
  • 网络Make good use of talents;good person talent
  1. 要处理好这几个关键问题,关键是必须牢牢抓住办学特色、办学定位和用好人才。

    Must process these key questions , the key is must hold " the school characteristic " firmly ," the school localization " and " uses the good person talent " .

  2. 论知识价值与军队科技干部政策体系&对21世纪军队吸引人才、留住人才、用好人才的政策思考

    On intellectual value and policy system of troops scientific and technological cadres

  3. 培养人才、用好人才;

    Train talented person , just use the good man ;

  4. 因此如何获得人才、留住人才、用好人才是公司公认的难题。

    Therefore , how to obtain and retain qualified personnel and use of talent is stringent problem .

  5. 如何获得人才、用好人才成为很多企业的难题。

    How to get talents and how to make good use of talents are many enterprises problems .

  6. 如何在人才的市场中吸引人才、留住人才、用好人才,已经是一个地区经济发展的关键因素。

    How to attract talent and retain qualified personnel has been a key factor in regional economic development .

  7. 但是如何留住人才并且用好人才确实一直以来得到企业家们关注的话题。

    How to retain talent and make good use of talented people has been a topic of concern for entrepreneurs .

  8. 因此,研究薪酬体系,为企业吸引人才、留住人才、用好人才已变得越来越紧迫。

    So the payment system research for the business attract , retain and good using the talent is becoming increasingly urgent .

  9. 要建立以人为本的人才开发利用机制,留住并用好人才。

    Consequently , a humane mechanism of talent resources development and utilization must be established to keep and make good use of talents .

  10. 如何激励知识型员工,充分发掘、利用和发展其创造性与潜能是企业留住人才、用好人才的关键。

    The key of enterprise 's reserving and using talent is how to encourage school staff to develop their creativeness and latent capacity .

  11. 因此,如何留住人才,如何用好人才是国有商业银行亟待解决的重大问题。

    Therefore , how to keep the elitists and use them , which is an important problem for the state-owned commercial banks at present .

  12. 其中的根本问题就是如何吸引人才,留住人才、用好人才,这一目的必须靠实施有效的激励政策才能得以实现,而激励又很大程度上依靠合理的薪酬制度来体现。

    The key to alleviate pressure from competition is to absorb , keep and make good use of talents by taking effective incentive measures .

  13. 提出要转变观念、吸引人才,并留住人才、用好人才,从根本上改善干部队伍结构。

    It points out that we must improve the structure of ranks of cadres by changing conception , attracting the people with ability , etc.

  14. 企业人力资源管理中要解决的就是企业如何获得人才、留住人才、用好人才。

    Is the business enterprise human resource management to be solved is how to get talent , retain talent , and good use of talent .

  15. 实施人才强国战略,把培养、吸引和用好人才作为一项重大任务。

    In implementing the strategy of building up the strength of the country with talented people , we accorded priority to training , attracting and utilizing professionals .

  16. 然而企业间的竞争归根到底是人才的竞争,如何留住人才、用好人才就成为中小企业成败的关键。

    The competitiveness of enterprises , however , is the competition for talent , retaining talent . Talents have become the key to the success of SMEs .

  17. 企业只有建立和完善科学的招聘和绩效考核体系,才能吸引人才,留住人才,用好人才。

    Only to build and consummate a scientific system for employment and performance assessment can the enterprise absorb and retain the telanted people , and make good use of them .

  18. 作者认为,工程咨询企业的发展一方面要在提高企业实力的基础上,吸引人才、用好人才,从而改善咨询质量,赢得市场信誉;

    On the basis of improving enterprises ' capability , the enterprises should attract and make the best of the talents to improve the service quality and gain market prestige .

  19. 本文试就此问题进行探讨,提出科技型企业的人力资源管理尤其要注意解决好四个问题:用好人才、留住人才;

    This paper has discussed four problems should be solved for the HR management in such enterprises : to use talents to the best extent ; to retain the talents ;

  20. 现代社会是人力资源竞争的社会,如何获得人才,留住人才,用好人才,是企业公认的难题。

    Modern society is competitive society of human resource , it is a recognized puzzled topic that how to gain talents , how to keep talents and how to use talents reasonably .

  21. 二是按照毕节地委和行署提出的实施人才强区战略,有针对性地培养人才、引进人才、用好人才和留住人才,充分发挥乡土人才的作用,探索“定单教学”方法;

    The second is that according to Bijie local government 's decision of implementing the strategies to the sufficient talented area , try to foster , introduce and remain the talented persons .

  22. 在实践中,我们要牢牢抓住培养人才、吸引人才、用好人才三个关键环节,把创建学习型企业的具体工作落实到实处。

    In practice , we should grasp three crucial links firmly , that is , to train talent , attract talent , and make good use of talent , and implement the specific work of founding learning type enterprise .

  23. 在市场经济环境下,企业间的竞争是人才的竞争,如何吸引、留住、用好人才,是企业人力资源管理的核心问题。

    In the environment of market economy , the competition of enterprises is the competition of persons with ability . How to attract , keep and mark good use of them is a key problem in the enterprises ' human resource management .

  24. 长期以来,如何运用有效的薪酬分配机制,优化队伍结构、盘活人力资源、留住和用好人才的问题,一直是我们面临的一个重要课题。

    For a long time , how to utilize effective pay-distribution mechanism , optimize the structure of working staff , brilliantly manoeuvre human resource , as well as retain and efficiently use the talents have been a tough issue we have to face .

  25. 建立在决策支持系统基础上的人才评价体系可以为企业的管理层提供科学的辅助性的决策支持,构筑企业人才资源高地,使企业更有效地发现人才、吸纳人才、用好人才。

    The system of talents evaluation based on decision-making system can offer auxiliary support to administrative personnel of enterprises , construct a human resources bank for enterprise and make it easy for enterprises to find out , absorb and make use of talents .

  26. 随着市场竞争的加剧,人才已经成为提高企业竞争力的关键,人力资源工作因此也成为造船企业的重点工作,对企业留住人才、用好人才发挥着至关重要的作用。

    As the market competition increases , the talent has become the key to improve enterprise competitiveness . There for human resources work has become the focus in the shipbuilding business , it plays a crucial role in how to retain and use talent .

  27. 如何在新的时期提高人力资源管理水平,达到吸引人才、用好人才、激励人才的目的,成为一个企业能否健康稳定发展的重要因素。

    The healthy and steady growth of an enterprise depends greatly on its management level of its human resources , and how to improve it so as to attract more talented people , making good use of and motivating them becomes a vital factor .

  28. 特岗教师计划对于补充农村师资力量,提高农村教师队伍整体素质是难得的重要机遇,如何留住人才、用好人才成为政策实施有效性的关键。

    Especially contracted teachers scheme to add rural teachers ' strength , improve the whole quality of rural teachers ' team is rare of important opportunities , how to keep and develop these talents plays a key role in ensuring the effectiveness of policy implementation .

  29. 人力资源是现代企业中一个不可或缺且至关重要的因素,当前企业更加关心并愿意花大力气探索如何获得人才、留住人才和用好人才。

    The human resources are in the modern enterprise indispensable also the very important factor , how is the current enterprise nicer and is willing to make the big effort to explore obtains the talented person , detains the talented person and uses the talented person .

  30. 面对人才的竞争,如何实施人才战略,加强师资队伍建设,营造出一个吸引人才,留住人才,用好人才的良好环境成为高等院校的重要任务。

    Confronted with the drastic competition for the talents , the principal task for the universities and colleges is to implement the well-planned strategy , enhance faculty construction , and create sound environments to attract the talents , retain them and make good use of them .