
  • 网络user characteristics;user profile
  1. 利用向量空间模型表征用户特征,再用支持向量机将Folksonomy用户二分类。

    Vector space model , the characterization of user characteristics , and then support vector machine Folksonomy user two classification .

  2. 一种基于用户特征和时间的协同过滤算法

    A Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Based on User Characteristics and Time Weight

  3. 模型通过树型目录和智能体建立和维护用户特征描述(UserProfile),能够较好地完成个性化信息搜集任务。

    The model establishes and maintains User Profile through Tree Index / Directory and Agent and can finish the task of individualized information retrieval well .

  4. 从3G业务偏好、促销手段和了解途径等方面对西安第三代移动通信早期用户特征和偏好进行分析。

    According to 3G business favoritisms , promotion tactics , the approach of understanding and so on , the early user of the third generation mobile communication characteristics and favoritisms are analyzed .

  5. 探讨了基于UGⅡ软件的冰箱吸塑模的用户特征库的建立,并给出了建库的几个实例。

    The method of generating user final feature lib used in refrigerator mould based on UG II was also discuss in this paper , several examples for lib creation was given as an illustration .

  6. 在没有信道或用户特征波形的先验知识时,我们通过应用盲MIMO信道识别和均衡理论,证明了恢复多用户信息字符的可能性。

    The application of the theory of blind multiple input multiple output ( MIMO ) channel identification and equalization makes it possible to recover information symbols without any prior knowledge of the channel or the user 's signature waveforms .

  7. 本文首先介绍了特征和特征库技术,然后在I-DEAS软件平台上结合三维参数化造型定义了用户特征,并建立了用户自定义特征库。

    This paper firstly introduced the technology of feature and feature library , then based on I-DEAS software platform , defined the feature with 3-D parameterized modeling and established user-defined feature library .

  8. NERMS中基于决策树算法的用户特征分类设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of User Characteristic Classification Based on Decision Tree Algorithm in Network Educational Resource Management System

  9. 系统由数据采集模块,数据DPI模块,内容分类模块,用户特征数据库等模块组成;对系统中的数据DPI模块,内容分类模块,用户特征数据库进行了详细设计。

    The system is consisted of data acquisition module , data DPI module , content classification module and the user characteristic database module . The last three modules of the system are designed in detail .

  10. 通过决策树可以发现那些和用户特征最为相关的一些用户属性。

    Constructing a Decision Tree with user attributes as its node .

  11. 基于知识工程的用户特征零部件库的开发与应用

    The development of user defined parts library on knowledge based engineering

  12. 基于显性用户特征的数字电视节目推荐系统

    Digital TV program recommendation system based on explicit user profiles

  13. 心脏远程监护仪的用户特征及费用分析

    Analysis of Character and Charge on Users of Cardiac Remote Monitoring Apparatus

  14. 这些访问日志蕴藏着丰富的用户特征信息。

    These access logs feature rich user information .

  15. 利用网页相关度矩阵修正概率向量,得到了反映网页相关性和用户特征聚类的挖掘模型。

    The mining result was an integration of page similarity and user clustering profiles .

  16. 个性化信息获取方法的研究研究了特征提取算法和遗传算法,提出了两种基于用户特征文档集合的用户个性特征提取算法,并通过实验验证了算法的效率。

    Two feature extraction algorithms that based on user feature documents sets are proposed .

  17. 用户特征准自动生成。

    User characteristic quasi automatically generated .

  18. 把这些用户特征用恰当的形式和数据结构表示出来,就构成了用户模型。

    Express these user 's characteristics with appropriate form and data structure , which constitutes a user model .

  19. 阐述了在信息集成环境下信息资源的权限管理和访问控制方法,并建立统一的模型来描述集成后的信息资源和用户特征。

    Secondly , a unified model is established to describe the integration of information resources and user profile .

  20. 进而以这两个特征为维度构建以向量表示的用户特征模型。

    And then establish user feature model based on these two characteristics , and it is expressed with vector .

  21. 将影响你的设计的两个最常见的用户特征,是视觉和身体上的缺陷。

    Two of the most common user characteristics that might affect your design are visual impairments and physical impairments .

  22. 新闻推荐规则是建立在用户特征提取算法的基础之上实现的,是对本系统实现的补充和完善。

    The news recommendation rule generation part is based on feature extraction part and it is the complement of the system .

  23. 而更重用的是,通过对这些用户特征的理解和分析,可以有助于开展有针对性的电子商务活动。

    And more importance , through the understanding and analyzing of user 's characteristic , it can help and develop the electronic commercial activities .

  24. 在本文的设计方案中,用户特征分析系统由日志预处理、文本预处理、用户特征分析等三大模块组成。

    In the design of this article , characteristics of the system by the user logs pretreatment , text preprocessing , user characteristics analysis of three modules .

  25. 分析了山西科技电子政务系统的用户特征,探讨了人机交互技术在山西科技电子政务系统中的实际应用。

    This paper introduces the user features of Shanxi Sci-tech E-government System , and probes into the application of human-computer interaction technology in Shanxi Sci-tech E-government System .

  26. 本文提出一种基于用户特征模型将用户从单一特征维度到多特征维度的进行变粒度分类的算法。

    This paper proposes a variable granularity user classification algorithm based on the user feature model , which classifying the users from the single feature dimension to the multiple-features dimension .

  27. 在此基础上,提出了基于用户特征的推荐算法和改进的基于项目的协同过滤算法,从而在一定程度上缓解了推荐系统面临的主要挑战。

    Then , it proposed a user-feature-based recommendation algorithm and an improved item-based collaborative filtering algorithm , which to some extent alleviate the major challenges the recommender system are facing .

  28. 研究结果表明公司特征因素和制度特征因素显著影响了软件开发过程中初始阶段的初始信任形成,用户特征即用户倾向特征因素也显著影响初始信任。

    The results of the study indicated that the company features factors and system characteristic factors significantly affected initial trust formation ; the user tendencies characteristic factors also significantly influence the initial trust .

  29. 这项技术对大约50个因素进行分析,以建立一套用户特征。这些因素包括用户按个人识别码键盘的力度、握持手机的方式、地理位置、面部识别和指纹。

    The technology analyses about 50 different factors to build a picture of a user from pressure applied to the pin-pad to how the phone is held , location , facial recognition and thumbprint .

  30. 实证分析了微博社交网络特征与用户特征。对新浪微博在线数据进行了多维度分析,包括用户特征、微博特征、时间与演化特征等,探讨了作用于用户影响力与微博传播关系的主要因素。

    We empirically analyze the network features of SINA Microblog social network including user characters , tweet features , network evolvement , etc and discuss the dominating factors which act on user influence and tweet oriented information dissemination .