
qì jī
  • chance;turning point;moment;possibility
契机 [qì jī]
  • [turning point] 机会,转折变化的机缘

契机[qì jī]
  1. TRAIL对肿瘤细胞的选择性杀伤作用为肿瘤治疗带来了新的契机,以TRAIL为靶点的肿瘤治疗研究成为近年来肿瘤研究领域的热点。

    The selectively killing effect of TRAIL on tumor cell brings about a new moment for oncotherapy , which aimed at TRAIL becomes a hot spot in the field of tumor research for the past few years .

  2. 得益于人类基因组计划(HGP)和其他模式生物基因组计划的顺利实施,生命科学研究领域正面临一个快速发展的契机。

    Life science is now facing an accelerated developmental moment profited from Human Genome Project and the analogous projects for model organisms .

  3. 这次的发现也许会成为他成功的契机。

    This discovery may yet be the making of him .

  4. 中国希望以北京会议为契机,深化亚太各经济体合作,建立面向未来的更紧密的伙伴关系,共同勾画亚太长远发展前景。Integration|一体化

    China hopes the Beijing meeting will deepen Asia-Pacific economic cooperation and shape the region 's future through closer partnership .

  5. 元宵节夜晚赏灯,为年轻姑娘们提供寻找心仪男子的契机。

    Watching lanterns at night was just an opportunity for young women to find a man whose appearance appealed to them .

  6. 对中国牡丹、芍药资源与利用现状进行了概述,指出世界花卉业发展的新趋势与中国加入WTO为中国牡丹、芍药生产的产业化与可持续发展带来了契机。

    Current status of Chinese peony resource and its utilization is summarized .

  7. 本文正是以此为契机,从对Audit的误译入手,追本溯源,探因究理,以期对审计定位和发展趋势进行一种崭新的理论探索。

    The essay just takes this chance , begins with misinterpretation of Audit and expects carrying out a theoretic research of audit orientation and developing trend .

  8. 中国加入WTO及全球经济一体化的趋势,为我国设计咨询业的成长提供了契机,同时也带来挑战。

    The fact that China joint WTO and the world economy turns to be integrative has provided both opportunity and challenge for design consultation service to grow stronger in China .

  9. 信息技术的发展使用户对Web服务的要求越来越多样化,而传统的动态Web发布技术难以满足这种变化,可扩展标记语言的出现无疑给这种变化带来新的发展契机。

    Information development enables user to make high demand of Web server , while traditional Web release technology can not suit this need . The emergence of XML technology bring new opportunity for solving this problem .

  10. 我们有理由相信,P2P不仅是一个有意义的研究领域,也是一个有契机的商业市场,P2P技术必将迎来更加辉煌的明天!

    We firmly believe that P2P is not only a meaningful research field , but also a potential business market . P2P technology will have a brighter future !

  11. 因此应抓住这次新一轮国际产业结构调整的契机,积极吸收并充分利用服务业的FDI,以优化产业结构,促进经济发展。

    So China should seize the opportunity of international industrial restructuring , actively absorb and make full use of FDI in Services to stimulate the growth of the economy .

  12. 第二章开始着重介绍ACC的发展历史,即在香港设立分会的时代契机。

    The second chapter highlighted the history of ACC development , i.e. the opportunity to establish the Hong Kong chapter .

  13. 21世纪,被称为第四媒体的Internet已成为现今世界上最大的信息载体,它在推动社会各行各业发展与变革的同时,也为现代远程教育的发展提供了契机,插上了腾飞的翅膀。

    In the 21st century , Internet has become the largest information carrier in the world . It promotes the development and change in all walks of life , and provides an opportunity for the development of Modern Distance Education .

  14. 十六届五中全会以后,IPTV业务作为一个三网融合的业务,得到了发展的契机。

    After the Fifth Plenary Session of the Sixteenth Central Committee , IPTV got a great opportunity for its development under network convergence background .

  15. 自中国加入世界贸易组织(WTO)以来,中国的纺织行业有了前所未有的机遇和发展契机,面临着纺织服装产业大国向纺织服装产业强国跨越的重大历史机遇。

    Since China joined the WTO , the Chinese textile industry has met unprecedented opportunities and developing moments . It is facing a major historical opportunity of transformation into a powerful nation of textile and apparel .

  16. 随着我国加入WTO和开放程度的持续加大,市场环境不断改善,经济全球化影响日渐明显,迎来了我国物流也蓬勃发展的新契机。

    As China joined WTO , and opened more and more to the world , Chinese market environment is improving , and the impact of economic globalization becomes more and more apparent , Chinese logistics industry has developed greatly .

  17. 1997年的韩国金融危机,为跨国并购提供了良好的契机,同时,韩国以跨国并购形式吸引FDI也为韩国尽快摆脱金融危机的阴影做出了不可否认的贡献。

    In the financial crisis in 1997 an opportunity was provided for transnational mergers and acquisitions , and the country 's using this form of investment to attract FDI has made undeniable contribution to getting out of the crisis .

  18. e-Science的出现,不仅会给整个科研协作模式带来彻底性的影响,更是给文献情报机构带来发展的契机与挑战。

    E-Science not only influences the whole scientific cooperation model , but also brings opportunity and challenge to documentation & information organization .

  19. 2008年北京人文奥运、发展CBA主场文化、培养明星及国际球员等是发展、传播我国篮球和谐文化的主要途径与契机。

    Humanistic Olympics of Beijing Olympic Games , constructing CBA host court culture , cultivating sports stars and international sportsmen are the main approach and chance of developing basketball " harmony " culture .

  20. CEPA的签定将会为重振香港制造业提供契机,为其产业结构转型提供有利的条件。

    The signing of CEPA will offer the opportunity to regenerate the manufacturing industry of Hong Kong , offers the favorable condition for making the transition in its industrial structure .

  21. 贵州要充分利用中国-东盟自由贸易区建立带来的契机,发挥相对区位优势并协调区际经济关系,以进一步推动贵州GDP增长。

    Guizhou should make full use of the opportunities brought by the establishment of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area ( CAFTA ), give play to its relative locational advantage , and coordinate interregional economic relations , so as to further stimulate its GDP growth .

  22. 快速公交(BRT)理念的产生为问题的解决提供了新契机,它通过对传统公共汽车在规划、设计、运营和管理上的改良,从而以较少的投资、较高的灵活性实现较高的服务效率。

    Bus rapid transit ( BRT ) achieves higher performance with less invest and more flexible by modifying the traditional bus in planning , designing , operation and management , and provides a new chance to solve the problems .

  23. 抓住改制契机,推进医院快速发展

    Seize opportunity of system reform and promote rapid development of hospital

  24. 以网格化管理试点为契机努力推进社区工会工作

    By chance of internet-management to improve trade union work in communities

  25. 这为中国的国企改革提供了一个契机。

    This is an big opportunity for reform of Chinese SOEs .

  26. 双向寻呼&寻呼市场的新契机

    Two - way Radio Brings New Life to the Paging Market

  27. 论北京奥运赞助给予我国企业塑造国际品牌的历史契机

    Discussion on Historic Opportunity Beijing Olympic Games Sponsoring Bestowing Our Enterprise

  28. 抓住高校社科版学报的发展契机

    Seizing the development opportunity of journals of social science of universities

  29. 以专业调整为契机加强实验室建设

    To Strengthen Laboratory Construction at the Turning Point of Speciality Adjustment

  30. 一场危机也可能是实现根本性改进的契机。

    A crisis can also be an opportunity for fundamental improvement .