
  • 网络User;user software;Client software
  1. 在软件上,系统完成了USB主机控制器驱动程序、核心驱动程序以及用户软件的设计,可很好地完成设备的枚举、配置等功能;

    And from the point of the software , the system integrates USB Driver , USB host controller driver , and user software .

  2. 然后,结合嵌入式系统的应用以及图形用户软件MiniGUI特点,提出了车载终端图形用户界面的设计与实现方案。

    Then , combined with the applications in embedded system and the characters of graphics user software & Mini GUI , it puts forward the way to design and realize vehicle terminal 's GUI .

  3. 开发了基于Windows操作环境的用户软件。

    We have developed the user 's software based on Windows operating system .

  4. 特别是,ERP采用的基础技术将同时给用户软件和硬件两方面的独立性从而更加容易升级。

    In addition , the base technology used in ERP will give users software and hardware independence as well as an easy upgrade path .

  5. 在此基础上,对基于PCI总线的数据采集卡的驱动程序进行了研究,编写了可重用的设备驱动程序基本类库,解决了基于计算机的数据采集系统中用户软件访问硬件的问题。

    By applying above theory , we study the device driver of data acquisition card based on PCI bus . In addition , our own device driver foundation class library is written .

  6. 面向多用户软件可靠性评估和测试方案研究

    An Investigation of Multi-User-Oriented Software Reliability Estimation and Testing Schemes

  7. 面向多用户软件系统的可靠性分配的故障树分析法

    Fault tree analysis of MULTI-ISER oriented software reliability allocation

  8. 条码机用户软件编程方法

    User 's software programming skills for portable data collector

  9. 最终用户软件盗版的经济学分析

    The Economics Analysis of End - user Piracy

  10. 个人剂量实时监测系统用户软件开发及应用

    Development and Validation of User 's Software for Real-time Monitoring System for Individual Dose

  11. 只读型光盘也包括用户软件。

    The CD-ROM contains also the user software .

  12. 用户软件设计包括动态链接库和应用程序设计两部分。

    The user ′ s software design includes two parts : dynamic link database and application program designing .

  13. 针对不同的应用场合,介绍了编写条码机用户软件的两种方法。

    Two types of users software programming skills for portable data collector in allusion to different application situations are introduced .

  14. 提供专用的实时开户通信软件一套,并负责提供用户软件的更新升级。

    The seller needs to provide a set of OSAOS software , and to be responsible for the upgrading of this software .

  15. 采用这套方案,学生可以不受限制的操作任意内容,教师则完全免除了对学生用户软件进行维护的工作,极大地提高了上机实验操作的效率。

    This enables students to have operations without and limitation and teachers to have no need to safeguard students'software , thus improving the efficiency of the computer experiments .

  16. 在测试过程中,结合观察法和访谈法和用户软件使用问卷的调查,收集林农对原始界面可用性问题的评估意见,并对可用性测试所得到的数据进行分析。

    During the testing , the study combinated observation , interviews and user software questionnaire survey , collected individual forest owners ' assessment to the original interface usability issues , and analysed data .

  17. 该子系统由三种不同的传感器节点以及一套桌面用户软件构成,并且传感器节点的数量可以根据需求调整,以提供不同需求下的灵活性。

    This sub-system is composed of three kinds of sensor nodes and a PC application , and the number of nodes in this system can be adjusted in order to better meet the actual needs .

  18. 通过对新一代故障安全型系统AS620F硬软件结构的分析,结合以美国防火规程为基础的用户软件设计,形象地介绍了该系统。

    Through analyzing software and hardware structure of AS 620F control system , and combining user software design based on National Fired Protection Association regulation , this paper introduces the fail safety control system AS 620F .

  19. 网上营业厅是电信系统的运营公司将自己的电信业务通过Internet技术服务于用户的软件系统。

    The INTERNET BOSS ( Business Operation Support System ) is an Internet software system on which the Telecom carriers provide their services .

  20. RationalMethodComposer(RMC)提供了唯一一种用来设计用户定制软件开发过程的方法。

    Rational Method Composer ( RMC ) provides a unique way to design a customized software development process .

  21. LAN用户接入软件认证方案的实现

    An Implementation For LAN Access Authentication

  22. Windowsserver2003是为服务器开发的多用途操作系统,可为用户提供软件应用、应用程序开发、终端和通信等服务。

    As a multi-uses server operation system , windows server 2003 provides developing and appliance of software , terminal service , communication etc.

  23. 定义了应用程序编程接口(API),通过该接口能把用户专用软件模块扩展到系统中,使系统达到了一定的开放性。

    Application programming interface ( API ) was defined which users could extend the user-specific software function to the system .

  24. UI是用户体验软件价值的唯一途径。

    The UI is the only mechanism through which a user can experience the value of the software .

  25. AOP技术在面向用户的软件组件测试中的应用

    Applying AOP in a user oriented software component test

  26. NOVELL网络环境下用户通信软件的实现

    The Application of communication software in the environment of novell nets

  27. 如果惠普想要调整业务重点,像IBM公司IBM一样将企业用户及软件服务作为主要业务,那就得当机立断。

    If HP wants to refine its focus , make enterprise and software services its bread and butter like IBM ( IBM ) , get it over with .

  28. 基于QNX操作系统的EMPRESS数据库图形用户界面软件包

    EMPRESS Database GUI Software Package Based on QNX OS

  29. 正如Mockito用户、软件工程师HamletD'Arcy在其博客中所说,无需期望行为(expectations)是个大成就

    Lack of expectations is a big win , as software developer Hamlet D'Arcy , a Mockito user , explains on his blog

  30. 个人电脑厂商将向实体店和网店供应大量预装Windows7的新电脑,并向希望升级系统的Vista用户发售软件。

    PC makers will rush to flood physical and online stores with new computers pre-loaded with Windows 7 , and to offer the software to Vista owners who wish to upgrade .