
yònɡ hù xiàn lù
  • Subscriber line;user line
  1. 阐述了农村用户光缆网规划设计和进村用户线路方式选择的原则,及光缆芯数的取定等。

    The article describes the design principle for rural optical fiber subscriber networks , user line selected modes that entered the village and decision for optical fiber cores .

  2. 市话用户线路承载ADSL业务的分析

    Analysis on Public Network Subscriber Line for ADSL Service

  3. 从接入技术分析,ADSL(非对称数字用户线路)具有较强的发展优势,预计市场将会以极高的速度发展。

    Regarding the access technology , it is estimated that ADSL will be in a dominant position and develop rapidly .

  4. 在ISDN逐步取代传统Modem的同时,又一种数字用户线路DSL脱颖而出,宽带网络已是显山露水。

    As the ISDN substitutes for the traditional Modem gradually , another kind of Digital Subscriber Line-DSL is talent showing itself , and the Broad Band net has appeared .

  5. ADSL(AsymmetricDigitalSubscriberLine-非对称式数字用户线路)作为一种高速的数据传输技术,主要以铜质电话线为主要传输媒质,已经越来越广泛的应用于各类中小型企业以及家庭中。

    Asymmetric digital subscriber line ( ADSL ) is one of these technologies capable of delivering large bandwidth over existing copper telephone line infrastructure , and it is widely applied in home and enterprises now .

  6. 这就需要针对PSTN用户线路的特点,利用适合PSTN上数据传输的协议,开发基于PSTN网络支持web数据通信的信息终端。

    To develop the intelligence terminal , which supports the WEB data traffic technology based on the PSTN , we need make use of the suitable data traffic protocol coinciding with the PSTN consumer line characteristic .

  7. 基于G.SHDSL技术的用户线路倍增系统设计

    Design of pair gain system based on G.SHDSL technology

  8. 对超级数字用户线路倍增系统的实现进行了讨论,给出了一个实际实现系统的设计方案及其实测数据,对利用高比特率数字用户线(HDSL)技术提出了一些建议。

    The implementation of the high bit rate digital subscriber line ( HDSL ) dynode systems is discussed , the design scheme of practice systems , and practice test data are given , come recommendation for HDSL technique is proposed .

  9. 超级数字用户线路倍增系统的实现

    Implementation of high bit rate digital subscriber line dynode system

  10. 非对称数字用户线路传输技术原理及应用优势

    On the Treory and the Applicational Advantages of Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line

  11. 综合业务接入网的用户线路测量技术

    The Subscriber Line Measurement Technique for Integrated Services Access Network

  12. 全双工通信在用户线路集中器中的应用

    Applications of Full Duplex Communication in Subscriber Line Concentrator

  13. 用于非对称数字用户线路的宽带测试诊断系统的研究

    Research of Wide Band Testing System for ADSL

  14. 非对称数字用户线路性能的在线测试方法

    The On-line Test of Quality of ADSL FIGURE

  15. 电话用户线路信息管理系统

    Telephone Subscriber Line Information Management System

  16. 实现半自动接续和市话用户线路延伸的廉价实用技术

    Application Technology of Cheap to Bring About Half-Automatic Continuation and Extension for Urban Telephone Subscriber Line

  17. 非对称数字用户线路

    Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line

  18. 为了大幅度提高调制解调器的速率,目前正在开发一种供常规电话线使用的改进型调制解调器系统,称为数字用户线路。

    An improved modem system for regular phone lines , called Digital Subscriber Line ( DSL ), is being developed to increase modem speed tremendously .

  19. 一种查明希望的某些设施是否可供使用的测试,某些设施可以是用户线路或干线等。

    A test made to find out whether or not certain facilities which may be desired , such as a subscriber 's line or trunk , are available for use .

  20. 为提高112故障台的工作效率,实现用户线路的自动检测和集成管理,采用脉冲反射法,设计并实现了112集成维护管理系统。

    In order to improve the efficiency of 112 faulty services , to detect and manage subscriber line status automatically and centrally , an 112 integrated management system was proposed and realized .

  21. 本局用户线路是大量的,而交换局之间的中继线路是少量的,没有交换只能接通相对少量的电话。基于能量保护的最小跳数最大能值无线路由协议

    " Because relatively few telephones can provide contact without switching from a multitude of local lines to a much smaller number of trunks between exchanges ," Minimum Hops Maximum Energy Wireless Routing Protocol for Energy-protection

  22. 本文就现有用户铜缆线路存在的难以解决的质量问题以及其对发展ADSL接入的限制进行了详细的讨论,指出发展ADSL要防止船大难掉头。

    This paper discusses the quality problems of existing copper cable circuit . It is difficult to solve the problems , and they have restrictions on the development of ADSL access . It should be avoided that bad old practices die hard on the development of ADSL .

  23. 非对称用户数字线路的性能受多个因素影响,故障复杂。

    Many factors affect the quality of ADSL with complex malfunction .

  24. 以1条重要用户输电线路为例,说明如何根据用户要求,选择合适的设计和施工方案。

    It is illustrated how to choose suitable scheme and construct according to the need of user .

  25. 配送线路合理与否对配送速度、成本、效益影响很大,特别是多用户配送线路的确定更为复杂。

    Distribution line makes a great impact on the delivery speed , cost and benefit especially that with a number of distribution users .

  26. 集指设备、用户、线路、表计等信息由总公司统一管理、集中处理,散指电量电费结算等数据密集型工作由各供电所分散处理。

    Centralization means centralized management of equipments , lines and meters of the general electric power supply company while distribution distributed charging of electricity fees by its local branches .

  27. 如果电话公司或其他互联网服务提供商的用户利用服务线路非法将一份mp3文件张贴在网上以供下载,那么有关公司或提供商是否应负责任呢?

    Should the telephone company or other ISP be liable when one of its customers uses their connection illegally to post a copy of an.mp3 file for download ?

  28. 同时,考虑到高速交通环境下组用户具有运动线路明确、运动速度相对稳定且容易获得等特点,提出了一种基于预测的组切换方案,来解决MRS的切换问题。

    We consider that the high-speed group users have some characteristics , for example , the movement line is clear , the movement speed is relatively stable . A group handover scheme based on prediction is proposed to solve the problem of MRS handover .

  29. 没有找到用户相关的线路。要使用默认线路吗?(使用编辑-选项菜单项来更改这些设置)

    Could not locate the user-specified Line . Use the default line instead ? ( use ' Edit-Options ' menu item to change these settings )

  30. 该项技术的研究与应用,有助于用户了解电气线路的基本参数,优化电气资源调配,做到合理利用。

    The study and application of this technology can help users to understand the basic parameter of the electric circuit , optimize the allocation of electric resources , accomplish rational utilization .