
  • 网络user analysis;Customer Analysis
  1. 为解决这一问题,引入了OCR技术,并分析这一技术的可行性。(2)进行系统需求分析,阐述了系统目标、主要功能、运行环境和用户分析。

    In order to solve this problem , OCR technology is applied and feasibility is analyzed . ( 2 ) System requirements are studied , including system purpose , main function , operating environment and user analysis .

  2. 许多项目进行用户分析,在用户和他们的特点,造成大集。

    Many projects conduct a user analysis resulting in a large set of users and their characteristics .

  3. OLAP数据库会按明细数据级别组织数据,使用与用户分析数据时的相同分类。

    OLAP databases organize data by level of detail , using the same categories you use to analyze the data .

  4. 数据收集作为WSN中极为重要的操作之一,其作用是将节点感知到的数据传送到Sink节点以供用户分析和处理。电能是WSN中非常重要的资源。

    Data collection is one of the most important operations in the network , which means that the data sensed by nodes should be transmitted to the sink for further processing .

  5. 基于Web使用记录挖掘的网站用户分析的基本思路是:分析Web日志数掘,利用数据挖掘方法发现用户的使用模式,从而为网站决策提供可以借鉴的用户行为分类。

    The essence idea of the Web users analysis based on the web usage mining is : analyzing the Web log data , using the data mining approaches to find out the users pattern , and providing useful users ' information for web making decision .

  6. 基于网络环境的信息用户分析及服务对策

    Analyzing Information User and Suggestions on Service Based on the Network

  7. 1994~1996年我馆光盘用户分析

    An analysis of CD-ROM users in our library in 1994-1996

  8. 研究内容主要有:基于5W1H六元素的目标用户分析法、基于用户为中心的交互模型分析法等。

    Research includes : target audience analysis , based on user-centric interaction model of law .

  9. 为了帮助用户分析,可以采用各种技术有效地减少大量的冗余规则。

    To facilitate analysis , the number of redundant rules can be reduced significantly by techniques .

  10. 这些情报每天都在源源不断的送到相关部门,供用户分析处理和使用。

    The intelligence is continuously delivered to the related department to be analyzed and used by people .

  11. 本文构建的系统设计思路简洁清晰,结果经实践验证可行有效,为进一步实现更多数据源与更大数据量的用户分析系统的构建打下了良好的基础。

    It provides good foundation for achieving following system of analysis users with more data sources and greater data quantity .

  12. 能即时显示数据曲线,为用户分析训练对象提供一个有力的工具。

    It can show diagram of curves of data-acquisition dynamically , that is a powerful tool for people to analyze the trainer .

  13. 数据集市的真正希望在于其在企业内提供快速分发有意义的最终用户分析的机会。

    The real promise of data marts lies in the opportunity they offer to quickly distribute meaningful end-user analysis across the enterprise .

  14. 用户分析一个网页的时候,寻找一些重要的节点或者锚点,目的是希望这些链接能够指引他们到期望的内容。

    Analyzing a web-page , users search for some fixed points or anchors which would guide them through the content of the page .

  15. 论文首先对交通信息共享平台进行了用户分析、用户信息需求分析以及平台的功能需求分析,并对信息平台所要建设的内容做了介绍。

    The it gives a user analysis , user information demand analysis , function demand analysis and the content of the information sharing platform .

  16. 在实现土石方工程施工的动态管理的同时,有必要对施工过程的动态特征进行统计,为施工组织设计及现场施工管理提供便于用户分析的有用信息。

    And during management it is necessary to plan as a whole dynamic character of earthwork construction . So , user can analyze the information easily .

  17. 它还以表格形式提供数据,帮助用户分析服务器的性能和采取适当的纠正措施。

    It also provides data in the tabular form for users to draw conclusions about the performance of the server and to take corrective actions if needed .

  18. 然而传统算法生成的关联规则之间存在着大量的冗余规则,这使得用户分析和利用这些规则变得十分困难。

    But the traditional association rules discovery algorithm produces too many redundant rules , which makes it difficult for users to analyze and makes use of these rules .

  19. 通过不间断的用户分析和多层次网站优化,大部分设计错误及漏洞得到更正,目前用户群稳定,用户点击量稳中有升。

    Through continuous user analysis and optimization of multi-level sites , most of the design errors and vulnerabilities are corrected , the current user base stable , the user clicks steadily .

  20. 考虑到用户分析和理解土地利用变化的具体要求,从显示方式的改进、降维和图形组合方式入手,引入尺寸和色彩等视觉变量,提出了一种土地利用变化的静态时空可视化方法。

    Considering the users ' specific requirements in analyzing and understanding land use change , the static space-time visualization method for land use change is proposed by improving display mode , reducing dimension and compounding graphs .

  21. 通过市场分析(需求分析、用户分析、竞争对象分析及环境分析),探讨商品化产品设计目标决策的方法及步骤。

    In light of market analysis ( demand , customer , corrival and environment analysis ), the methodology and steps of design object decision of a commercial product was investigated . The effectiveness was illustrated by an example .

  22. 在金融、网络通信、生物学和商业智能等领域,信息可视化技术被广泛应用于辅助用户分析数据,进而发现其中蕴含的规律。

    In the field of finance , network communication , biology and business intelligence , information visualization is widely used for assisting the user to analyze the datasets and then to find the laws contained in the data .

  23. 在需求分析基础上,对劳动就业服务管理信息系统进行了架构设计,分别从功能架构、技术架构、网络架构以及用户分析等角度进行设计阐述。

    In demand analysis , based on labor and employment service management information system architecture design , respectively , from the functional architecture , technical architecture , network architecture and user analysis on the design point of view .

  24. 以通辽电厂2机密封油系统为例,针对密封油系统存在共性问题进行分析,提出了解决问题的方式、方法,供用户分析借鉴。

    Taking the seal oil system of Tongliao Power Station 2 # unit as an example , we analysed the common problems in seal oil system and put forward the methods of solving the problems for users ' reference to .

  25. 在市场分析(需求分析、用户分析、竞争对象分析及环境分析)的基础上,探讨了产品设计目标决策的方法及步骤,并以实例说明其有效性。

    On basis of analysis of markets ( demands , customers , competition opponents and environment ), the method and steps of design object decision on product were discussed . Then the effect of this method was also illustrated by concrete examples .

  26. 全文共包含4个部分:第一部分对国内著名社交网站平台进行了用户分析,建立了社交网站的基本功能架构,总结了社交网站的信息传播特征并提出了未来可能的发展方向。

    The thesis consists of4parts : the first part is the analysis of users on a famous domestic social networking platform . We establish the basic framework of social networking sites , summarize the information dissemination of social networking sites and put forward the possible future development direction .

  27. 论文以用户需求分析为基础,设计了Web检索应用的流程。

    This thesis designs the Web search application flow based on the analysis of clients ' demand .

  28. SPSS在数字图书馆用户数据分析中的应用

    Application of SPSS in the Digital Library Users ' Data Analysis

  29. 最后,本文针对C公司存在的问题,提出提高产品集成度和广告精准定向能力,推出用户行为分析服务以及加强销售力量的解决方案。

    Lastly the thesis proposed the solutions to the problems including improving products integration and accurate targeting capability , launching customer behavior analysis service and strengthening sales force .

  30. 系统的建立是一个复杂的系统工程,该文从GIS软件工程角度入手,重点探讨了建立系统的用户需求分析,并在其基础上给出系统的总体结构。

    Based on GIS software engineering , the user requirement analysis of the system is presented . The overall structure of the system is given out finally .