
  • 网络User Documentation;user document;user profile
  1. 在试图使之RESTful之前,让我先试着写一份该示例关联的可能用户文档。

    Before attempting to make this RESTful , let me try to write a possible user documentation to accompany this example .

  2. 使用DocBook制作用户文档。

    Making the user documentation , using DocBook .

  3. 通过Dalvik机器的bytecodes(在用户文档中提供)了解有关该机器的更多信息。

    Learn more about the Dalvik machine through its bytecodes ( available in user documentation ) .

  4. javadoc格式对于其他程序员在编制代码文档方面是非常有效的,但是它无法替代用户文档。

    The Javadoc format is very effective in documenting code for other programmers , but is no substitute for user documentation .

  5. 这时,开发人员Sara对项目的范围提出了新的问题,主要是关于是否应该包括用户文档。

    At this point , the developer , Sara , begins a new line of questions relating to scope , especially whether user documentation is in or out .

  6. 信息过滤系统中用户文档更新策略研究

    Research on Method of User Profile Update in the Information Filtering System

  7. 然后,对于每一个请求,代码将更新用户文档。

    After that , the code updates the user document for each request .

  8. 主要检查点项目可交付性的列表(包括用户文档)和时间表。

    A list of major checkpoint project deliverables ( including user documents ) and schedules .

  9. 出售用户文档、邮件、相册等隐私数据获利;

    Sell the privacy data such as user documentation , mail , album gains profit ;

  10. 用户文档是不够充分的,存在一些对于操作者来说不够清楚的任务操作指示说明。

    User documentation was inadequate , leaving the operators with unclear instructions for some tasks .

  11. 完整的用户文档与规范的指南

    Complete user documentation & Prescriptive Tutorials

  12. 近日,脸谱偷偷修改了用户文档,将用户原来的邮箱地址改为@facebook.com地址。

    Most recently , Facebook surreptitiously modified user profiles to replace their original e-mail addresses with @facebook.com addresses .

  13. 文档模板指定适合于用户文档类型的相同类的视图和框架窗口用来显示用户打开的文件。

    The document template specifies what type of view and frame window are used to display each type of document .

  14. 答案显然是不这样做,抛弃所有的文档,包括任何最终用户文档和帮助文件。

    The obvious answer is to do the opposite , scrap all documentation including any end user instructions or help files .

  15. 结束阶段的任务包括集成,系统测试,用户文档,培训材料和市场营销材料的准备。

    Integration , system test , user documentation , training material preparation , and marketing material preparation are among closure tasks .

  16. 如果有标有的螺栓,请使用用户文档中建议的导线将其连接到安全地。

    If a screw is present , connect it to safety earth ground using the wire recommended in the user documentation .

  17. 最后,本教程讨论了本地化和分类选项,以及介绍了用户文档,例如在线帮助和技巧文档。

    Finally this tutorial discusses localization and categorization options as well as introduce user documentation options such as the online help and cheat sheets .

  18. 到目前为止,您可能一直在想,自动生成技术文档固然不错,但是最头疼的是创建用户文档。

    So far , you may have been thinking that generating technical documentation automatically is nice but that your pain lies in creating user documentation .

  19. 在编写自己的用户文档时,我发现大量的时间都浪费在文档内部的复制、粘贴上。

    In writing my own user documentation , I found I was spending quite a bit of time simply copying and pasting text throughout the document .

  20. 根据中小企业的需求特点,提出手工建模与示例建模相结合的建模方法,并重点研究了基于用户文档的示例建模。

    According to the demand in SMEs , this paper proposed a method to construct user model , which is a combination of sample modeling and manual modeling .

  21. 创建整套完整用户文档和处理定期框架更新版本的小组成员推荐这种方法。

    It was maintained by a team of people who had created a complete set of user documentation for it and who issued regular update releases of the framework .

  22. 研究了协同编著系统中多用户文档的管理、操作和并发控制模型,分析了同步会议的管理模型、会议的同步模型和消息的管理策略;

    It studys not only the management model , operation model and concurrent control model of multi user document , but also the cooperative meeting management model , synchronization model and message control strategy .

  23. 在此类工程中不允许有用户文档。必须删除各项用户文档。确认要修改工程类型吗?

    User Documents are not allowed in this type of project . Item ( s ) has ( ve ) to be removed . Are you sure you want to change the project type ?

  24. 例如,可以使用“参加研习班”用例作为基础来编写系统用户文档的“如何参加研习班”一节。

    For example , the " how to enroll in a seminar " section of your system 's user documentation could be written using the " Enroll in Seminar " use case as its base .

  25. 国家标准GBT17544规定了软件包的质量要求及针对这些要求如何对软件包进行测试的细则。质量要求从产品描述、用户文档、程序及数据三个方面进行了规定,测试细则依据这些规定制定。

    There are some regulations for quality of software packages and some details for testing software packages in Nation Standard GB / T17544 . The quality regulations are in several aspects , including products description , user document , program and data , which testing details are based on .

  26. MicrosoftWord提供了书签功能,让用户为文档中的特定位置创建标签。

    Microsoft Word includes a feature called bookmark , which offer users the opportunity to create labels for a position in a document .

  27. 但是在实际使用中还有许多功能Authorware本身并不具备,需要设计用户代码文档来扩充其功能。

    However , in practice , many functions that authorware lacks need extending by designing User Code Document .

  28. 当用户双击文档时,需要在相关联的应用程序中打开文档(比如用AdobeReader打开PDF文件)。

    When the user double-clicks the document , you need to launch the document in its associated application ( such as the Adobe Reader for a PDF file ) .

  29. 与用于解析的SAX事件不同,DOM事件可以反映出用户与文档的互动以及对使用文档的改变。

    Unlike the SAX events , which are for parsing , DOM events can reflect user interactions with a document as well as changes to a live document .

  30. 由于在许多软件中都可以使用ODF,越来越多的用户把文档存储为ODF格式。

    As a result of the widespread availability of these offerings , a growing number of users are saving their documents in ODF formats .