
  • 网络User Assistance
  1. 在“用户帮助”中,欢迎页面可能显示错误或异常行为。

    In user assistance , welcome pages may show errors or unexpected behavior .

  2. 与以前相比,系统提供了更多的用户帮助。

    More user assistance is available than ever before .

  3. 如果要显示wordperfect用户帮助,请单击“帮助”菜单上的“wordperfect帮助”。

    To display help for WordPerfect users , click WordPerfect help on the help menu .

  4. 注:特定应用设置不应该包含用户帮助内容。

    Note : Application-specific settings should not include user help content .

  5. 支持活动用户帮助桌面的网站。

    Sites supporting an active user help desk .

  6. 简要介绍了太阳能热水器的原理和选购、使用、保养方法,希望能够给予广大用户帮助。

    This paper mainly introduced the working principle of the solar energy water heater , how to choose , use and maintain it .

  7. IntegrationDeveloper用户可以帮助调试“为部署而设计”项目。

    Integration Developer users can assist in debugging design to deploy projects .

  8. 以GUI的方式给用户提供帮助对于所有应用程序来说都是个重要的特点。

    Offering help to the user at any point of a GUI is an important feature for all applications .

  9. 第1部分介绍了UNIX的基础知识:文件、进程、用户和帮助系统。

    Part I covers the basics of UNIX : files , processes , users , and the help system .

  10. 我们选择的设计方式相当有趣,您可以在ProjectZero论坛上发表问题寻求ProjectZero小组和其他社区用户的帮助。

    The choice for design is an interesting one , and you can post questions on the Project Zero forums for assistance from the Project Zero team and others in the community .

  11. 现在,如果返回一个错误,您就可以检查错误ID,而不只是显示对用户没有帮助的默认错误消息。

    Now , when an error is returned , you check for the error ID rather than simply displaying a default error message that isn 't helpful to the user .

  12. 这是Samba团队提供的一项额外功能,旨在为共享主机上的用户提供帮助和减少混淆。

    This is an extra feature the Samba team put in place to help people on shared machines and reduce confusion .

  13. 本文所提供的说明和技巧可以在安装和配置DB2、Oracle、IDS、WebSphereApplicationServer和SAP等各种产品时为WPAR用户提供帮助。

    The instructions and tips provided here can help users of WPARs with installation and configuration of various products , such as DB2 , Oracle , IDS , WebSphere Application Server , and SAP .

  14. 纠正GECOS信息看起来可能意义不大,但是这对系统上的其他管理员和用户有帮助。

    Correcting the GECOS information may sound trivial , but it is helpful to the other administrators and users on the system .

  15. 最后,他们还能看到彭博用户问询帮助台的信息

    And , finally , they could see information about help desk inquiries

  16. 终端用户和帮助台培训问题

    End user and help desk education issues

  17. 通过电话或现场指导来给用户提供帮助,解决问题;

    Instruct and Help user to solve problems by telephone or face to face communication .

  18. 除非有我的用户的帮助。

    Without the help of my user .

  19. 获取关于如何创建可访问网络资源的用户的帮助和其他详细信息。

    Get help and additional details on how to create users with access to network resources .

  20. 这样的话,当用户请求帮助时,当需要时将下载帮助内容。

    This way , when a user requests help , it will be downloaded when needed .

  21. 观察用户能够帮助您了解您的设计是否满足要求,或者问题出在哪里。

    User observations can help you determine how well your design works or where there are problems .

  22. 新的错误页面提供了一个简单的用户体验帮助用户减少社会工程学和仿冒网站攻击。

    New error pages provide a simplified user experience which helps to mitigate social-engineering and phishing attacks .

  23. 这样的适应性可以为广泛的用户提供帮助,范围从初级用户到高级用户,直至那些身体有残障的用户。

    Such adaptations assist a wide variety of users , ranging from simple to advanced to disabled users .

  24. 那些能赚钱的谷歌产品努力用一种方法能够为用户提供帮助。

    Those Google products that make money strive to do so in a way that is helpful to users .

  25. 用户分类帮助判断用户组是否容易迁移。

    User segmentation provides guidance and helps to identify whether user groups ( segments ) are difficult or easy to migrate .

  26. 这个描述应该对您组件的其他用户有所帮助(如果您决定将它与其他人一起共享)。

    The description should be helpful to other users of your component ( if you decide to share it with others ) .

  27. 即使您在非正式地这样做,也请写下您的结果-它们以后也可以向您和您的用户提供帮助。

    Even if you 're doing this informally , write your results down & they can help you and your users later .

  28. 一种想法是从赛格威视频流,并允许用户在线帮助周围的地方,他们都是直接失明人士。

    One idea is to stream video from the Segway and allow online users to help direct blind people around wherever they are .

  29. 许多帮助系统认为其任务是为新手用户提供帮助,严格来讲,实际情况并非如此。

    Not for beginners Many help systems assume that their role is to provide assistance to beginners . This is not strictly the case .

  30. 同时提供学习资料的共享,好的学习方法等相关资讯,使广大用户得到帮助。

    Provide the share of study data in the meantime , the good study method waits related information , making the large customer get a help .