字用户线(ADSL)是在现有电话用户铜线上以不对称速率传输数据的一种新技术。

    ADSL is a new data transmission technology in asynchronous bit rate over the existing telephone copper lines .

  8. 采用变分法,对平均功率受限条件下的用户线的理论容量进行了估算,利用分别得到的白噪声和NEXT条件下的信道容量,给出了一般条件下用户信道的理论上限。

    Finally , the capacity in theory when average power is limited is estimated . Then noise and channel capacity in NEXT is gotten and the ultra-limitation of subscriber channel in theory in general condition is presented .

  9. 介绍了一种通过IP网络将交换机用户线延伸的技术,使在监控中心也能直接检测电话系统的通话情况。

    This paper introduces one way of extending the subscriber line through IP network , the use of which makes possible any direct examination of the communication process in the monitoring center .

  10. EDSL是以太网数字用户线(EthernetDigitalSubscriberLine)的简称,它的主要特点是利用现代调制解调技术在电话铜缆上直接进行IP包的传送。

    EDSL is the abbreviation for Ethernet Digital Subscriber Line , its main feature is direct transmission of IP packages in phone line by using modern modem technology .

  11. 甚高速数字用户线VDSL技术

    The Technology of Very high rate Digital Subscriber Line

  12. 在ISDN用户线基本接入全双工传输系统的设计中,线路编码是重要的一步。

    Line coding is an important step in the design of full-duplex transmission system to support ISDN subscriber line basic access .

  13. 高速数字用户线(HDSL)技术是通信网络多种接入技术中的一种。

    HDSL Technology is one kind of multi-switch-in technology in communication network .

  14. ADSL技术,即不对称数字用户线(AsymmetricDigitalSubscriberLine),是一种非对称的传输技术,通过不同的调制方法在铜缆上实现高速数据传输。

    The ADSL technology , namely Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line , is one kind of asymmetrical transmission technologies which realizes the high speed data transmission in the copper cable through the different modulation methods .

  15. 数字用户线(DSL)技术,就是解决这最后一公里接入瓶颈的主要技术之一。

    The DSL is one of the mostly technology , which can resolve the problem ( we call it the last kilometer ) .

  16. 在数字用户线(DSL)系统中,每个符号在进行传输时要加入循环前缀(CP)以消除符号间干扰。

    In DSL systems , a cyclic prefix ( CP ) was inserted before every symbol being transmitted , to alleviate the interference between consecutive symbols .

  17. 介绍了数字电话系统中用户线接口电路的一个重要电路&基于数字信号处理(dsp)和∑Δ调制技术的新一代编解码器(codec)。

    This paper describes an important part of subscriber line interface circuit in digital telephone switching systems the new generation Codec based on DSP ( Digital Signal Processing ) and ΣΔ modulation technologies .

  18. 本建议为数字用户线(DSL)收发器交换能力和选择共同工作模式提供灵活的机制。

    This Recommendation provides a flexible mechanism for Digital Subscriber Line ( DSL ) transceivers to exchange capabilities and to select a common mode of operation .

  19. DMT(离散多音频)调制/解调是ADSL(不对称数字用户线)应用的标准传输技术。

    The discrete multitone ( DMT ) modulation / demodulation is the standard transmission technique in the application of asymmetric digital subscriber lines ( ADSL ) .

  20. 比较了高比特率数字用户线(HDSL)、不对称数字用户线(ADSL)、光纤到路边(FTTC)、光缆同轴混合网的技术经济比及实用性。

    It compares the technological economy ratio and practical applicability of HFC , HDSL , ADSL and FTTC .

  21. 不对称数字用户线(ADSL)的线路测试,基于窄带和宽带特性确定其故障。

    Test of asymmetrical digital subscriber line ( ADSL ), based on POTS ( plain old telephone service ) and broadband character , is used to confirm the fault .

  22. 本文描述了高比特率数字用户线HDSL帧结构的基本组成、帧格式和不同帧之间的映射关系,并且简要介绍了它的实现方法。

    The HDSL frame structure , frame format and frame mapping as well as its implementation are described in this paper .

  23. 在各种宽带接入方案中,数字用户线(DSL)技术由于通过现有普通电话双绞线线路提供高速的Internet连接,投资低、技术实现简单,从而一举成为宽带网络技术的主角。

    Among all the technique of broadband access network , Digital Subscriber Line ( DSL ) which provides fast Internet access via the existing twisted-pair telephone wires , has become the leading actor because of its low cost and simple implementation .

  24. 本文系统研究了非对称数字用户线的理论,重点研究了国际上对其通用的编码方式&离散多音调制(DMT)技术。

    We study the theory of Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Loop ( ADSL ), important in Discrete Multi-Tone ( DMT ) modulation that is the usual international encoder in ADSL .

  25. 随着互联网应用的不断拓展,客户网络应用需求和对网络接入的要求也在不断提高,传统的DSL(数字用户线)技术由于受带宽和接入距离的限制,已无法满足需求。

    As the Internet application development , customer network application needs and to Internet access requirements are constantly improve , the traditional digital subscriber line ( DSL ) technology has failed to meet demand .

  26. VDSL技术被视为不对称数字用户线(ADSL)的下一代产品&这是对ADSL概念的扩展,故其现在还处在研究阶段。

    VDSL technology is considered as the next generation product of the Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Loop ( ADSL ), which is the conception expansion of ADSL , so it is in the research stage .

  27. 本文讨论了建设宽带接入网的必要性,简述了在无源光纤网络、不对称数字用户线和有线电视光缆/同轴电缆混合网上实现宽带接入的方案,并探讨了BCDMA在宽带接入网中的应用。

    The article discusses the necessity of the construction of broadband access network and describes the approaches of implemetation of broadband access over PON , ADSL and hybrid fiber coax network of CATV , coming up with a discussion on the application of B CDMA in broadband access network .

  28. 该产品主要应用于数字用户线访问复用器(DSLAM)、第三代无线地面机站、及各类光接入系统等宽带综合业务接入设备。

    It is applied in device of broadband integrated service access , such as DSLAM , wireless station of3G , and all kinds of optical access system .

  29. ADSL(不对称数字用户线)技术是在双绞铜线上进行视频通信的新技术,它采用DMT(离散多音调制)编码等传输技术,可为现有的电话用户提供宽带业务。

    ADSL ( Asymnetric Digital Subscriber Line ) is a new technology for video communication over twisted copper pairs . By using DMT line coding , it could provide broad-band services for existing telephone customs .

  30. 介绍国内外数字用户线DSL业务现状、发展趋势、宽带测试需求分析以及ADSL宽带测试技术、测试项目、组网技术等。

    This article discusses about DSL service status in quo , DSL service development , ADSL broadband test requirement analysis . It also deals with ADSL broadband test technology , test items and test network configuration technology , etc.