- 网络Contract economics;The Economics of Contracts

Enterprise development . Under the guideline of M-M theorem for capital structure theory and principal-agent theory of contract economics , the paper illustrates the effect of securitization in Chinese economic growth on deducting transaction cost and spurring the management internal motives and specially focuses on the entrepreneur spirit .
From Organization Theory to Contract Economics : A Survey
Analysis of Contract Economic in Reform of Medical Insurance System
On Audit Relationship from the Aspect of Contract Economics
This paper discusses the nature of scientific research contract based on contract economics .
The Order Evolution and China 's Rural Reforming : An Analysis Based on Contract Economics
An analytical framework of contract economics .
On the Reform of Rural Land System in Transition Period & A View of Contractual Economics
Modern contact economics begin from a complete set of concept , category and the method of analysis .
This paper analyzes three aspects of audit from the related theories such as contract economics , especially trust-agent theory .
The analysis considers that advancing front studies of organization theory has ascended from conventional organization theory to contractual economics .
In another word , venture capital investment is the best experiment to explain the basic principles of contract economics .
Making use of contract theory , this paper analyzes several price contracts for the moral hazard problem in technological licensing .
Through the discussion , the paper points out its characteristics of ambiguous contract , and its nature of incomplete contract .
To study organization in perspective of contractual economics , we can explain organization phenomenon in deeper , more precise and comprehensive way .
This paper offers primary discussion about the contract relationship among the member firms within a virtual organization , in the angle of contract economics .
As a significant part of the economic regime during transition period , the reform of Rural Land System is quite controversial in the academic circle .
The paper make use of theoretical knowledge of firm theory , firm organization economics , tactic management theory , contractual economics and theory of ownership , etc.
Comparing domestic and international management theory and transaction cost theory , the paper sums up a common source of the motivation theory - - happiness needs principle .
According to the analysis structure of contract economics , the important factors influencing the forms of contract governance include the capital specificity and the level of information maturity .
Cost exchange economics and contract economics provides a new perspective for the definition and existence of enterprise , but it does not give a reasonable solution to the issues .
Until the extension and development of Incomplete Contract Economics , Modern financial scholars begin consider financial control as an important and independent branch from the standpoint of corporate governances .
First of all , it starts from the contract economics , with the use of game model and empirical study , it analyzes the direct cause of the dysfunction of delisting mechanism .
The principal-agent relationships have been studied as a hot topic in contractual economics . Mirrlees 、 Hollmstrom have already established the formal model of the principal-agent theory to analyze this kind of relations .
Based on property economics , contract economics and the modern theory of the firm , this dissertation studies the problem of protecting property rights in corporate reorganization and some rules of corporate reorganization legislation .
Those issues discussed in contract economics such as agency cost , incentive problems , moral hazard , adverse selection and free-rider problem , etc. , all appear in the process of venture capital investment .
Hart and Holmstrom expressed the worry about the lack of empirical study of contractual economics . However , the recent study reveals that more and more empirical research have touched the concrete issue by econometrics study .
Combining the Supply Chain Configuration and the New Institutional Economics , the theory inquiry and research is introduced in Chapter 2 , mainly from the angle of resources supplement , transaction cost economics and contract economics .
This thesis attempts to clarify financial instrument and securities market from the perspective of contract , in order to analyze the formation and basic function of securities market by the essential hypothesis and general definition of contract economics .
This paper , based on theories of contract economics , discusses four logistics governance models , namely multilateral , trilateral , bilateral and unilateral governances . The applicable prerequisites , advantages and disadvantages of each governance mode are explicitly analysed .