
  • 网络USER CENTER;Customer Center
  1. 第四部分是用户中心档案信息服务模式的构建。

    The fourth part is " user center " construction of archives information service mode .

  2. 第五部分是构建档案馆档案信息用户中心服务模式的实现途径。

    The fifth part is to build archives archives information service mode of the implementation of the " user center " .

  3. 用户中心设计(User-centeredDesign)是基于用户界面的复杂难以操作而提出的计算机应用研究方法,而对于工业设计却是个新名词。

    On the basis of the complexity of User Interface and difficult to operate , User-centered Design , a computer application research method , is put forward . And it is a new term for Industrial Design .

  4. 首先分析了采用Chirp信号分数域峰值判决的多址系统的性能,通过对用户中心频率的安排可以基本避免用户间的干扰。

    At first , the multiple access system using peak detection of Chirp signals is analyzed , the multi-user interference can be basically avoid by arrange of the center frequency of users .

  5. 本文全新地提出了用户中心设计的理论,从心理学的角度考虑用户的需求,使产品体现易用与情感。

    This article expounds the newly concept of User-centered Design .

  6. 基于心理学的用户中心设计研究

    Study of User - Centered Design on Psychology

  7. 用户中心理念与个性化服务

    The Customer Center Idea and Personalized Service

  8. 回到用户中心查看“我的订单”可查看订单状况。

    Buyer can check the order by clicking " My Order " in member center .

  9. 学科导航系统建设的用户中心模式

    User-oriented Construction of Discipline Navigation System

  10. 用户中心设计包含两个内容:易用性设计理论与情感化设计理论,提出易用与情感是产品设计中不可或缺的,并相互影响的两个方面。

    User-centered Design comprises of easy-used design and emotional design , which are indispensable and interaction in designing products .

  11. 通过对用户中心和个性化服务两个概念所产生的背景进行分析,从而揭示二者的相互关系。

    Trough analyzing the background of customer center idea and personalized service , we can reveal the interrelation of the two .

  12. 在第二种拓扑中,所有单元均配置了不同的用户中心,因此具有不同的安全域。

    In the second topology , all the cells are configured with different user registries , and therefore different security domains .

  13. 该文运用剧本导引法这一用户中心化的设计手法,将其引入厨房套刀设计的创意过程。

    This paper use the Scenario-Oriented Design , which is User - Centered , introduction it into the creative design process of kitchen cutlery sets .

  14. 按照服务要素的重要程度划分,数字图书馆服务模式有资源/产品服务模式、馆员中心模式和用户中心模式;

    According to service elements , the service patterns of digital libraries can be classified intoresource / product service pattern , librarian-centered service pattern and user-centered service pattern .

  15. 主要是从用户中心档案信息服务模式的总体概述和用户中心档案信息服务模式的发展趋势两个方面探讨的。

    Mainly from " user center " general overview of the archives information service mode and " user center " file two aspects to discuss the development trend of information service pattern .

  16. 数字图书馆的信息服务模式历经了馆员中心、资源中心、产品中心模式的发展后正向用户中心的模式演变。

    The information service mode of the digital library after experiencing the development of the librarian center mode , resources center mode and product center mode is turning into customer center mode .

  17. 论述数字资源发布网站质量控制的9项原则:透明性原则、有效性原则、维护性原则、可访问性原则、用户中心原则、应答性原则、互操作性原则、产权保护原则和长期保存原则;

    There are nine quality control principles for digital resource publishing Website : transparent , effective , maintained , accessible , user-centered , responsive , interoperable , right protective , and long-term preserved .

  18. 剧本导引法是一种用户中心化的设计手法,可以涵盖各种问题,在大量资源中整合相关观点,是视觉对话的运用,是一种表述不确定性的艺术态工具。

    Scenario-oriented Design is a kind of user-centered design method , it can contain various kinds of questions , combine relevant view among ample resources , and it 's an application of the vision dialog , an artistic tool to formulate uncertainty .

  19. 一个智能Web应用程序应该是以用户为中心的,而业务需求应该是用户需求的体现。

    A smart Web application should be user-centric , with the business requirements reflective of user satisfaction .

  20. 以用户为中心的单相异步电机CAD系统

    The CAD system centring around designer of single-phase asynchronous motor

  21. 当Web应用程序需要时,使用发送服务器的用户注册中心中的用户名进行登录。

    Use the user names from the sending server 's user registry to login when the Web application requires .

  22. 本文也包含了应用HEART指标,同时从数据驱动以及从用户为中心的角度出发,帮助产品团队决策的实例。

    We include practical examples of how HEART metrics have helped product teams make decisions that are both data-driven and user-centered .

  23. 与Java平台的以代码为中心和以用户为中心的授权体系结构的所有概念都只作为介绍。

    All concepts related to the Java platform 's code-and user-centric authorization architectures are treated as introductory .

  24. SOA是以用户为中心、业务为导向的架构。

    SOA is the consumer-centric business-oriented architecture .

  25. 你能做的当然不仅仅如此,开始你的Web分析吧,在以用户为中心的设计中,这将开辟一条崭新的道路。

    More than anything you can do , this will begin the process of making analytics an invaluable part of your user-centred design process .

  26. 以用户为中心的DCS操作员站人机界面设计

    The Interface Design of DCS Operator Station Orientated to Clients

  27. 在本文中,将同时介绍老的以代码为中心的Java授权体系结构和新的以用户为中心的体系结构。

    In this article , you 'll learn about both the old code-centric Java authorization architecture , and the newer user-centric one .

  28. 主动用户注册中心=轻量级目录访问协议(LDAP)用户注册中心

    Active User Registry = Lightweight Directory Access Protocol ( LDAP ) user registry

  29. 随着Internet的日益普及和电子商务的蓬勃发展,基于互联网的商业Web站点面临越来越激烈的竞争,商务网站从以站点为中心向以用户为中心发展成为必然。

    With the growing popularity of Internet and the flourish development of e-commerce , Business web sites based on Internet , are facing more and more intense competitions .

  30. 以用户为中心的观念创新是BPR的关键;

    The key of BPR is to bring forth the new consumer-centred idea ;