
  • 网络With a heartbeat;Energy Behind the Heart
  1. 用心跳点燃圣火的辉煌。

    Heart beats start the sacred fire .

  2. 你在黑夜用强烈的心跳占据了我。

    You haunt me with your violent heartbeat .

  3. 我会用每次的心跳来爱你,和你在一起的每一刻都是我所珍爱的时刻。

    I 'll love you with every beat of my heart ! Every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure .

  4. 布莱特:那也许跟用妈妈的心跳声来安抚宝宝有关,对吧?

    Brett : That probably has something to do with soothing a baby with the sound of the mother 's heartbeat , right ?

  5. 他浑身发抖,毛发直竖,额头上凝着冷汗,他用自己的心跳来计算时间。

    Trembling , his hair erect , his brow bathed with perspiration , he counted the seconds by the beating of his heart .

  6. 第三支测试笔和被测试者手臂上的血压计皮囊相连,用以记录心跳、跟踪血压变化。

    Another pen , connected to a blood-pressure cuff on the subject 's arm , records each heartbeat and traces changes in blood pressure .

  7. 我会用每一次心跳来爱�

    I 'll love you with every beat of my heart

  8. 为何用你强烈的心跳占据了我又打击我!

    Why you haunt me with your violence baby , come hit me !

  9. 他用这个来恢复心跳反应。

    He was using it to revive heart response .

  10. 我会在那里,无论顺遂或艰辛,直至死亡将我们分开。我会用每一次心跳的力量爱你,我发誓。

    I 'll be there , for better or worse , till death do us part , I 'll love you with every beat of my heart and I swear .